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Show Of the Hiftorieof Plants. a 50 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 1( Lis. 2, ta Citratum,that is,hauing the fmel ofa PomeCitron,or a li mon,which giuethit the difference fron the other wilde times. + It growes in manygardens alfo,and(as I hauebeen told)wildein divers places of Wales, > Cuar.r174: Of Garden Time. 8 This (whichis the SerpilumPannonicum 3. ofClufius) runnes or {preds it felfe far vpon the ground. For thoughit havea liard and wooddyroot like as theformer kindes,yet the branches q The Defiription. whichlie {pred round about here and there take root, which intime becomeas hardand woodd asthe former. Theleaues andftalkes are like thofe of thelaft defcrided, but rough and hoatie: the flouresalfoarenot vnlike thofe of the commonkind. The wholeplant hath akinde ofefinons {mell.It floures in lune withthe reft, and growes vponthe like mountainous places ; bntihether with vs in England or no I cannotyet affirme anything of certaintic, + The Place. Thefirft groweth vponbarrenhills and vntoiled places: the fecond growethin gardens, The white kinde I found at Southflect in Kent, in a barrenfield belonging to one M'. WiNiamSm, G The Time. Theyfloure from May to the end of Sommer. fcription;; becaufe no defcription ne thatitit needeth <NO' i fo well knowne ime of Timeis i firft kinde gareis not any which are ignorant what T/hymam duriws 1551 meane our common ia rifing 4from branches riting yooddy branches ndeof Timewith broad leaues hath mahy wooday Pee The fecondki 2 about the ftalke like threddy root, befet with leaues like Myrtus. The floures are fet in rundles Horehound.The wholeplant.is like the common Time in tafte and fmell. $2 Thymumlatifoliam. A Thymum durius. Greator broad leaued Time. eTTine Hard Time. @ The Names. Wild Timeis called in Latine Serpillum,a ferpendo,ofcreeping: in high and low-Dutch,Qs Deland wilden Chpmng,and alfo Onfer Wroutven bedftroo: in Spanith, Serpoll : in Traian, Serpillo : in French, Pillolet « in Englith, Wilde Time, Puliall Mountaine, Pella mountainé, nnning Time, creeping Time, Mother of Time: in fhops it is called Serpyllum ; yet fomecallit hleginm montanum : and it is eucty where (faith Dodoneus) thought to be the Serpyllum ofthe Ant ents, Notwithftanding it anfwereth not fowel to the wilde Times as to Diofcorides his Saxifiags:; for ifitbe diligently comparedwiththe defcription ofboth the Serpilla and the Saxifranga,it hal be found tobelittlelike the wilde Times, but very muchlike the Saxifranga : for (faith Digfi des) Saxifranga is an herbe like Time, growing on rockes,where our commonwilde Timeisoften. times found. &lianus in his ninth bookeof his fundry Hiftories feemeth to number wilde Time among the floures. Dionyfius Junior ({aith he) comming into the city Locris in Italy, poffefled moft of te houfes of thé city, and did ftrew themwithrofes, wild Time,and other fuch kindes offloutes.Yet Virgil in the fecond Eclog of his Bucolicks doth moft manifeftly teftifie that wilde Time isan herbe, in thefe words: Theftylis & rapidefefsis mefforibus aftu Allia,ferpillumque, herbas contundit olentes. Theftilis for mowers tyr’'d with parchingheate, Garlicke, wilde Time,{trong {melling herbes doth beate. Out ofwhich place it may be gathered, that commonwilde timeis the trueand right Serpillamot wilde Time, which the Grecianscallipnne-. Marcellus an old antient Author among the Frenchmen faith it iscalled Gilarum ; as Plinius Valerianys {aithit is called ofthe fame, Lauri. 3 os | _The Temperature. f Wilde Time is oftemperature hotanddry in the third degree : it is of thinand fubtill pas cutting and muchbiting. A G Thevertues. Itbringeth downe the defired fickneffe, prouoketh vtine, applied in bathes and fomentations!! fC ptocurethfweat : being boyledin wine, it helpeth theague,it eafeth the ftrangurie, it frayeth ec hicket, it breaketh the ftones in the bladder, it helpetkrthe Lethargie, frenfie, and madnelle, ftayeth thevomiting ofbloud. yi B Wilde Timeboyled inwine and drunke,is good againft the wamblingand gripings ofthebel lie, Tuptures, convulfions, and inflammations ofthe liuer, “ Cc ie againft the bitings ofany venomousbeaft, either takenin drinke, or outwardly # D etius writeth, That Serpilium infufed well in Vineger, and then fodden and mingled with 18 water, is aright fingular remedie to cure them that haue had a long phrenfie or lethargi¢E Galen prefcribeth one dram ofthe inyce tobegiuen in vineger againft the vomiting ofblows and helpeth {uch as are gricued with the fjpleene, Cat 3 iss: sees ; s Time of Candyis in all refpedts likevnto common Time, but'differeth a mat eY; kinde hathcertaine knoppy tufts not much ynlike the fpikes or knots ofStecados, - aye befet with flenderfloures of a purple colour, The whole plantis ofa miore gracious fmellt banany ofthe other Times, and ofanotherkinde of tafte,as it were fauouring like fpice. The rootis brit, pict tle, and of a wooddy fubftance. d for that cule 4 Doubtleffe ohne kinde of Time whereon Epithymum doth gtow, and iscalle Time and is all ous Epithymum, and vfed in fhops, is nothing elfe than Dodder that growes ypon seabelling.8 with ours, though Marthiolus makes a controuerfie anddifference thereof : for Pena the hills in Narbone neere the fea, hath feeie nor oriely theigarden Time,but the wilde Ehee 2 loden and garnithed with this Epithymam. Sothat by his fight and mine owne knowledge : a : affured, that it is not another kinde of Timethatbeareth Epithymum, but is cominon Fime: = : haue often foundthe fame in Etiglarid,not onély ‘vpon our Time, but ypon Sauorie; and ~ herbes alf:notwithftanding thus much I may coniedture,that the clymate of thofe Cae dothyeeldthe fame forthin greateraboundance than oursspy reafon ofthe intemperanec OF Whereunto our countrey is fubiea. i ; Bbb 3 y30 S03 a ha " |