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Show ani leaues hath three veines running alongft it: rhe floures in thofe ofthe former, but of a moftelegant purple colour fhape and manner of growing arelike : which fadingthey become bleiv, ‘The floures are furcceeded byfuch codsas the former, wherei n are contained longifh fmall variegated feed : whichripe, the cods fly open, and twine them{elues round; in-moft plants'ofthis kinde: the rootis blacke, hard, tuberous and wooddy,fendingforth each asyeare new fhouts. This floures in April and May,and ripeneth the feed in Iune... This wasfou wooddie places of Hungarie : he calls it orobus Pandonicus x. nd by Clufixs in divers mountainous $3 Orobus montanusflo. albo, ¥ 4 Orobus montanus anguftifolins Whitemountai ne Peafe. ® oe Ofthe HiftroyofPlans. th tafte; but afterwards bitter : it hath no clauicles ,beca ufethe fulkes need no fupporters : the floures grow vpon long foot-ftalkes, {pike-fathionlike thofe of Peale; but leffe, and white of colou r: after thefe follow long blackith cods,full of a blackeor elfe fotted feed : the rootsareabout the length of onesli ttle finger, fafhionedlike thofe ofthe Af,(phodilorlefler feniale Peionie, but leffer, blacke witho ut, and white within, Clufius found this themountainous places nighthe baths of Baden on ,and in the like places in Hungarie:he calls it Onbis Pannonicus 3. @ The Temperate re and Vertues. Tuee are not knownenor wed in phyficke; yet ifthe t Cuar. 527° £2 Ervumfilucfre, Birds Peafe. are like thofe of the laft decribed, and containe in thema brownit hfeed,larger thani Otherkindes. This is an annual! plant,and perifhes as fOone as it hath perfected the feed. Siues vs this by the name oforebus Pannonicus 4» Dedoneus giues the famefig ure for his 47 tatifolins : and Bawhiné aifitmesthis to bethe Galega montana, inthe Hift. Lugd.pa g 1 139. But! feeme tobe of two feuerall plants;> for Dodomeus affirmes his tohaue a liuing root, and firch fc alfothatin the #if, Lugd. tobe : yet Clufins faith expreffelythat his is an annual!, and fouret i Offome orber Pulles, tr Ochrus, fiue Ervilia, white, with fome little yellowneffé on the two little leaues that turne vpwards. T third be the Galega montana of the Hiftirig Iyd,thenit is there faid to be effeuall again{t poyfo n, the wornes,the falling ficknefle, and the Narrowleafed mountaine Peafe, 3 Thishath ftalkes fomecubir high,ftiffe, ftraight, and crefted ned winged leaues, confifting offoure fufficientlylarge and fharpe ; whereon by turnesarefaltpointed Jeaues,whererofome timesat the very end growesa fifth : the veinesin thefe run from the middle rib towards th ges: theirtafte is firft fomewhat fourith, afterwards bitterit h. The floures growvponfhe comming forth ofthe bofomes of the leaues,fiueorfix together, like thofe of the Fetch colour agg Apilland May, and groweth in fome wooddy mountainous places of the kingdom of H ungatie, , This fourth hath,ftraightfirme comered flalkesfome foot or more high, whereupon grow janes vfually foure ona foot-ftalke, ftanding two againft two, vpright, being commonly almo f thee inches long, at firft of a fouri Crimfongraflé Fetch: «|: The Defcription. ake He firft of thefé hath corneredbroad ftalks like thofe ofeverlafting Peafe,ind they are weake, and commonly lie vponthe ground,vnleffe they hane fomethingto fupeth ic:¢the lower leaves are broad, and commonly Slofthe welt the ftalke at their fetting eras at oe wae thleafe do vfually growout after ah vnufuall manner, two, three, ormore other eee more long than broad, and the middlerib ofthe firft leafe runnes ibe prety the ve e hi a3 BAH E a hAR eeeintw ; oes Thy eae" 5 ofc the out-growing ote: els. leaves,end as itends afpingtendre cs Stowthe loweft vpon the ftalkes haue commonly the fevve comming Fri. SS Sag Of the Hittorie of Plants. 2S rer 248 and ofa light greene colour: the floures grow vponlon ofthe leaues, many together, hanging downe,{mall, g foot-ftalks comming forth ofthe boom. yer fhaped like thofe ofother Pulfesyandiof3 purple colour: after thefe follow cods almott like thofe of Fetches, but rounder, red when they be tipe, and containing inthem a longith white feed: the root is hard and wooddy,running diners wayes with manyfibres,andliuing fundry yeares:: this varies {omtimeswith yellower greenleaues and white floures. It flouresin May, and growes onelyin fome few gardens withys. 5 2 The ftalkes ofthis alfo are a foot or more high,f tiffe, cornered, and green; on thefedo Stow winged leauesfix or eight on a rib, after the manner of thofeof the laft defcribed ; each of thefe |