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Show iC ae: ae Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 562 Glaux exignua maritima. : Blacke Saltwoort, Liasi. —_—-— I Polygala repens. q} The Place. Creeping Milke-wort; Of the; HiftoryofPlants. lat me 2° Polycala flore ceruleo, Bios Wileiner: Thestrue Glanx or Milkwoortgrowethve, ty plentifullyin falt places & marthesnece thefea,from whence[ haue: broughtirino my garden, where it profpereth aswellasin his natiue foile. [found it efpecially be tweene Whitftable andthe Ifle of Thanet in Kent,and by Grauefend inthe fame coun. tie,by Tilbery Block-houfe in Effex, andin <4 oN (Be 7 the ifleof Shepey,going from Kingsferyto Sherland houte. @ oThe Time, It flourethin May, and thefeed isripein Tune, sh f YZ i (Y, BN hee ay oP Ry, i Le < Beg 5 ge koe o> Ws LS Qs ef q The Names. The names haue beene futficiently {poken ofimthe defeription. It thall fafficeto callit in Englifh , Sea Milkwoort. q The Nature. i Paulus\ Aegineta faith,it is hor'andmoit o temperature. @ The vertues. This Milkwoort taken withmilke,drinte, or pottage,ingendereth ftore of milke, and therefore itis good to be vied by aurtes that wantthe fame. 3 Polygalaru lygala rubris. bris floribus, eee teal SaaoeAGS SRT Red Milkewort. Cuar- 169. Of Milke-woort. q The Defcriptions Sin : "Here haue beene manyplants neerely tefembling Polyzala,andyet not the faene inde, which dothverifie the Latine faying, Nudlum fimile eft idem. ‘This neere t¢ enablane’ c Sie : s A increale doth rather hinder nok that haue fpent muchtime in the knowledgeof fimples, than eS oe knowledge. And this alfo hath been an occafion that many haue imagineda fundry oa avato themfelues,and fo of other plants.Ofwhich number,this (whereofI {peake) 18 0M vad pine this name of the beft writers andherbarifts of ourtime,deferibing it thus.Ithath manythis ee te cteeping on the ground :bearing leaues like themof Herniaria, es - rowes . : 3 = 3 aiip mn - r . ons s y rp pal Malkwoor i ome Sea Malinnoare t ; among i OF dogrow which TOW {mall whorles,or crownets nets ofwhite whiteHon™® € r00t being exceeding {mal! and threddie. fub econd kinde i Pe cs fecond lay 'a {mall herbewit ofc Pofygalais i h pliant flender ftems, i ofa wool of teenone erespingby the ground;the leaues be fimall 8 narrowlike to ie s tile. Mea ge floures growat the top,ofa blewcolor,fathioned likea little bird, wit i B difeerne bythemthat facezedn rhe geNabe ( I bene tobe difcerned el i doe obferue the fame :which foreme wo0¢ and fall leffer.The rootis paffortsbu Bur/a thofeof t es,like fed cl This sthird kinde of Polyeala ct Milkewoort,hath leaues and ftalkes like the laftbelo ae tioned, a", it herein, herein, that branches,andthe leaucs t! this is kinde kinde hath fmaller G ethh fromftom it IR ANGanddiffer een or purple odau ei ts : ie ; d the floures. together. thruft thicke bois sether, and are like the other,gregh but that they bee of area Oris The Basti ‘ mips ie fae is like the laft fpokenof in euery refpe@,but a RAs ; eh. hite HeAoumess; that ithatby ‘nice Fi tae kd ee poping sfiereth fromthe others in the colour ofthe floures;it brine : anches than the precedent, and the r a efpeci4? colour ; wherein le floures Rethithe difference, >a are ofag purple= colour; ¥ whereine P = oe 4 Polygala Polygala albisflovib albis flovibus: usi White Milkewort, |