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Show 1384 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. $ 11 Ericapumila,y Dod. Dodonaushis Dwarfe Heath- Lis.3, F 2 Erica ternsper intervallaramis, Heath with three branchesata ioint a OFthe Hiftory of Plants, $15 Erica Covisfolio. 9. Clujij. Small Auftrian Heath. NU, EN WW 1385 .. many wooddy and twiggy branches,hauing ypon « themlittle narrow and longith leaues ; on thele ftalkes {pike fathion to the tops ofthem,yer but ononefide, grow elegant redde floures, pointed with blacke. This, growes in thattrad of Ger- <7 z ee many whichleads from Bohemia to Noremberg on dry and vntilled places, and necte woods, It floures in Aprill. 12 This thrubby Heath is commonly fome cubit high, hauingflender branches which come outofthe maine ftemmes commonly thtee together ; and the leaues alfo grow in the fame order; the tops ofthe branches are adorned with many a ) PAN i= iy ‘ R | ZU f < A AS \{) 2 floures of a darke» purplea colour. hollow. round, purp 3 > biggeft below,andftanding ypon long footftalks. Clufius found this growing in the vntilled places of Portingale aboue Lisbone,where it floured in December; hecalls it Erica Cornfolio, 5. 13 -Befidesall thefe (faith Lobel, hauing fir treated ofdiuers plants of this kinde) thereis a. certaine rarer {pecies growing like the reft after ~ the manner of a fhrub in pots,in the Garden of M' toh Brancton:theleafeis long,and the purple floures, which as far as I remember confifted of foure little leaues apiece,erowon the tops of the branches. I know not whenceit was brought,and % 13 EBricaperigrina Lobelg. * pol flrange Heath, therfore for rhe rarity 1 call it Erica peregrina,that is, Strange, or Forteine Heath. 14 This hath many round blackith purple branches fome footor cubit high, lying oft times along vponthe ground: thefe are befet with many narrowlittle leaues, almoft like thofe of the thitd defcribed, yet fomewhat longer,commonly growing foure, yet fometimes fiue together, of anafttingent tafte ; the little floures grow onthe top of the branches, longifh, hollow, and of a light purple coloyr, comming out of foure little leaues almoft of the fame colour ; when thefe #etipeand dryed they containea blackifhand finall feed ; the root is hard, wooddy, and runnes “ilers waies ; the weake branches alfo that lie vpon the ground now and then take root againe. lfius foundthis growing plentifully in diuers mountanous places of Germany where it floured iilune, and Tuly. t 15 Theweake ftalkes of this are fome foot high,whichate fet with many {mall greene leaues sowing commonly together by threes; the tops of the branches are deckt with little hollow and longith foures diuidedat their ends into foure parts, ofa fleth colour,together wih the foure litUe leaues out of which they grow, hauing eight blackifh little threds in them, with a purplith ‘untall inthe middle: The feed is blackeand {mall , the root wooddyas inother plants of this ‘tude. Clufizs found this in fome mountanous woods of Auftria, where it floured in Aprill and May, + @ The Place. Heath roweth vpon dry mountaines which are hungry and barren, as vpon Hampftced Heath leere London,where all theforts do grow, except that with the white floures,and that which beatthbetries. t There are not aboue three or foure forts that I could euer obferue to'growthere . + cath with the white floures groweth vpon the downes neere vnto Gfauefend. Heath which bearethberries growethin the North parts of England, namely,ata placecalled stosby Rauenfwaith, andin Crag clofe alfo in the fame countrey: from whence I haue receiued “ted berries by the giftofalearned Gentlemancalled M‘. Lames Thwaites. @ The Time. , shefekindes or forts of Heathdo for the moft part floure all the Sommer, even vntill the latt September : © Th: Names, ‘ es Heath is called in Grecke, ipa : in Latinealfo Erica - diuers do falfly name it Myra: 1n high Datch, Heiden : in Italian, Grica-in Spanith,Brefo Quirro: in French, Bruyre:in Englith, Hather, and Linge. & The Naaaa2 |