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Show sao Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 278 Lis.2, Linz: OftheHiftoryof Plants, To i i di aBeoan Cantabrica:in Englith, Italian Rocket, eeand.maeCf eaitina Pigwocomon, whercofI finde nothing extant $ 3 Erigerontomento{umalterum, G The Names. The other Catron Groundfell: worthythe memorie, either of temperature or vertues. ‘ Groundfel is called th Greek te:spe: iri Datine, Senecio, becaufe it waxeth old quickely: By a baftard name Herbytum:: in Germany , Croutes Cuar. 27. Dourts + in low-Duteh, Crups erupt, and Crypt Of Groundfell. @ The Defeription. Ben crupt ; in Spanith, Yerwa cana: in It AlianyCardoncelio,s peliciofa : in Englith,Groundfel. Cotton Groundfell feemethtobe all one with Theophraftus his Aphace ; hee maketh mention of U4phacein his feuenth bookewhich is not onely a kinde ofpulfe, bur an alf{o, vnto which rhis kinde of Gtoundfell is verylike. ,Foras Theophrafius faith, The herbe Aphaceis one of the pot-herbs and kindes of Succerie: addi further, Thatit is flourethin hafte, but yet foone into down; andf{tich alonei: ite Heftalkeof Groundfell is round, chamfered ‘and diuided into many branches:the leaues be greene,long, and cut in the edges almoft like thofe of Succorie,but leffer, like ina manner to the leaues ofRocket. The floures be yellow,and tune todowne, that is carried away with thewinde. Therootis full offtrings and threds. 2 Erigerum Tomentofum, 1 Erigerum. Cotton Groundfell. ' Groundéfell. fell. But Theophraff reth all the winter lon Jafteth, as my felfe hatie ; felldo. | The Temperatures Groundfell hath mixefaculties ; it cooleth,and withall digetteth, as Paulus Aigingawriteth. @ The Vertues. The leaues ofGround{ell boyledinwineotwa: A ter, and drunke; healeth the paine andache of the flomacke that proceedeth of choler. ; The leaues.and flonres ftamped witha little: p Hogs greafe ceafeth the b urningheat ofthe ftones Sol ig } and fundament. By addingto, a little {affron or fale it helpeth the Struma or Kings Euill. The leaues ftamped anid ftained into milke and drunke, helpeth thered gummes andfrets in c children, ‘ Diofcorides faith, That with the fine pouder oF Frankinf ence ‘it healeth wounds in the finewes. py he like Operation hath the downe ofthe floures mixed with vineger, . Boyled in Ale with a little honeyand vineger,it prouoketh vortye, efpecially ifyou'adde there: p a few roots of 4/farabacta, C nap, 28, f i) ‘ Nt @ The Kindes. ) 24 z cot! 2 Cotton Groundfel hath a ftraight ftalke ofa browne purple colour, couered witha fine a The leauesare like thofe of S. lames eye 1 haire, of the height oftwo cubits. | Raataatide etic ftalke grow {mall knops,ftom which comefloures ofa pa of che i are no fooner opened and{pred abroad,butthey changeintoc into downelike thati lour; which Thiftle euen the fame houre this flouring, and is carried away with the winde : the root and tender. f ; i + 3. Thereis anotherwith leaues more iagged,andfinelier cut than Pe faft mention ae alfo and downie: the floures are fewer, leffeand paler thanin the ordinarie,but turne 1p downelike as the former, Of Saint Fames his Wort. $ q The Place. goo Thefe herbesare very commonthroughout Ege, es do grow almoft euery where. | The Time. Theyflourith almoft euery moneth ofthe yeare. He herbe called Saint Iames his wort is not without caufe thought to bea kinde-of Ground- 4 fel: ofhich there be fundry forts; fome of the pafturesand one ofthe fea ; fomefiveet-fmelling» and fome ofa loathfome fauor. All which kindes I will fe downe. : q The Défcription, Aint Iameéshis wort or Rag-wortis very well knowne euery where, and bringéthforth at the firft broad leaues, gafhed round about like tothe leaues of common Wormiewhite Wood, but broader,thicker, not whitith or foft, ofa deepe greene colour, with aftalke orwinbs Bapette acubit high, chamfered, blackith, and fomewhatred withall. The armes top beofitrety with leffer leaues like thofe of Groundfell or ofwilde Rocket!: The floures atthe siete # yellowcoloitr like Marigolds, as well rhe middle buttonas the {mall floures that ftand pa'croundabout, which turne into downe as doth Groundfell. The rootis thteddy..: leaues ;ts a 4 hath ftalkes fome cubit high, crefted,and fet with tong whitith leaues; the ieee q t# a *horter; but the vpper yet thenarrower: at the top aide of the ftalkee Stowformefoure : leaues the longer, L *€ Or fifiue floures as in an vmbell, which are of g darkered colour ‘ before a A ee themfelues, |