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Show Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 384. Liv.2, @ The defcription. He fir ofthefewilde Ancmoneshath iagged leaues deepely cut ot indented, which do t growvpon the middle patt of.aweake and tender ftalke zat the top whereof doth fand a prettie yellowfloure madeof {ix fmall leaues, andin the middle of the floure thereisa little blackith pointell, and certaineflender chiues or threds. The root is fmall, fom ewhatknottie and very brittle. 2 ‘The fecond hath iagged Ieaues,not vnlike to water Crowfoot or mountaine Crowfoot. The flower growethat the top ofthe ftalke notvnlike to the precedentin fhape,fauing thatthis is ofa milke white colour, the rootis like the other. + There is alfo ofthis fingle kinde twoother varietics,the one with a purple floure, which wee maytherefore call Anemone nemorum purpurea, the wilde purple Winde-floure. Andthe other with a Scarlet (or rather a Blufh)coloured floure,whichwe may tetme CAmemone nemorum coccims, The wilde Scarlet wind floure.Thefe two differ not in other refpeéts from the white wind floure.t 3 There is in fome choice gardensoneofthis kinde with white floures very double,asis that of the Scarlet Asemonc,and hadone of them giuen mee bya worfhipfull Merchantof London, “Tieh) OfcheHlitoryof Planes: 2 are of a purple colour,thefe are of abright red, which fetteth forth the difference. The white Paffe floures hath manyfine iaggedleaues , clofely. couched or thruft rogether,which refemble an Holi-water {princkle, agreeing with the others in rootes, feedes,and diffefhape offloures; fauing that thefe are of awhite colour, wherein chiefely confifteth the rence. 's¢ 4 Thisalfo in fhape of rootsand leaues little differs from the precedent, but the floures are leffer, ofa darker purple colour, and feldome open or fhew themfelues fo much abroadas the other of the firft defcribed,to whichin all other refpects it is verylike. 5 There is alfo anotherkinde withleaues leffe diuided, but in other parts like thofe already defcribed,{auing that the floureis ofa yellow colour fomethinginclining toa red. + 2 Pulfatilla rubra, 1 Pulfatila vulgaris. Red Paffe floure, Purple Paffe floure. called M'.fohn Franqueuille, my very good friend. This in roots andftalkesis like the laftdeferibed wood Avemones,ot winde floures.But this and the laft mentioned double one haueleaues on twoplacesof their ftalks ; whereas the fin gle ones haue thembut in one,andthat is about the middle ofthe ftalkes. The floure ofthis double one confifts of fomefortie or morelittle leaues,whereof the outermoft ate the biggeft;thebottomesor nailes of thefe leaues are of adeepe purple, but the other parts of a lighter bluth co lour. + " q The Place. Allthefe wilde fingle Anemones grow in moft woods and copfes through England,except that with the yellow floure, which as yet I haue notfeene : notwith{tanding Thaue one ofthe greatet kindes which beareth yellowfloures,whofe figure is not expreffed nor yet defcribed,for thatit doth very notably refemble thofe withfingle floures , but is of {mall moment,either in beautieof the floure,or otherwife. + Thedouble ones grow onely infome few gardens. $ @ The Time. They floure from the middeft of Februarie vnto the end of Aprill, or the midft ofMay. @ The Names, _ £_ The firftofthefe by: moft Writers is referred to the Ranunculi, or Crowfeet ; and Lobélcals it fitly Ranunculus nemorofias lutews:only DodoneusCafalpinus,and our Authour have made itand: gemone. 2 Thiswith thevarietiesalfo by Tragus, Fuchfins,Cordus, Gefner, Lobell, and othets, is madea Ranunculus : yet Dodonaus,Cefalpinus, and our Authour haue referred it to the CAmemonts. Clafit thinkes this to be Anemone, seusiue ofTheophraftus. Clufius calls this Anemone Limonia, or Ranunculus fyluarumflo.pleno albo, 4 Andheftiles this Ancm.limonia,ox Ranunc.fjlflore pleno purpurafcente. | The Temperature and Vertues. The faculties and temperature of thefe plants are referred to the gardenforts of Anemone. : Cuar. 79. Of Baftard Anemones, or Pafquefloures | The Defcription, I He firftof thefe Pafque floures hath many fimall leaues finely cut of iagged, int thofe of Carrots : among whichrife vp naked ftalkes, rough and hairie,whereupon?” grow beautifull. floures bell fathion, ofa bright delaied purple colour : in the bortome where a fmall pup growetha tuft of yellow thrums,and in the middle of the thrumsit thruftethforth of man pointell : when thewhole floureis paft there fucceedeth an head or knop compaé hoarie, eucry feed hau hairylockes,and inthefolide parts ofthe knopslieth the feed flat and ofa.finger oe: “running HS" his owne {mall haire hanging Brit The root is thicke and knobby, downe,andtherefore not like vnto thofe of the Anemonewhichit doth inall other parts very not bly refemble, and wheteofnodoubtthis is a kinde. a flows betweene this red Pafgue 2» There is no differenceatall-in the leaues, roots,or feedes, and the precedent, nor inanyother point,but in the colour of the floures : for whereas the 0 The Place. Rutligi verte ae us ss Ate ate: Paffe= flouregro BL oT France Tendon’in vntoiled places: in wethin i Germanie they inrough “hofe and ftonie places, and oftentimes on rockes floure withpurplelouresdocgrow verie plentifully inthe pafture or clofe belonging to the 10fe with purple eC erie i i patmeen és ass of a fma . age {1x miles from Cambridge, called Hilderfham: thei Parfons f ame that lived at the impreffion hereof was M°.Fulleravery kind and louing man,and willing to *hew vato any man the faid clofe, who defired the fame They oO c | The Times They floure for the moft part about Eafter 3 which hath mooued mee to’name i a ees rE ; er floure : and oftenthey doe floure age aine in September, $ The yellowcere kinade floures + fs Tt «| The Names. ; Paffe flon ie nt is called commonly in Latine Pulfatilla : and of fome, dpivm rifusycy herbavttte | _ ould haue itto be Anemone Limonia 8¢ Samolus of Pliny in French Coquelourdes: : or Paffe floure, and after the Latine name Pafque on a |sewnrvag aitae floure, I Cambridge-fhire where they grow, they are named Couentrie Toure ; in in q The |