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Show 8 —dOf th eHiftorie of ‘Plants. 7 To nae ftemmefaftened to the middeft of the leafe, on theJcwer fide vndcrneath the ftalke, wkereonth floures doe grow,is fmalland hollow,an handfull high and more,beferwith many. {mall Sourisef an Quetworne incarnate colour, The root is round like an oliue,ofa white colour, + Therootisnotwell expreft inthe figure,for it fhould hauc been more vnequall or tuberous withthefibers not at the bottome but topthereof. + ; 2 The fecondkinde of Wall Penniwoort or Nauelwoort hath broad thicke leaues fomewbat deepely indentedabout the edges : and are not fo roundas the leaues ofthe former, but fomerhat long towards the fetting on, {pred vpon the groundin manner of a tuft,fer about the tender flalke, like to Sengreene or Houfleeke ; among whichrifeth vp atender ftalkewhereon do grow th clike Ieaues. The floures ftand onthe top confifting of fiue {mall leaues of a white colour, withred {pots inthem. The rootis fmalland threddie. $.This by fome is called Sedum Serratum,+ #3. This third kinde’hath long thicke narrow leaues, veryfinely {nipt or nickt on theed. ges, whichlie fpredvery orderly vpon the ground; and in the midft of themrifes vpa ftalke fome foothigh, which beares at the top thereofvponthree orfourelittle branches,diuers white floues confifting offiue leaues apiece. 4. The leaues of this are long andthicke,yet not fofinely {nipt about the edges,notfo nanor as thofe of the former: the ftalkeisa foot high, fet here and there with fomewhat fhorterand rounder leaues thanthofe below; and towards the top thereof,out ofthe boffomesof thefe leas come fundry little foot-ftalkes,beating on their topsprettylarge floures ofcolour white,and {yo ted with red fpots. The rootes are fmall, and here and there put vp newtufts of leaues,likeasthe common Houfleeke. + 5 There is akinde of Nauelwoort that growethin waterie places,whichis called ofthehut bandmen Sheeps bane,becaufeit killethfheepe that do eat thereof :itis not much volike thepr- cedent,but the round edgesof theleaues are not fo euenasthe other ; and this creepeth vpon the gtound,and the other vpon the {tone walls. i 1 Fimbilices Veneris. Wall Penniwoort, $2 Kmbilicus Ven.five Cotyledam alt, Tagged or Rofe Penniwoatt, Lie. 2 ao Ofthe Hiftorie of Plan's. it with any other plant. Bashine fets it betweene Hedera Terrefiris, and Naflurtinm Indicum :and Columna refers it to the Linaria’s, but I muft confeffe Icannot referte ittoany; wherefore I thinke itas proper to giue it here as inany other place. The branches of this are many,long,flender, and creeping, vpon which grow without any certaine order manylittle {mooth thicke leauesfathioned like thofé of Ivie,and faftened to ttalkes of fome inch long: and together with thefe ftalkes come forth others of the fame length,that carry {pur-fafhioned floures, of the thape and bigneffe of thofe of the female Fluellen: their outfide is purple,their infideblew,with a {pot ofyellowin the opening. The root is fmall,creeping,and threddie. It floures toward the end of Sommer, and orowes wilde vpon walls in Ttalie,bur in gardens with vs. Matthiolus calls it¢ ymbalaria (towhich Lobel addes) Italica Hederaceofolio : Lonicerus termesit Pmbilicus Venerts Off tcinarum + andlaltly columna cals it Linariahederefolio. $ q The Place. The firft kind of Penniwoort groweth plentifullyin Northampton vponeuety ftonewall about the towne, at Briftow,Bathe, Wells, and moft places of the WeitCountrie vponftone walls. Ir groweth vpon Weftminfter Abbey, ouer the doore that leadeth from Chaucers tombe to the old ; palace. ¢ Inthis laft placeit is not nowto be found. + The fecond, third, and fourth grow vpon the Alpes necre Piedmont,and Bauier,and vponthe mountaines of Germanie: I foundthe third growingvponBiefton Cattle in Chefhire, a-t The fifth growes vpon the Bogges vpon Hampitead Heath,and many {uch rotten grounds in other places. ¢ |The Time. They are greene and flourith efpecially in VVinter : They flourealfo in the beginning of Sommer. The Names, Nauelwoortis called in Gteeke wwadw : in Latine, Vmbilicus Venerisand Acetabulun: ofdiuers, Herba Coxendicum: Iacobus Manlius nameth it Scatum Celi, and Scatellum :in Dutch, Pauelcrupe s in Italian, Cupertoiule : in French, E/cuelles : in Spanifh, Capadella : of fome, Hortus Veneris,or Venus arden, and Terre vmbilicus or the Nauel ofthe earth: in Englith, Penniwoort, Wall-penniwoort, Fadies nauell, Hipwoort and Kidney-woort, Loi hs VVater Penniwoort is called in Latine Cotyledon palustris. in Englith, Sheepe-killing Penni. graffe, Penny-rot,andin the North Countrey VVhite-rot: forthereis alfo Red-rot,whichis Rofa felis : in Northfolkeit is called Flowkwoort. + ColummnaandBawhinefitly referthis to the Ranun- culi,or Crow feet; for it hath no affinitie at all with the Cotyledons (but onely in the roundneffe of theleafe) the former of themcals it Ranunculus aquaticus vmbilicatofolio, and thelater,Ranunculus aquat Cotyledonis folio. gq The Temperature. Nauelwoort is of a moift fub{tance and fomewhat cold, and ofacertaine obfcure binding qua. litie : it cooleth,tepelleth,or dritieth backe,fcoureth,and confumeth, or wafteth away,as Galen teftifieth. + The VVater Pennywoort is of an hot andvicerating qualitie, like to the Crowfeet,whereof itisa kinde, The baftard Italian Nauelwoort feemes ro partake with the true in cold and moifture. $ @ The Vertues. Theiuice of V Vall Pennywoort is a fingular remedie againft all inflammations and hot tumors, A as Eryfipelas,Saint Anthonies fire,and firch like ; and is:goodfor kibed heeles,being bathedtherwith,and one or more of theleaues laid vpon the heele. Theleaues and rootes caten doebreakethe {tone, prouokevrine,andpreuaile much again theB droy fie. The ignorant Apothecaries doe vfe the V Vater Pennywoort in fteadofthis of the wall,which C they cannot doe without great error,and much danger to the patient : for husbandmen know well, that itis noifome vnto Sheepe, andothereattell that feed thercon,and for the moft part bringeth death vnto them,much more tomen bya ftronger reafon. Cuar. _ fy56), Becaule fome:i ; et ' n Italy it,I thought it notamiffe to fol haue vfed ¢his for Fmbilicus Venerizand otherfomehave foc low Mathick thi o lusand giueyouthe hiftory thereofin this place,at : than to omitit, or giue it in anothe w. r ich maybeperhaps as vnfit, for indeedI cannot fitly #° |