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Show Leena ~ Of the Hittorie of Plants. 1018 * Lis 2. and dividing thenifelues into very many branches, at euery joynt. growctli one Jeale + Selinum S¥ folgs. Honewoort. Ofthe Hiftoryof Plants. —— fmaller than the former, whicl together with the lowermoft perith, fo thatthe is feldome one greeneleafe to be teen, on this hetbewhen the feed is ripe, the frures:are white,and grow moft commonlyatthe tops ong, blacke fomething bitter, and ofan aromaticall or {picyfell: the root is thieke, blacke without, white within,like toa little Radith,andis good to be eaten.out of whichbeingbr Gut, there iffueth forth a juice that quickely waxeth thicke, hauing in ita fharpe bitterneffe, like intaftevnto Myrrhe: which thing alfo Theophraftus hath noted,there iffueth out of it, ith be, a juice like Myrrhe, . + Hippofslinum, Alexanders, of the branches, fometimes at mottof the G The Place, Alexanders or great Parfley groweth in moft places of England, joynts cuenfrom the earth, in vncuen orvn. orderly vmbells, eucry.floure hauing fiue ex. q The Time. ceeding {mall Jeaues, flat,and broad at the roppe, andin: the middle very {mall cheiues The feed waxethripe the fecond yeere, in the Moneth of Auguft, with purple tops, the whole floure notmuch exceeding thebigneffe, of a fmall pins head, The Names, It is called in Grecke, of the greatneffe wherein, it excelleth the other Parfleyes incr. which being paft there commethvp inthe place of euery floure two {mall gray crooked ftraked feeds, like Parfley feeds, buc bigger, in tafte hot and aromaticall, The soot is {mall and whitith,with, many, threds notfo row, or Horfe Parfley 30f GaXa, Equapium : it is alfo named Olws atrum, or the blacke potherbe; and of diuers Sy/weffre Apium, or wilde bigas Parfley roots. Itbeginneth to floure Parfley , of Galenand certaine others,méne,by reafon of the juice that iffueth forth thereof, that is, as we haue faid, like ynto Myrrhe, which is called in Greeke sum: there is alfo another Smyruium ofmount Aman, of which we do write inthe 404.chapter: theApothecaries cal it Petrofélienm Macedonicum: others, about the beginning ofIuly, & focontinues flouring along time ; partofthe feedis tipe in Auguit, and fome {carfe in the beginning of O&ober, mean while fome falleth wherby itrenucthit felfe, and groweth with flounthing greeneleaues all the winter, I tooke the defcription of this herbe the yeere, 1620. bur obferued it long before, not Petrofelinum Alexandrinum : the Getmaines, tots Cplfich $the Low-Country-men, aes teefelic ban MWacedoniots : in Spanith, Perex- knowing any! namefor it vir 1 refered it #/ Macedonico »the French, and Englithmen, Alexandre,Alexanders. to Siwm, calling it, Sium erica Son getum agrorum:afterwards vpon fig oh if linum peregrinum primum Clufit, whic : fome refpeés refembleth this herbe, I namedit Selinum S¥ folys, yet wantingan Ele at length aboutthe ycere 1625.1 faw Miftris Yrfula Leigh (thenferuant to Miftris Bilfon O . :: durham in Hampfhire, and now (5. cAtarcy 1632. wife to Mafter Wiliam Moormy Pan matter of Pesereficla. a Towne neere the faid Mapledurham) gatherit inthe wheate yea Mapledurham aforefaid (where in fuch like grounds: it {till groweth,efpecially m hing who told me it was called Honewort,and that her Mother miftris Charitie Leigh oe felling the Ifleof Wight deceafed, taught her to vfe it after the manner heere expreffed, aril ie which thee hadin her left cheeke,which for manyyeeres would oncea yere atthe snr sagal and fivellwith great heat,redneffe,and itching,vntil by the vfe of this herbe it was ate feat and rofe no morenorfivelled,being now (5. Marti 1632) about twenty yeeres ee whe remaineth to this day. This fwelling her mother cal led by the name of a Hone,but fon hee 25 ther fuch tumors werein the faid Ifle vfually called Hones fhe could not tell, by 1¢4 5 : ; d when fhee Vie; brought from Brading aforefaid young, and not being aboue twelue yecres old wh this medicine. q The Vertues. @ The Temperature. Thefeed & root of Alexanders,dre no leffe hot and dry than are thofe of the Garden Parfley, they clenfe and make thinne,being hot and dry in the third degree. sion ners faith, that the leaties and fkalkes are boiled and eaten, and dreffed alone by them- is i ith fithes: that theyare preferuedraw in pickle: that the root eaten both rawand fod, on leedsbring downe the floures, expell the fecondine, breake and confume winde, prouoke ; ; ; ; F iitand a. 890d againft the ftrangury :: thethe decoctionalfo of theroot doth the fame; efpecially © Madewith wine. T Thess site formerly here wasof Sphondyliva, and that be 2 ; this place was purin the foregoing chapter. ee cucry moming fafting till the fwelling doth abate, which with or in herwas per Cuar.4oz. {pace of two weekes atthe moft. Auguft,13.1620. Zohn Goodyer: + THis is like to the kindes of Parfleyes in the fundry cuts of the leaues,and alfo in the bignefle ; a be broad andcut into diners parcels : the ftalkes are round, cliarnferedfetWicer One ogg hollow within,acubit high or higher, two or three comming forth together ; q The Deftription. : ; r they bm He teauesof Alexander are eut into inany pateellsilike thofe of Smallagebt thicke Brcater and broader; fmoorh alfo, and of a deepe greene colour: tae eed 15 timesa cubit high: rie flowres be white, and grow vpon fpokie tults* Ofwilde Parfley. G The Defiription. capa 6) Of eAlexander. Ie ifr A hese or the fLomacke : the root hereofis'alfo in our age feruiéd to the table raw for a fallade ir about Takeone handfull of the greene leaves of this. Honeworr, and feampe therAanti halfe a pinte or moteof deere, ftraine it,and drinke it, and fo continue to drinke : sane in the C HAP. 40T¢ | TheVertues. Stone Stand inthe netherpart many times of adarke:reddifh colour. The floures be: white, - duided| fpokie tufts :the feed is round, flat, like that of Dill: che roe 1s ty deth pay2 Many branches and ftrings. .Thisplantin what part) foeuet 1t Recut or Pro en,Y Morth a milky juice. @ The 4 |