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Show C5ARTSY ES FS rTice OE 48 | Lis. | . Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants: ll {quare hea ds, containing a duskyand vnequa refembles awhite Lilly,bur muchfmaller. T hree feed,followafterthe floure. Phalancium Ramofum. : h Spiderwort. : Branched ramofum. 2 Phalanginm non1 Vabranched Spidenyort. ~ Dirset $ 5 PhalanginmVirginianum Trade. feanti. * “Tradefcants Vitginian Spider wort. ; , ) = = Ye sy (Pp) Yi Ss, 49 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 5 This plant inmy iudgement cannotbe fitlier tanked with any than thefelaft defcribed ; therefore I hauehere giuenhim the fifth place, as, the laft com- mer. This plant-hath many creeping ftringy foots, whichhere andthere put vp greeneleaues,in fhape re= fembling thofe-of the laft defcribed :amongft thefe there rifeth vpa prettyftiffe ftalke jointed,and hauing at each joint one leafeincompaffing the ftalke, and out ofwhofe bofomeofttimeslittle branches arife : nowthe ftalkeat the topvfually diuides it felfe into two leaues,muchafter the manner ofCyperus ; between which there come forth many floures confifting of three pretty large leauesa piece,ofcolour deepe blew, with reddifh chiues tiptwith yellow ftanding in their middle. Thefe fading (as vfually they doethe fame BA day they fhew themfelues) there fucceed little heads couered with the threelittle leaues that fuftained the floure. Inthefe heads there is contained a long blackithfeed. | Theplace. 1. 2. 3. Thefe grow only ingardens with vs , and that very rarely. 4 This growes naturally in fome places of Sauoy. 5 This Virginian is in many of our Englith gardens, as with M. Parkinfon, M, Trade- cant, and others. G Thetime. ‘1.4.5. Thefe floute in Iune : the fecond about the = beginning ofMay :andthethird about Auguft, The names. The firk is called Phalanginm ramofum, Branched } 3 Phalangium Crete? Candy Spiderwort. + 4 Phalangium Antiquorum. ‘The true Spiderwort ofthe Ancients! d the A Spiderwort. 2 Phalangium non ramofum, Vubranched Spiderwort. Cordus calls it.Liliago. 3 This, Clufins calls Afphodelus minor : Lobell,Phalanginm Crete, Candy it Spiderwort: 4 This is thoughttobe the Phalanginm ofthe Ancients, and thatof Matehiolus: (whofirft hath is PhalangiumAllobrogicum ofClufius,Sauoy Spiderwort. 5 This by M. Parkinfos Virgiinwriting giuenthefigure and defcription thereof) is aptly termed Phalangium Ephemerum sianum, Soone-fading Spiderwort of Virginia,or T:rade[cants Spiderwort, tor that M. Iohn Trades very vns 4 feant firlt procured it from Virginia. Bawhine hath deferibed itat the end of his Pé#ax,and fitly termed it Alium, fine Moly Virginianum. q The nature. are Galen faith,Phalangium is ofa drying qualitie,by reafon ofthe tenuitie of parts. @ The vertues. ; ‘ f ; Diofcorides faith, That the leaues, feed, and floures,orany of them drunke inWine,preuaileth A againft the bitings of Scorpions, and againft the ftinging and biting of the Spider called Phalans ginm, andall other venomousbeatts. er, expelleth poyfon, yea al- B The roots tunnedvp in newale, and drunke for a monethtogeth thoughithauevniuerfally {predit felfe through the body. Cuar, 4o. Ofthe Floure de-luce. gq 7he kindes. whereof fomeare tall and gteat, fome fiscle, Here bemanykindes of Iris or Floure de-luce,inthe root, fome haue no {mell at al! -fome fmall, and low ; fomefmell exceeding fweet s without, fome of one colour, fome of many colour floures are fweer in fmell,and fome not _ us orknobyby roots, tubero haue fome red: rememb others fome, to uted s attrib vertue : mixed others bulbous or Onionroots,fome haue leaueslike flags, others like graffe of rufhesy q| The 5 Phalangin m |