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Show $F Re He eae POOLTes eS Lest, ~~ Of the Eliftorie of Plants, + 10 Chamairis Lutes. a Yellow Dwarfe Js, 11 Chameiris variegata, : Varigated Dwarfe Iris. OF the Hittorie of Plants. Lise ¢ defcriptions.efdome more Notwithftanding I judge it not amiffe to giuethefigures a , “ ofthe Dwarfe Floure deluces, as alfo of one of the narrow 7 This thetefore which we gineyouin the feuenth placc is Irds flore caruleo obfoleto,cc. Lobe ij. The leaues ofthis are fmall and long like thofe of the wild BiXantine Floure de-luce ; the root (which is not very big) hath many {trong threds or fibres comming out of it : fhe ftalRe (w ich is fomewhat tall) diuides it felfe into twoorthree branches, whereon grow flouresiia fhape like thofe ofthe other Floure de-luces, but their colour is of an ouer-worne blew,or Ath co! 8 Many are the differences ofthe Chamairides latifolia , or Broad leafed Dwarfe Floure deInces, but their principall diftinGtionis intheir floures ; for fome haue flowers ofviolet ot purple colour, fome ofwhite, other fomeare variegated withyellowand purple,&c. Therefore I will onely name the colour, andgiue youtheirfigure, becaufé their fhapes differlittle, This eighth thereforeis Chameiris nivea ant Candida, White Dwarfe Ira + Theninth,Chameirislatifoliaforeras bello, Red floured Dwarfe Iris : The tenth, Cameirislutea, Yellow DwarfeIris : The eleventh, Cha: meiris variegata, Variegated Dwarfe Irs. The leauesand ftalkes of thefe plants are viually about a foorhigh; the floures, forthe bigneffe of the plants, large, and they floure betimés,as in April. And thus muchI thinke may fuffice for the names and defcriptionsof thefe Dwarfe varieties of Floure de-luces. + @ Theplace. Thefe plants do grow in the gardens of London, amongft Herbarifts and other Louers of Plants. q The nature. Theyfloure fromthe end of March tothe beginning of May. q The names, The Turky Floure de-luce is called in the Turkith tongue Alaia Sufiani , with this additament from the Italians,Fsore Belle pintate ; in Eng)ith, Floure de-luce, The reft of the names haue bin touched in theirtitles and hiftorie. : @ Their nature andvertues. : cr : The facultiesand temperature of thefe rare and-beautifull floures aresense referred to the~ othes forts of Floure de-luces, whereuntothey do very wéll accord. 5 3 TheFrench, orrather Sea Floure de-luce (whereofthere is alfo another of the fame kindé altogetherleffér) haue their roéts without any fauour. In thew they differ little from the gar- den Flourede-luce, but that the leaues of thefe are altogether flenderer, and vnpleafant in {mell, growing plentifully in the rough crags ofthe rocks vnder the Alpes,and neere vnto the feafide. ThewhichPeva found in thegraffic grauelly grounds of the fea coaft neere to Montpellier. The learned Doctor Affatins'a long time{uppofedit to be Medium Diofc.Matthiolus deceiued himfelfe andothers, in that he faid,That theroot ofthis plant hath the fent ofthe peach : but mayfelfe haueprouedit to be without fauouratall. It yeeldeth his. floures in Iune,whichare of all the reft moft like vntothe graff Floure de-luce. ‘The tafte ofhis root is hor, bitter, and with much tenuiticof parts, as hath beenfoundbyphyficall proofe. + 4 This Iris Bizantina hathlong narrowleaueslike thofe of the laft defcribed ; very narrow, fharpe pointed, hauing no vagratefull {mell ; the ftalks are fome cubit and an halfe in length,and fomtimes moresat the toptheyate diuidedinto 2 or 3 branches that haue2 or3 flouresa piece, like im fhape tothe floures of the broadleafed variegated bulbous Jré ; they haue alfo a good variegated with white, purple, or violet colour. The three other leaues that ftand vpare ofa deepe {mell : the ends of the hanging-downeleaues are ofa darkecolour; the other parts of themare violet of purple colour. Theroot is blackith, flender, hard, knotty. + 5 ; Narrowleafed Floure de-luce hath aninfinite number of graffie leaues muchJike ynto Reed, among which rife vp manyftalkes : on the ends of the fame {pring forth two, fometimes threeright feet andpleafant floures, compaéofnine leaucs. Thofe three that hang downward are greater thanthereft, ofa purple colour, {tripped with whiteandyellow ;but thofe three fmall le aules that appearenext,are of a purple colour without mixture:thofe threethat ftandv prightare ofan horfe-fieth colour, tipped with purple, and vndercach ofthefe leaues appeare three {mall browneaglets like the tongueof a {mall bird. 6 The{mall graffic Floure de-luce differeth from the former in fmalneite andin thinneffe of leaues, andin that the ftalkes are lower than the Jeaues, and the floures in fh ape and colour are like thofe of the flinking Gladdon, but much leffe. + There are manyother varieties ofthe broadleafed Floure de-luces befides the e@ ment ned by our Authour ; as alfo of thenarrow leafed, which he doe not in to infift but ref uch as are defirous to trouble themfelues with hefe ree nicities, to Clafzs and ot t There is an excellent oyle madeof thefloures and roots of Floure de-lucejofeacha like quan. A titie, called olewm Irinum, made after the fame mannerthat oyle of Rofes, Lillies,and fuch like be made: which oyle profitethmuchtoftrengthenthefinewes and joints,helpeth the crampproceeding ofrepletion, andthe difeafe called in Greeke Peripnenmonia, The floures of French Flourede-luce diftilled with Diatrion fandalon, and Cinnamon; andthe B water drunke, preuaileth grcatly againft the Dropfie, as Hollerivs and Gefner teltific, : . z Cuar. 43 y a{hs » Offtinking Gladdon, @ Thedefeription, Tinking Gladdon hathJong narrowleaues like rw, but fmaller, ofa darke greene colonr,and being rubbed, ofa ftinkir ellvery lothfome. Theftalkes are many in number,and round towardthe top, out ofwhichdogrowfloureslike the Floure de-luce, of an ouerworneblew colour, orrather purple, with fome yellowandredftreakes in the midft. After the floures bewaded there come great huskes or cods, whereinis contained a red berry or feed as bigge asa peafe, Theroot is long, and threddy vnderneath. q The place. : : Gladdon groweth in manygardens : I haue feene it wilde in manyplaces, as in woods andfha; dowie places neere thefea. q Thetime. acto ddon flourethin Auguft, the fe ed whereof is ripe in September, @ The names. addonis called in Greckefet by Diofcorides 5 andiercdyt by Theophraftisaccording i twlafetidaamong the Apothecaries: itis called alfo Xyru sin Englith,ftinaddon, and Spurgewort. @ The wertues. 3 ofall the Irides before named, thar being pounding tn |