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Show Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants, Lies 3. 3 Corallinm album, White Corral. Of the Hiftorie of Plants; £ 6 Coralloides rubens. 7: Spongia marina alba, White Spunge, Reddithbaftard Corall. Wi\\\\ \ i\\ N\ \y wee NA St = = A iN a) a) Vee } jaan} BiNIN 4 BW} fe a . Ss SSS 4 Corallium album alterum. Theotherwhite or yellow Corral!, SR a A SSS $ 5 Coralloides albicans. Whitith baftard Corall: ee sort RAYE E ee W Sy ~ OV! Mi L\ Se $ 9 Spougiaramofa, 8 Sponziainfundibuli forma. fd f Funnell fafhioned Spunge. = Branched Spunge. AaT hoe lyPe SOTUAW—_ Ialu gq The Defcription. Lthough Corral! bea matter or fubftance, euen as hard as ftones, yet I thinke miffe to place and infert it here next vnto the moffes,andthe rather for that th thereof do thewthemfelues,as well in the maner of their growing, as intheir place abe forme,like vnto the Moffes. This later ape wherein we liue,hath found moe kindes hereofthan ever were knowne or mentioned amongthe old writers, Some of thefe Corrals growin the liken a fhrub,or ftony matter;others ina ftraight forme,with crags andjoints, fuch as we feeb} ence : the whichfor that they are fowell knowne,and in {uch requett for Phyficke, I will novitan¢ to defcribe;only this remember, thatthere is fome Corrall ofapale yellow colour,as there be! ted,and fome white. é 2 Theblacke Corral! growethvpon the rocks neere to the fea abour Mafiilia,in mannet Oo former ; herein differing fromit,in that this is ofa fhining blacke colour, and very {mooth, 2" ing vp rather likea tree,thanlikea fhrub i 3 Thewhite Corral] is like tothe former,growing vpon the rocks neere the fea,andin the V parts of England,about Saint Michaels mount;but the branches hereof are finaller,and more 9 tle; finelier difperfed into a numberofbranches, of a white colour. 4 peng groweth alfo vpon the Wefterne rocks of soa “ ” me8 fourth <Theset ometim fometi mes yeelloy 2a ite. fometri ; white, 1. ais andJafe E es red, metimes waxing J rarieeth ine andvari Rained, bis eee branches {cme two or threc handfulls high ; the inner pareis Renaeeh is coucred-ouerwith a white and hard ftony matter, fo thar c is TOUi 5 ta . ; rm. iubitance, w. lard wooddy tlinch refembieth white Corall, but that it is neither fo thicke, hard, nor fmoorh, but # ma 2 : oo " Rrroee ¢ |