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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 1 Iacobea, Rag-wort. L mnt $ 2 Lacobeaanguftifolia, Narrowleaued Rag-weed, “Lang OftheHittory ofPlants, themfelues., but opened, ofa bright golden colour, and thofe are ingirt byfifteene or e leaues, which areofa flamecolour aboue,andredvnderneath. The flouresfly awayin downeand the feedis blackith, and like that of the former. Therootsare made of many ftritigs like thof ofthe precedent. oy : tlh 3 This broad leaued Rag-weedhath ftiffe trefted ftalkes, which are fet with broad wrinckled fharpe pointed leaues, ofa grcene colour: the bottomeleaues arethe larger and rounder, the top feaues the leffe, atid more diuided. The floures growat the top ofthe ftalkes,in fhape andcolour like thofe of the commonRag-weed , but much bigger : They alfo tutne into Downe asthe formere + ; ; 4 SeaRag-wort growethto the height of two cubits : the ftalkes be not reddith as tlie other, but contrariwife Ath-coloured,gray and hoary: the leaues be greater and broader than the other’: the floures grow-at the top, ofa pale yellowcolour, couered on the cupor huske ofthe floure, as alfo the leaues, witha certaine foft white Downeorfreefe : the floures vanith into Downe, and fly away with the winde; @ The Place. } Land Rag-wort groweth cuety whefe in vneilled pa tures andfields » which are fomewhdat moift efpecially, and neere vntothe borders of fields. £2 3 Thefe grow vponthe Auftrian and Heluetian A Ipes, + The fourth kinde ofRag-wort growethneerethe feafide in fundryplaces: T hauefeene it in the field by Margate, by Queakes houfe, and by Byrchentoninthe Ifle of Tenet: likewife i tgroweth heere the Kingsferryin the Ifle of Shepey,in the way leading to Sherlandhoufe,whete S*. Zaard Hobby dwelleth : andlikewife at Queenboroughcaftle in the fame Ife; andinother/places. + haue been at the formerandlater of thefe places tofinde out plants, yet could J nor{cethis plant, It growes in the garden of M’. Ralph Tuggy, but I feare hardly wildeinthis kingdome. + @ TheTime, They floure in Iuly and Auguft, atwhichtime theyare carried away with the Downe. a The Names. Thefirft is called in Latine, Herba S. Iacobi, or 8. lacobiflos, and Lacobea : in high-Dutch, Sant Jacobs bloumen: inlow-Dutch, Sant Jacobs cvuyt sin Frenchi; Fluer des. Jacques : in Eng- ¥ 3 lacobaalatifolia. Broad leaued Rag-weed) lith, $. lames his Wort : the countrey people do call it Stagger-wort,and Staner-wort, and alfo Rag-wort, + and Rag-weed. In Holderneffe in Yorke-fhire they callit Segorum: The fecondis Zacobca Pannonica >. of Clufius ; 4 Tacobea marina. Sea Rag-weed. The thirdis his racobea latifolia. Gefner calls it Conixa montana. + The fourth is named Cineraria, or Afh-coloured S. Lames. Wort :fomecall it Erigerop marinum; or Sea Groundfell : of fome, Artimifiamarina, + And by Profper Alpinus, Artemifia-alba. + q] The Temperature. ! 2 ae ert ishotahddty in the fecond degree,andalfo cleanfing,by reafonofthe bitternefle which ithath. 7 | The Vertues. Tt is commendedby the latet Phyfitions tobe goodfor greene wounds, and oldfilthy Vicers A n hich are not feoured, mundified , and made cleane ; it alfo healeth them, withthe fuyceherepe with honey and May butter, arid boyled together to the forme of an Vnguent or alue, Tt ismuch commended, and notwithout caufe, to helpe old aches andpains in the atmes,hips, p and legs, boyledin hogs greafe to the forme ofan ointment. ‘ Moreouer, th lecoction hereof gargarifed is muchfet by as a remedie againft fwellings and ¢C ‘mpoftumations of the atwhichity h away and throughly healeth. Snip s amped very fmallandboy led with fome hogs greafe vnto the confumprio n ofthe 7 aecing thereto in the end of the boyling a little Maftickeand Olibanum,and then ftrained, taketh away theold achein the huckle-bones called Sciatica. vy t The Egyptians (faith P; offer Alpinus )v{e the Sea Rag-wort,fo r many things : for they com- E alseen geevnh ne thereofagainft the ftone in Oe and bladder , as the Sollaa: Bf ae am i ane onse te inward parts, but principally thofe of the wombe; as alfo sedate aoe ation,barrenneffe, inflation thereof, and it alfo brings downe the intercepIeaues'a2 2 por momen repulse with the motherare much eafed by baths made of the Aa Cua Py |