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Show Ofthe Hiftory of Plants, 1566 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. Lis.) E a tt eae Diofcorides teacheth, that Liuet-wort being applied to the place ftancheth bleedingitakes away allinflammations,and that itis good fora tetter or ring-worme,calledin Greehe; ise? and that it isaremedie for them that haue the yellow iaundice, euen that which commeth by the inflamma tion of the liuer; and that furthermore it quencheth the inflammations of the tongue, 1567 fometimes two or more fuch leaues ; fo that the whole plant confifts ofbranches made vp offuch round leaues, faftnedtogether by diuers little 8¢ veryfmal threds : the lower leaues which ftick faft to the rockes are ofa brownith colour, the other ofa whitith ora light greene colour, fmooth and fhining. This growes vponrockesin divers parts ofthe Mediterranean. Clufins {etteth it forth by thename ofLichen Marinus , and he receiuedit from Imperato by the nameofSertuloria : and Cortu- fishad it from Corfica, by the title of Corallinalatifolia,and he called it Opuntia marina,hauing tefe= rence to that mentioned by Theophraff. lib. :. cap.1 2. Hift.Plant. + Cuar; 164. Of Lung-wort, or wood Liner-wort, and Oifter-greene. x Lichen arberum, 3 Lichen marinus rotundifolius. Round leaued Oitter-weed. 2 Lichen marinus, Tree Lung-wort. Sea Lung-wort,or Oifter-greene, $4 Quercus marina vari¢tas, 4. Quercus marina. A varietie of the fea Oke ar VVrack; Sea Oke or Wracke. — Se —— == q The Defcription, > 1 sop © Liuerwort there is ioyned Lung-wort, whichis alfo another kinde of Moffe, dric broader, ofa largerfize,and fetwith feales : the leaues hereof are greater,and diuerfly folded one in another, not fo fmooth, but more wrinckled, rough and thicke alm , likea Fell or hide, and tough withall : on the vpperfide whitifh,andon the netherfide blackith 0 dufty, it feemethtobe after fort liké'to lungsor lights. an 2 Thiskindeoffea'Moffe is an herby matter muchlike vnro Liuer-wort, alrogether with - ftalke or ftem, bearing many greene leaues, very vneuen or crumpled,andfull ofwrinkles,and!om whatbroad,not much differing from leaues of crifpe or curled Lettuce: this groweth vpo within the bowels ofthe‘fea, but e{pecially amongoifters,and in greater plenty among fters which are called Wall-fleet Oifters : it is very well knowne cuento the poore Oifte whichcarry Oifters to fell vp and downe,whoate greatlydefirous of the faid moffefor thes ae and beautifying of their Oifters,tomake them fell'the better. This moffe they doe cal! greene. $° 3 ale Thebranches of this elegant plant are fome handfull or better high, {pred abr uerie fide,and only confifting offyndry fingle roundifhleaues, wheretoare fattned fom id Ol on ¢- 4 There is alfoanother fort of fea Weed found vponthe drowned ees eca “ bare ofwater at enery tyde. This fea Weedgroweth vnto therocke, faftned yatothe famea Qq99992 d 7“ |