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Show 1322 Ofthe Hiftovie ot Plants. Li By for befides this:Scorpius ofwhich he hath made mention, /#6. 25, cap.5. fetting dow neThesphrafiys liS words, where he makéth Aconitum Thelyphonon to be Scorpius, ib.23. cap.to. and likewife othe plants vnder the fame title, but vnproperly. ; @ The Temperature and Vertues, There is nothing written in Pheophrajtus concerning the faculties of Scorpius [pinofus, or Furze: Pliny feemethto attribute vnto it the fame vertues that Scorpioides hath: notwith{tanding thelater Writers do agree that it is hor and dry of complexion the feeds are vied in medicines againitthe ftone,anditaying ofthe laske. i i SecaceeGene Satie Co Nepa alfo in the fixth sae as formerly ion: 5 i defcsiptions Of the Hittoryof Plants. deep green colour: from the bofome ofwhich aeand fig comeforth the floures, like tho fe ofPeafon, ofa purple colour : after which do comethe cods,in which dolie flat feed: the roo¢ is jong, and runneth far abroad, very tough,and hard to be torne in picces with the plough, infomuch ie oxen can hardly paffe forward, but ate conftrained to ftand {till , w hereupon it was called eft-Harrow. Rel-Plough,or Reft 2 ae ~ in our London paftures, and like; ; wife in otherplaces, one of the Reft-Harrowes, not 4 oeinthetce peHow . bringeth forth white floures, andtheothers not fo: whence we maycall it Anonis‘florealbo, Caramocke withwhite floures, 3. Reft-Harrowwithout thornes hath'a tough belonged to the third figure ¢ the fecond,and fifthdelcrip. bashedoralchencesRatiolatataebelcatonracine: Thedate tial ox UG Rin pee Re eas he firft, belonging thereto of right + and for handfomneffe fake 1 haue made the fourth and fifth changeplaces.This mentioned by our Author (but now omixted) in the chapter of Afparagus. hoary roughftalke, diuided into other rough bran- Cuar, 21, Of Cammocke Furze, Reft-Harrow, or Petty Whine. ches, whereon are fet without order, Jong leaues tharpe pointed, fleightly cut about the edges,ofan hoary colour, and fomewhat hairy : from the bo- fome whereof commeth forth purple Péafe-like flouresofa reafonable good {mell+the toris verie tough, long, and wooddy,. 4 The yellow floured Cammock is a ftranger in thefe parts, itis only found in the cold Eafterne countries, for ought that I can learne; it differs not | The Kindes. . . » S6 Hete be diuetsforts ofReft-Hatrow, which fome haue inferted among thefmooth ace + others, among thofe with prickles,whereoffome haue purple floures and likewife oyaie kles ; others, white floures,and fharpe thornes: fomealfo purple floures,others white,and allo y low,and every of them void ofprickles, . I CAnonis, fine RefiaBours. Cammocke,or Reft-Hartow, 3 | differing from the precedent in ftalkes , leaues, or puckles : the onely differenée is’, that this plant from: the laft defcribed , fauing thar the floures ie hereofare ofa darke yellow colour, wherein it dif. fereth from all the other ofhis kinde, a The Place, 3 Anonis non {pimofapurpured. Purple Reft- Harrow without prickles, Thefe grow in carable grounds in fertile pa- ftures, and in the borders offields,ina fat,fruitful, and long lafting foile: it is fooner found than defired ofhusbandmen,becaufe the tough and wood die roots are comberfome ynto them, for that they ftay the plough, and make the oxenftand. | The Time, Theyfend forth new fhoots in May : they beful growne in Autumne, and then thofe that ofnature are prickly be fulleft of fharpe thornes: they floure in Iuly and Auguft. G The Names. ’ Cammockeis called in Greeke Amis, or ‘amir : and likewife in Latine -4nonis, and Ononis : Of Herbatifts commonly Arefta Bouis,and Remora aratri, becaufe it maketh the Oxen whileft they be th plowing to reft or ftand ftill: itis alfo called Acutel/a,of the ftiffeand fhatpethorns which prick thofe thar paffeby: in French, drefle beuf, and Boucrande. ; Crateuas nameth it Bgipyrus : in high-Dutch, Sftalkraut $ in low-Dutch, Prangwoetele $4n talian, Bonara +-in Spanifh,Gattilhos : in French, Arre/te beuf,Benf c Bouerande : in Englifh,CamMockeReft-Harrow, Petty Whinne, and ground Furze, The Temperature. Thetoot of Cammocke is hot in the third degrée, as Galen faith : it cuttethalfo and maketh ‘hinne, | TheVertues, foshae eS ; oe barke ofthe root drunke with Wine prouioketh vrine, breaketh the ftone; and! driuethit A forth, é . Theroot boyled in water and vineger allaycth:the paine of ‘the teeth,if che mouth beoftenwa- B ‘hed therewith hor. isd Ba » Pliny reporteth, that being boyled in Oxymel(or the fyrrup'made with honey andvineger) till C sone halfe bewatted, it is giuen to thofe that haue the falling ficknefle. Matthielus reporteth, The Deftription: Haare! ioher, fet Ammockeorground Ffirze rifeth vp with ftalkes a cubit high, andaee With ditiets ioynted branches, tough,pliable,and full ofhard rdttyee Tentillofs whichidogrow leaués in formelike thofe of $,lohns wort,or rather 1) ane ¥ . eknew.a man cured of arupture, by taking ofthe pouderofthis root for many monethsto. octher, _ The tender {prigs or crops ofthis fhrub before the thornes comeforth, are preferuedin pickle, D ~ de very pleafant fauce to be eatenwith meatas fallad,as a Dioftorides teacheth. C WHA Pe |