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Show f theHiftory of Plants. Lis. 2, ‘sofRuel is- itisnamed d about U ra: is turned oebecaufeis rn m, not ' 4 pA A. Ruelli us HerbaCancr S Heliotropiu a Se nate . the fommer folftice yr oe it flowrethin fin 5 but byreafon ‘on ofthe aotion prema ; > oft gone from the Aquinociall circle,re turneth to the fame:anc¢ wrens the rigcie tops, that backewa in French,: es bobo. the ee of ‘ia Ebow backewardlikea ee é fcorpions taile: t DieieBaua neiniawe be oon ne thinke which the Poets feigneClytia to be metamorpho. ,into 5 : poe K it to) be HerbaClytie Tour nfel : ome a red » whence one haththefeverfes : Herbavelut Clytie femper petit obuiafolem, Sic piamens Chriftum, quo prece fpectet, habet. can h and I ornfole,as Paulus eBgineta writeth, hot gi eta writeth, iteth, ts is ish ancd dry,ary,dry, and ¢ 1 ofa binding faculty. q The Verines. in wine, wi runke doth gently purgethe rge the bod body Asood handfull of great Tornfole boyled in re drunke, : fh aesricke humours oinGars anditough tough claclammieorflimie i flezme. BI fee f ame DOyied1 1n = a a pions.or other ven " Teancvel inwineCc aanddrunke is £goodagainft theftingings of Scor ; hi fs, and is very good to be applyed outwardly vpon the griefe or wound. ee LEC 2 iteamped pec alia 13) GC nkNe fe andlayd vponwarts and fuchlike excrefcences,orfuperfluous out-growings,| aufeth them tofall away. : : A pepe st ; unkede U j D icin ail all Tornefole andhis feed boyled with Hyffope, Creffes, andfalt- peter and drunke, Ww ; and round wormes. oa , » Svex all Tornfole they in France doe die linnen rags and clouts Se fei doe colour colour iellies, tellies, meates, ; and fundry j. 1 cookes ok and confeio eGtionerss doe lot ©ghee herewith Liss, wines, Wines; % maar fe@ures scare : which clouts I in in fhops fhop be called Tornfole, after the name of the herbe. t The : feco ow ing Chapter. o ats f. gure of thehary i ind feures were formerly wa: the figure dthird fourth was fe defcribed in hairyy S.$ Scorpion-graffe, i ES y tranlpoP fe: d: the ¢ fourth in thetl fol the fourth-place, P ae, 54. Of Scorpion Graffe. @| The Defcription, : ee war {talks Corpiongaffe hath many fmooth, plaine,euen oea spe: coke ats fmall, feeble and weake,trailing vpon the peoHeie oie der i fRalke ofcolour yellor, {pect ofthe plant. The floures grow vponlon g and flenderfo é er cod, inte J ike vnto a Caterpiller ; wherein is contained ye wg pela Be rice is fmal] ata tender “the wholeplant perifheth — eeTd rent 2 There is another Scorpion grafic, found among (or rather auc? ing ) Pe fnalt hel thereupon called Scorpioides Leguminofa, which hath {mall and no ees take holdvpbranches many, weake and tender, trailin g vponthe ground, if there e ng arforuer is neetewl® onwith his clafpin g andcrookedfeed veffels; other ife it rampeth eo i Ce feed followet, it. The leaues be fewe and {mall : the Hloures very little and yellow of colour: ; little and blackifh, conteinedin little cods, like vnto the taileofa eae. having leavesit * 3 Thereis another forralmof in everythallowgrauelly running Ceney rse tew of C0 to Becaburga or Brooklime, The floures growat the topof tender fat ee ah_ oe Flouresd0® lotr, and fometimes with a {pot of yellow among the blew ; the whole turne themfelues likewife round likethe {corpions taile. i heae guatiles There is alfo another growing inwatrie places, withleaues ans — me fot res NOt or water Chickweed, hauinelike flender ftalkes and branches asthe neacatile biggest vnlike, fauing that the floures of this are ofa light blewor watchedc olour,fo layd more open, whereby the yellow {pot is better feene. Of heHiftory of Plants. a 337 THe is another ofthe landcalled Myofotis Scorpioides repens, like the former: but the flou res are thicker thruft together, and doe not gtowall vponone fide asthe other, and par t of the floures are blew,andpart purple, confufedly mixt together, Gq ThePlace, h 1,2 Thefe Scorpion graffes grownot wilde in England, notwithftanding I haue receiued feed of the firft from beyond the feas, and haue difperfed them through England, which are efteemed of gentlewomenfor the beauty and ftrangenef fe of the crooked cods tefembling Ca. terpillers. ; The others doe grow in waters and ftreames, as alfo on drie and bar: ren bankes, . @ The Time, The fir floureth from May tothe end of Auguft:the others I haue found all the fommer long, @| The Names. £ oa Fabius Columua iudges this tobe the Clymenon of Diofcorides ; others cal] it Scorpio:des, foli and Scarpiordes bupleuri q The Nature. A Livad2i sea ccaict banke: “A. Therois likewife another(ort growing vpon moft dry grauelly and i Se adshaityle leaues like thofe ofor Moufe-eare:this is called Myofotis (corpivides,it hath ae 8 be of anouervy ffet colour: the floures doe grow vponweake, feeble, and roug nches,cae #* : the moftpart vpon one fide» of thethe ftalke, all the reft of theplant. Theylikewife growfor ble" ft os : ~ like theta <e againe colour, ith alike little fporof yellow as the others,turning themfelues backe ag ine 114 : of a Scorpion. Thhere 2 This is the Scorpioides of -atatthiolue, Dod, Lobell, and others; and I iy dgei t was this plane our Author in this place intended, and not the Scorpivides Leguminofa of tkhe Adue rfaria, for that hath nota fewleaues,but many vponone rib;and befides, Dodonews ,whom in defcriptions & hiftory our Author chiefely followes, defcribes this immediatly after the other + Guillandinus, Cafal aus, and Banhine indge it tobe the 7clephium Of piDioforides, 3 This and the next wantno names, foralmoft euerywriter hath giuen them feuerall ones = Brunfélfius called it Cynoglofea minor : Tragus, Tabernamontanus, and our former edition ) haue it vader the name of Euphrafia Cerulea - Dodonaus Author (page §37.0f the cals it Scorpivides faemipa : Zdnicer us,Leontopodinm 5 Céfalpinus, Heliotropium minus in‘palufiribus > Cordys and T,halins, Echium P 4 This is Auriculs murit minor tertia , Euphr afiaq uarta , and Pilofella fylueftris of Tragus : pioides mas ofDodors: Stor Alfine AMyofotis : alterum of Cafalpinus , Echium minieum and Myefotis hirfista repens ofLobell 3 Heliotropium minus ofColumna:, and Echium paluftre ater m ofThalivs:our Aus thour hadit thrife + firft in the prece dent chapter, by the name of Helio gure : fecondly in this prefent chapt tropium rectum, with a fer, withouta figure : and thirdlypa g. 514. alfowitha figure vader the name of Piloféllaflore cerul eo. + | The Nature and Vertues, There is not any thing remembredof the temperature: yet Diofcorides faith, Scorpion graffe applyed to the place that the laeues of likewife boyled inwineand drunk , isa prefent remedy againft the flinging of Scorpions: and “* e, preuaileth againft the faid bitin and fuch venomous beatts : bein gs, g made in al vnguent with oile, wax, as alfo of adders, fhakes, and a little gum Eleaupi, 4s profitableagainft fuch hurts as Tequire a healing medicine, palufire. ee ————S— e e Cuap: 55. eeeee Of Nighifhade. | The Kindes, Here be diuets Nighttha de and yeteuery of them fo s, whereoffome are of the garden ; and fome that loue und wilde ; w] 1¢ereof fome the fields? caufefleepineffe, and yet Phyfical] :and others very profcaufe fleepineffé euen vnto death; others declared in theirfeucral| itable vnto the health ofm an, as fhall be vertues, " @ Arden Nightthade hath rouTheD efcription. nd ftalkes a foot hig fetleaues ofa kifh colour, foft and full ofin h and fullof branches, whereon are ice, in fhapelike to leaues but muchgre aniong whi of Bai ; 3Which being pa ie there ch doe grow {mall white floures with yellow poin ll, tals fire ceed roundberries, greenea The ne lb t the firft, and blacke whe ee is white, and ful n l of haity firings. Hore bo this be ‘ ey fbicke and hard, bei ng couered with a brownith é he rep many : , : a skin ; from e he height ofa cubit and better,fomewhat thick with The fo 20 ie ao ke all:the are like thofe oft pout t he ftalke at thefettinghe Quince tree, thicke, white,fofrand dow: on of the leafe, foméwhat long andofa pale tacles: whic} uch ‘When they come to tipe are fucceeded byfeeds contained in hairy or woolly neffe are red, or ofa red tecepdifh faffron.colour. + This Nicl thade sas h... . oon ade commet | The Place, h yp uNn matyplac : es, and not only in gardens, of which not with . ftan - dime: = |