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Show ss Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. ‘ 4) The Temperature andVcriues, A Lin, 2, 7 Lia. ‘| Ly i ; Fifth ~nitiesor \ ee . > of men do altogether abftaine That nts faith, sof noutifhme ofr the= Facultic firft booke his in _ Galen from the bitter Vetch, for ithatha very vnpleafant ta tte, and naughty inyce , but Kine in Afiaand in mott other countries do eate thereof, being made {weet by fteeping in water ; notwithfandins menbeing compelled through neceflitie ofgreat famine, as Hippocrates alfo hath writtendo often times feed thereof; and we alfo dreffing themafter the manner ofLupines, vfe the bitter V etchesi withhoney, as a medicine that purgeth thicke and groflehumors out ofthe cheft and lungs, 4 Vie ia or Fetch, Tare,aVetch, Fis Ofthe Hiftory of Plants: 1227 visi $9 Pihamiacimes damciorom, Bufh Vetch. Moreouer, among the bitter Vetches the white are not fo medicinable, but thofe which ata neere to a yellow, or to thecolour of Okar; and thofe that haue beene twice boyled, or fundrie times fokedin water, lofe their bitter and vnpleafant tafte, and withall their clenfing and cutting qualitie,fo that thereis onelyleft in themanearthy fubftance, whichferuesfor nourithment,that drieth without any manifeft ditterneffe. Andin his booke ofthe Faculties offimple medicines he faith, Thatbitter Vetchis dry inthe € B Jater end ofrhe fecond degree, and hotin the firft : moreouer, by how muchit is bitter,by fo much itclenfeth, cutteth, and remouethftoppings: but ifit be ouermuch vfedit bringerh forth bloud byvrine. Diofcorides writeth,that bitter Vetch caufeth head-ache and heauy dulneffe,tharit troublesthe D belly,and driueth forth bloud by vrine , notwithftanding being boyledit ferueth to fatten Kine, E Thereis made of the feed a meale fit tobe vfed in medicine,after this maner: the full and white gtaines are chofen out, and being mixedtogether they arefteeped in water, and fufferedto lie till they be plumpe, and afterwards are parchedtill the skinne be broken; then are they ground, and F fearfed or fhaken thorowa meale fieue,and the meale referued. This loofeth the belly, prouoketh vrine, maketh one well coloured : being ouermucheaten ot drunke it draweth bloudby theftoole,with gripings, and alfo by vrine Withhoneyitclenfeth vlcers, taketh awayfreckles,fun-burnes, blacke fpotsin the skinne,and maketh the whole body faireand cleane. It ftayeth running vicers or hard fwellings, and gangrens or mortified fores; it fofteneth the H hardneffe ofwomens breafts,ittaketh away and breaketheating vicers,carbuncles,and fores ofthe head : being tempered with wine and applied it healeththe bitings ofdogs,and alfoofvenomous : beafts. Withvinegetit is good againft the ftranguric,and mitigareth paine that commeth thereof I It is good for themthat are not nourifhed after their meat, being parchedand taken with hony K . in the quantitie ofa nut. The deco&tion of the fame helpeththe itch in the wholebady, and taketh away kibes, if they L : bewafhed or bathed therewith Cicer boyledin fountaine water with fome Orobus doth aflwage the fwelling ofthe yard and priM uie parts of man or woman,ifthey be wafhedor bathedinthe deco.tion thereof; and the fubftance hereof mayalfo be applicd plaifterwife. G N Itis alfo vfed for bathing and wafhing ofvicers and runningfores,and is applied vato the feurfe ofthe head withgreat profit. ; A Cuap. 515. Of the Vetch or Fetch. | The Defcription. athe leaues PC *He Vetch hathfletider and. foure {quared ftalkes almoft three foot lon ° ving po! § tre long, with clafping tendrels at the end madevp of many little leaue 5ssggrowing > he Let one tib or middle ftem; enery one whereofis greater, broader, and thicker than that of thet" til: the floutesate like to the floures ofthe garden beane,butofa blacke purple colour: tl of bebroad, fmall, and in euery one are contained fiue or Gx gtaines, not round,but flat like tho! the Lentil, of colour blacke, and of an vnpleafanttafte. ; it {en$- 2 Thete is another ofthis kinde which hatha creeping and living root,fr om whichit!Josef deth forth crefted ftalkes fome cubit and halfe high: the leaues are winged, com monly 4 0° growing vpon one rib, which ends in awindingtendrel: each peculiar leafe is broatier Jer toward OF ; jottome, and fharper towards the top, whichendsnor flat, but fomewhat round. Out On fomes ofthe Jeanes towards the tops ofthe ftalkes, on fhort foot-ftalkes growtw, 0° 3 F pretty large -fafhioned-blewithpurple floures, whichare fuceeeded by fuch co‘ bs 2 I ; mer, but fomewhar leffer; which whenthey growripe becomeblacke, and fly ope? ae ¢ 3. Viciafyl. flo, albo. White floured Vetch, 4 Vicia fylueftris,fiue Cracca maior, Strangle Tare, Tine,or wilde Feteh, |