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Show 148 ve eat : Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. Te 3 Leucoinm bulbofumferotinum. : e Late flouring bulbous Violet. ar ~ Lrs.a, ‘Lina. Of the Hiftory ofPlants. 4 ee 4 Leucoinm bulbofum muinipe int hemi, 7 == } = @ the Place, The manyflouredgreat bulbous violet, Thefe plants do grow wilde in Italy and theplacesadi acent.. Nox ithtanding our London gardens haue takenpoffeflion ofmoft of them many yearesp aft, G The Lime, The firft flourethiss the beginning of Ianuary;the fecond in September ; and thethird in May; the reft at their feafons mentionedin their defcriptions. . G The Names. . t. The firftis called of Theophraftus, awuim; which GaXa renders Viola alba, and Viola Bullofay ox ‘Bulbed Violet. Lobelivs hath from the colourand thapeca lledit Leuconarciffolirvion, and that very properly, confidering howit dothas it were participate of twofundrypla nts,that is to fay,.the root of the Narciffus, the leaues of the {mall Lilly, and the white colour; taking the firft part Lewco, of hiswhiteneffle ; Narciffo, ofthe likenefle the roots haue vnto Narciff vs sand Lirium, of thy leaues of Lillies, as aforefaid. In Englithwe maycal l it the bulbous Violet ; orafterthe Dutch name, Somer fottebens ; that is, Sommer fooles, and Z2puptkeus. Some call them alt drops. This name Lewcoium,without his Epithite Bullofi m,is taken for the Wall-flour Gillofl oure, byall moderne Writers, @ The Nature and Vertues. Touching thefaculties of thefe bulbous Violets we hau1e nothingtofay,feeing that nothing is fet downe hereof by the antient Writers, norany thing obferued by the modderne, onlythey are maintainedand cherifhed in gardens for the bea utie and rareneffe of the floures,andfiveetneffe of their fmell, aieSe ee Pe ee Cuar. 89. x Frittillaria, Checquered Daffodill, Say) 4 5 Leucoium bulbofum Autumnale minimum, The leaft Autamne bulbousViclet, 3 The third fort ofbulbed Violets hath nattowleaues like thofe of the lecke, but leffer and {moother, notvnlike to the leaues of the baftad Daffodill. The ftalks be lenderand naked, two hands high , whereupon doe grow faire white floures, tipped with a yellowith grecne colout, with manyfmall chiuesorthreds in the midde! ofthe floure.Thefeed is containedin final round buttons. Therootis white and bulbous. The great bulbed Violetis like vnto the ’ third in ftalkeandleaues,yet ereater andhight. It bringeth forth oneuery falke not one floure onely, but fiueor fix, blowing orflouring one at ter another, altogether like the other floures 1! forme andbigneffe. a + 5 This {mall bulbous plant maybe annexe to the former, the rootis {mall, compaé of a ny coats : the leaues arealfo {mall,andthe ftal : an handfull high, at the top whereof therehang downe one or two {mall white floures contitine offix leaues a piece , much refembling the !@ defcribed,but farre leffe. It flouresin AGE 6 | Befides thefe, Clufizs makes mention ofa {mall one muchlike this, andit floures in if Spring, and the floures are fomewhat reddit nigh rhe ftalke, and fell fiveet. Clu/ius cals ile Lencoinm bulbo(um vernum minimum, The {male Spring bulbous Violet. $ € Tit ' Of Lurkie or Ginny-hen Floure. 2 Frittillaria variegata, Changeable Checquered Daffodil, |