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Show 3 Spaieseeiranay : OftheHiftory of Plants:05 Sen a . tre r z qrithen,and belowfometimesas thicke as ones little aa at pn branches, and thofe flender ones ; the leauesare nee ae thee Pee ae feene in the Chapters of Catanance,Cynosbatos,Hemerocallis,Crat og enon, anddivers others whichare or feeme tobefignificant, and to import fomething by their name; yer he faith nothirig thereo “Tt maybethatwhichthey would expreffe by the name, was, that the hearbe had fo plercitis facultie thatit would eat intothevery flefh. The fecond andthird Argument bothare anfwered,ifthig whiteand{mall,and grow in cups,whichare finely {niptat the top aa ie hs ‘ it Gannioe by any jscontaineda fmallred feed the rootes' grow fo faft impa&in the Roc eee ee firft word be Grecke,as Thaue aireadic theweditto be, andthere are not manywords. in Greeke meanes be gor out. It grows vpon.diuers rocks in Italy and Germany ; and it is the Saxyraga thar motefrequently enterinto fuch compofition than9)» as Pawphagos,Polyphagos, op iphagorand Sabiand laaainuorvm-Eo). nae many other may thew. Moreouer, it hath beene obfurd from Diofcor. es,or anyelfehow fimple fo. if 7 on ripe peccudie igh ¢ 1 Saxifraca magna Matthioli. euer they were, if they had knowne the firft word tohaue beene Latine and Suxéfrags,to fayag Saxifrage of the Matthiolus his great Saxifrage. ; for fo it fhould be,and D prefentlyafter that the Romanes called it Saxtfranga,orSay frangabut I feare thatthe aifinitie of founds morethanof fignification hath cau(ed this confy efpecially inthe middle times betweenevs and Diofi des,when learning wasataverylow ag naofMatthiolvs, and the Italians. ~ 3 Thechicfesedfons that induce mee to thinke this Chapter worthie to keepehis formerplac Diofcorides, are thefe : Firft,the general confent ofall both Grecke and Latine copies (as Mariel Jus{aith) how antient foeuer they be. Secondly,the mention ofthis herbe for the fameeffedin fome Greeke Authours ofa reafonable good antiquitie ; for Palys Bginetateftifeth t SapElpayas Dupe 21 aiswr Spviade, Then Trallianus among ftother things in a Conditum Nephriticum men. tions zeEiay : but Nonus a later Greeke calls it>-Fiesy*-fo thatit is euident they knewandvied fomefimple medicine that had both the namesofSarxiphag on and Saxiphragos,whichis the Latine Saxifraga. Nowfeeing they had,and knewfucha imple medicine,it remaines we enquire afterth Diofrorides deferibes it tobe a fhrubby plant,growing vponrockesand thape andfigure thereof. craggie places, like vnto Epithymum: boiled inwineahddrunke, it hath the facultytohelpe the Strangurie and Hicket ; italfo breakes the ftone in the bladder and prouokesvrine, Thisword Epithymumis not found in moft copies,but a {paceleft for fome word or words that were wanting: But Marcellus faith he foundit expreft ina booke which was Omnium vetufliffimus & and Hermolaus Barbarus faith,Veteremin Diofcoridepitturam huius herba vidi,nonplus 70s minutisper ramos ex intervallo conditss, nec frequentibus, in cacumine fwrcelorumflocei fin f quamflofculi, fubrubida radice non finefibris. A figure reafonable well agreeing with thisde on of Hermolaus,I lately receiued from my friend M'. Goodyer, whowrit to methat he hadfou knowwhat Saxifraga (to wit,of the Antients) fhould be; and finding no antient Aurhourtharhad defcribed it to any purpofe,he fought Apuieius;which word Apuleius (faith he) is rhe printeatitl my Manufcript acknowledgeth no Authour bur Apolienfis Plato ; there is no defcription neither, but the Manufeript hatha figure whichI haue drawneandfent you,and all that verbatim that hee hath written ofit,I fhould be glad to haue this figure cut and added to your worke, together Witt his words, becaufe there hath beenefolittle written thereof by the Antients. This his requelt f fit thought fit to performe,and haue( for the betterfatisfa@ion of the Reader) as you fee made ther enquirie thereof: whe refore Twillonely adde this,that the plants here deferibed,and the 4 fine Sasifraga of Colum togetherwith the two ChickweedSaxifraces formerly defcribed Chap.t7h ge Dib weep Heere! of any: that I knowi to theI figure and deliniation some neereft come ofthisof the Antients. Nomeniftius herbe, Saxifraga. nd 68 715 Icon & defcriptio ex Manuterpios A - os L Wey ht é ‘ } Woe PT » AANA) (eS ; Vm [SFP a f bat (if py ~ Kj 3 ee a i AV ase . iaam Pemsand Lobel Rs ; i é e oe aybrome % phonie See b Ree ore pany. {mal : GREE ae ad a foot high,inae Saget wat im. oneafiother, Waigret ot are fet with many graffie eos iA yah 18 fal! and white : ' with Sa se en the leaues ftand by couples at the ioynts, becing long and, narrow; of the bigneffe and fimilitude of thofe of the wilde Pinks, os ae ee eeges ftraight, a! arie, 2, fine rah Os Ups. Y mn Pn creeping feteUranchsarowes aise tle floure fomewhat like a Pinke, bee- ing finely fipt about the edges: and in the headis contained acoundfmall reddith feed. Theforefaid Authours call this Saxifragra,fj Quidam dicunt eam Scolopendrian . ee , 3 a ee A os oe we P s S\\ 4 ; ea tiffimo, Scoliomos aly V itis canu cos. Hab Vaiopie. 4 Lamprocamcam nominant. Montibus clocis faxofis. ‘ y} a atiquo ot ane faith that Ca The Vertues : ius of Verona mightily,commendedthis plant to him,for the Voacura ipfius ad calculos expe ye Herbam istam Saxifragam come lofo potum dabis in vino. Ipfevere f a ineforth the ftone of the Kidneies,and that I might in verie 1¢ abundance of ftones, whereof diuers exceededthe bigneffe ofa beane, voided by drit king of this plz one onely Citizen of Verona, called Aieronymo de ert but this made me moft to won r that there were fomeftones amongftthem, that feews father to come out of the Bladder,than forth ofthe Kidneies. J bis(lay the Authours of t >Aduerf,) as it is the lateft receiuedin vfe and name for Saxi- tauerit cums aqua calida, tamprejew dole,aat the better & cruer,efpecially fo thought by the [talians,bothfor the highly commen- ¢ ithad toexpe ab Sete ace Chifgue calculis ad fapitatem UI" f “ee tagultie.as alfo for the neere affinitie whichit fecmes to haue with Epithymium,&e. t ct. “Sagas, Win, 1 This firft little herb, faith —_ rius hath beencalled Sex#r4g from the greatneffe of his gt0¥"*, 4 4ag 1. ofhis faculties: The ftalke S¥°" Eec Cuar. |