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Show 38 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. Like ” Double Rofe Campion. Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. £ 1 Lychnis5 fylueftris‘ rubello flare, Red wilde Campion. q The Place. + 3 Lychnis coronaria multiplex, Lips 2 The Rofe Campiongrowés plentifully ae hints marina Anelica a Lychn seicchgt. Ie Englith Sea Campion; in moft gardens, q TheTime, They floure from Iune to the end ofAu. sult. @ The Names, The Rofe Campionis called in Latite Dominatym Rofa, Mariana Rofa, Cali Rifi, Califlos 9 of Diofcorides 5 Avyals seperayamet :that is, Lychnis Coronaria,or Satiua: GaXa tranfla. teth awe, Lucernula, becaufe the leaues thereofbe foft,andfit to makeweekesfor candles, acccording to theteftimonie of Diofcorides : itwas called Lychnis , ot Lythwides, that is,a torch,orfuchlike light; ac cording to the fignification ofthe word, cleere, bright, and light-giuing flours: and therefore they were called the Gartners Delight, or the Gardeners Eye: in Dutch,Chpittes ete : in French, oeillas, & Ocilets Diew : in high-Dutch, aparien tol: slit, and Himmel rofslin, | The Temperature. The feed of Rofe-Campion, faith Gala, ishot and dry aftera forein the fecond grec. | The Vertues. The feed drunken in wine is a remediefor them that are flung witha Scorpion, as Diaffarios teftifieth, Cuar.27. I Of wilde Rofe-Campions. q The Defiription. x nally: He wilde Rofe-Campion hath ore-* ath many roughbroad le aues fomewhat hoaryand w onl among whichrife vplong foft and hairy ftalkes branched into manyarmes, fet W a the like leaues, but leffer. The floures growat the top ofthe ftalkes, compaé of fiue leaues o reddith colour : the root is thicke and large, with fome threds anexed thereto. + | Therealfo gtowes commonlywilde withvs another ofthis kinde with white floures,3s” fo another thathath themofalight bluth colour. ¢ ~ 2. The fea Rofe Campion is a {mall herbe, fet about with many oteene leaues from thelower part vpward ; which leaues are thicke; fomewhatleffer andnarrowertha n the leaues offea Pu flane. Ithath manycrooked ftalkes {pred vponthe ground, afoot long . in the vpper part Wo of thereis a {mall white floure,in fafhionandfhapelikealittle cup or ‘box, after the lik Behen album, or Spatling Poppy , hauing withinthe faid floure little threds ofa blacke co! tafte falt, yet nor vnpleafant, It is repor ted vnto meby a Gentl aoe ix fhite, from whencethis plant came , there eman one M*. Tho. Hesket, that bythe fea fide in Lanca is another fort hereofwith red floures. a 9 * manyftalkes fromoneroot, round, long, and weaker than thofeof ponthe ground: the leaues defcribed, lying vfua } hairy; amon hi ep, auch grow. by couples at each ioynt,!0n: > os . ~ ” = aiternately growthe floures,about the bigneffe of r thofePS ofArh the TTit 2 saith re and ofa biuth colour ; and they arealfo fucceededt y fuch feed-veflels, containing 4 ree" ced. Theroot is thickeand fibrous, yetcommonlyoutliues not the fecondyeare. 3 .eitlathe hirt, 5: Clef ¢ hairy Campion. Lychnisjluctbrie 8. Clap: Hoary wilde Campion, |