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Show 1328 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants, Lia.3, q) The Temperature. The fruit ofthe Haw-thometreeis very aftringent, q TheVertues. The Hawesor berries ofthe Haw-thorne tree, as Dio/corides writeth, do both ftay the laske,the menfes, and all other fluxes ofbloud : fome Authorswrite, that the ftones beaten to pouder, and So aoe Teney Cuar: 25¢ * nm BB i OfGoats Thorne. : The Defiription. Hefirlt Tragagantha or Goats-thorne hath many branchie boughesandtwigs, flender and pliant, fo {pred abroad vpon cuerie fide, that one plant doch fometimes Occupiea great {pace orroome incompaffe : the leaues are fmall,and in fhape like Lentilleaves, whitith, i sli ee a OFthe Hiftory of Plants, 132.9 aremany,{traight and thorny like Geniffella, wherein are many {mall white and three corneredfeeds ? ‘ . . . awe ssbig as muftard feed. + This differs from the former‘inthat it is fmaller, and lofeth the leas cietyWinter, when as the former keepes on the Jeauies vntill new onescome in the Spring, The middlerib ofthe winged leaues ends ina pricke, whichby the falling ofthe leaues becommeth a ongand naked thorne. I haue giten youa more accuratefigure hereofoutofC/u/iz:, wherein the 3 es floures,cods,and feeds areall expreffed apart. + "The Grecians hauecalled: this plant xwei, becaufe it is good for the finewes : it thould temeit tooke the name Poterion, of Potrix,becaufe it loueth a watty or fenny foile: it hath fmall and leaues of Trazacautha, growing naturally in the tra@t of Piedmontin Italy; it fpreas eeike afhrub: the ithe rindeis blackifh,and dry without great Scshensebvboy ‘itl writhed or wrinkled in andout as that ofNepa or Corruda: the fharpe pricks ftand not in ordet as Teacantha, but confufedly, andare finer and three timesleffer than thofe of Tragacantha, growing aoeh after the mannerof A/fragalus : but the particular leaues arc greene aboue, and white below, fhaped fomewhatlike Burnet :the feed is {mall and red,like vnto Sumach,but leffer. and fomewhat moffie or hairy, {et in rowes one oppofite againft another: the floureis like theblo& + Tragacanthe minoris icon accuratior. fomeof the Lentill, but much Jeffer, and ofa whitifh colour,and fometimes marked with purple Abetter figure of the Goats-thorne. lines or ftreaks : the feed is inclofed in fmall cods or husks, almoft like vnto the wilde Lotus orhorned Trefoile: the whole plant on eueryfide is fet full of tharpe prickely thornes, hard, white, and ftrong : the roots run vnder the ground like Liquorice roots, yellow within, and: blacke without, tough, limmer, and hard to breake; which being woundedin fundry places with fomeiron toole, t 3 Poterion Lob. fine Pimpinella(pinofa Camere Burnet Goats-thorne, . andlaid in the Sunatthe higheft and hotteft time of Sommer,iffuethforth’a certain liquorywhich being hardned by the Sun, is that gumwhichis called in fhops Tragacantha: and of fome,though barbaroufly Dragagant. 1 Tragacantha, fine[pina Hirci, 2 Spina Hirci minor. Goats Thorne. : Small Goats Thorne. gy The Place. as : cies plesehate pew . Petrus Bellonins in his firfk booke of Singularities reports, thatthere is great ‘Ngin Candy vpon the tops ofthe mountaines. Theophrafius faith that it wast Ps t 7) a Where but in Candy ; but nowit is cettaine that it 1s found in Achaia, Peloponeflis, an oe rf doth alfo crowin Arcadia, whichis thought not to be inferiout tothat of <a is :Z . Y Lobel to grow in Languedock in France,whereofTheophr. hathwrittenin his ee oe the liquor orgum iffuethoutofit felfe, and that it is not needfull to haue the root j : ; a— Qare eres oo : A tof{mel bef is that 3 {aith Diofcorides ?whichis through- fhining,thin,{mooth,vnmixt,and fivee A and tafte fs 2 The {econd kinde of Tragacantha is a low and thicke fhrub, hauing many fhoots gr0% a rom one turfe:of a white or grayifh colour, about a cubit high,ftiffe and wooddy : the es like the former,and garded with moftftiffe pricksnot very {afely to be touched : among the» 5 tufts like Gens/tell., but that they are white : theo ni¢leaues come forth manyfloures in {mall q The Time. eo i + , Theyf receiued floureandfrom flourith intheCamerarius Sommer moneth: I haue fowne thefeed nh ; y en gatosie inmygrew ofNoremberg,that Ioachimus Which Bthet, and after perighed by fome mifchance.Teect 3 @ The f |