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Show “9 . Ofthe Eliftoryof Planes. Ee ies ‘&k ‘a feGions orcuts: among whichcomeforth flowers compofed of five leauies apiece, of ablayia orwatchet colour, inthe middle part whe reof come forth a fow chives.andia fma}| Pointy L Be 2 Of the Hiftory of Plants. Geraniummaculatuns fine fufewm, Spotted Cranes bill. 2° Geranium [anzuin avium, Bloudy Craties bill. purplith colour: the headand beakeus like co the reft of theCranes bills,but greater: the rootdiaih a SHWE whenit hath perfeéted his feed. 2 This Cranes-bill being a baftard kinde of the former, bath long flcnder branches sry: ing tothe height oftwoor three cubsits,fet about with very great leaues,not vnlike tothofeolHor, lihocks, but fomewhat leffer,ofan overworneereene colour:among which rifevplittle foorfays onthe ends whereofdo grow {mall floures, leffer than thofe of the precedent, and ofa murrey.co, lour: the head and feeds arelike alfo,but much lefler ; the roots doc likewife die at the filtap. prochof WV inter. @ The Place. Thefe are ftrangers in England, except in the gardens of fome Herbarifts:‘theygrowin my gar. den veryplentifully. i , a The Time, The time anfwereth the reft of the Cranes-bils,yet doth that of Candie floure forthe moftparr with me in May. ; q The Names, There is not more to be faid of the names than hath been remembred in their feueral titles:they maybecalled in Englifh,Cranes-bils, or Storkes-bils. . © The Temperature, Their temperature anfwereththat of Doues-foor. @ ThevVertues, A Their faculties in working are equal] to thofe of Doues-foot, and vfedfor the fame purpofes, (& rightly} {pecially being vfed in wounddrinks, for the which it doth far excel any of the Cranes bils,and is equall with any other herbe whatfoeuer for the fame purpofe. Cuar. 362. 3 Geranium (icute folioinodorum Vnfauorie fielde Cranes-bill, Ofdiners wilde Cranes-bills. wey Le “es ; @ The Kindes, Herebe diuers forts or kindes of Cranes-bils which haue not been remenbred ofthese nor muchfpoken of bythe later writers,all which I meane to comprehend ynder this ¢ ee makingas itwere of thema Chapter of wilde Cranes-bils, although fomeofthemhaueplace ™ : : : ah ein Dawes narves {hall our London gardens,andthat worthily,efpeciallyfor the beautie ofthe floures: theit if a s ; : : : anes-bils, beexpreffed in their feueral titles,their natures andfaculties are referred to the other Crane orif you pleafe toa further confideration. @ The Defcription. I Potted Cranes-bill,or Storkes-bill,the which Lobel deferibeth in the titlethus See um Fufcum florelinido purpurante cy medio Candicante, whofe leaues ate iecre foot (beeing akinde doubtleffe of Cranes bill, called Gratia Det) ona titele, duftic colour,andof a ftrong fauout,yet not altogether vnpleafant:: the ftalkes are dream at the tops wheteof doe growpleafant floures ofa darke purple colour, the middle pa ! tending towhiteneffe ; fromtheftile or pointel thereof, commethforth a tuftof finall punt . ry threds.. The root is thick and very brittle, liftingit felfe forth of the eround,infomuce riankerlic tad, eT . aor ede 4 ru of the faictroots lie aboue the groundnaked withoutearth,cuen as the roots of Flour doe. 2 f Ofthef -wilde ones Ihaue another fort in my garden, which Clufius in bis Pannonlc® feruations hathcalled Geraninm Hematoides, or fangnine Cranesbill: and Lobel,Geran™ OF Grainale + it hath manyflexible branches creeping vpon the ground: the leaves ar vato Doues foot in forme, bur cut even to the middle rib - the flourcs are like 101 which if they wilde mallow, and of the fame bigneffe,ofa perfeé bright red colour, a "ENE 5 Geranium Violaceum, Violet Storkes-bill, zs, =) SS tizg\ yp . < |