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Show cence annicnaerpeterm HIS SINGV-LAR«: GOOD , BARON OF MASTER, SIR©Waittiam Crcr: KNIGHT es, Chancellorof the Burghley, Malter ofthe Court of Wardsand Liueri of the Garter, Vaiuerfitic of Cambridge, Knight of themof noble Order one ofthe Lords ofher Maiefties moft honorable Priuy Councell,and Lord high Treafurer of England, Mongthe manifold creatures ofGod (right Honora- ble, and myfingular good Lord) that haueall in all ages diuerfly entertained many excellent wits, and drawnethemto the contemplation of the diuine wildome, none have prouoked mensftudies more,or {a tisfied their defires fo muchas Plants haue done, and that vponiuft and worthycaufes : For ifdelight may prouoke mens labor,what grearer delight isthere than to beliold the earth apparelled with plancs,as with a robe ofembroidered worke, fet with Orient pearles, and gatnifhedwithgreat diuerfitie of rare and coftly iewels? Ii this varieric and no A= pétfection of colours may affedt theeye,it is fuch in herbs and Aoures, that tafte may pelles, no Zeuxisener could by any att expreffe thelike :ifodaurs or if worke fatisfaG@ion, they are both fo foueraigne in plants,and fo comfortable,that thefe no confe@ionofthe Apothecaries can equall their excellent vertue. But fingu= minde, the in delightis principall the fences: outward the in are delights to vs the larly entiched with the knowledge ofthefe vifible things; fetting forth ‘The delight intifible wifedome and admirable workmanfhip ofalmighty God. In the firft ages of necefitty. with often ioyned and greater, vfe butthe great, is euerfince the world they were the ordinarie meate of men, and haue continued fo recouer ofneceffarie vie both for meates to maintaine life, and for medicine health, The hidden vertue of themis fuch, that (as Pliny noteth) the very braite 1hi:5.0.22. beafts haue foundit out; and(which is anothervie that he obferues)fomthence """""" the Dyars tooke the Furchermore,the beginningoftheir Art. neceflary vie ofthefe fruits ofthe earth dothplainly appeare bythe great charge and care ofaltnoft all men in planting and maintaining ofgaronely, but as a neceffarie prouifion alfo to their houfes. dens, not as ornat Andhere béfidethe fruit, to fpeake againe ina word ofdelight,gardens,efpecially fuch as your Honorhath, furnifhed with manyrare Simples, do fingularly de- beauties light, whenin thema mandoth beholda flourifhing fhew of Sommer leafe abroada when floures, springof goodly anda force, Winters of midft the in of examples many are there is notte befeene, Befides thefe and othercaules, Philofo~ the of multitude a by pafle forto : {cience this thofe that haue honored of , it maypleafe your Honorto call to remembrance that which you know matimportant moft their with ftudy ioynedthis noble Prices, that haue q 4 acai |