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Show 1312 Ofthe Hliftory of Plants. $ Orobanche Monjpeliacaflo. oblongts. —~ B. x a Lips3. 3 Genifts Hilpanica, . Spanifth Broome, $ Orobancheflore maiore. ~ Long floured Broome Rape. Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 5 Chamegenifta Andliba Englifh Dwarfe Broome? RA fy =< 7 ~Gp f oy 2 = Y - Great floured Brcome Rape, whichdo lie flat feeds, hard, fomething brovnifh,and leffer than Lentils:the rootis bare ane wooddie, fending forth diuers times ano plant of the colour ofan Oken leafe, in fhep' like vnto the baftard Orchis, called Birds se; hauing a root like a Turnep or Rape, Whe uponitis called Rapum Genifte,or BroomRepe- 2 This is acertaine bulbed plant growig \” tothe roots ofbroome,big below, and {malict aboue,couered with blackith fcales,and of2y° lowith pulpewithin : from which doth ric # ftalke a {pan long, bauing whitith floures 0°" the top,like almoft to thofe ofDead Net terwhich grow forth long, thicke, and husks,in which are contained very many" and goodfor nothing : the whole plartis0'"" colourof the Oken leafe. ( ly growes among hempe. 3. The Spanifh Broome hath likewife wooddy ftems, from whence gtow vp ‘flender pliant twigs, which be bare and naked without leaves, or at the leaft haning’ but few ‘fmalt leauies, fet here and there far diftant one from another, with yellow floures not’ much ynlike the floures of common Broome, ‘but greater; which ture intofmall long ‘cods, wherein is conteined browne and flat feed: the roote ts cough andwooddy. 4 Small leafed or thin leafed Broome hath many toughpliant ‘fhoots tiling out of the ground,whichgrow into hard and toughflalks, whichare dinided into divers wwigey branches of a whereon'doe grow very fall thin leaues, whitith colour,whereupon fome haue called it its Gtnifta alba, white Broome : the floures the top 6f the flalkes, in fhape like th r edmmon Broom,but ofa white colourwherei “Gt {pecially differeth from the other Brod4ies. Sffff 5 Hnglith asYYnaeWRK = and at the length flatcods,which being ripeate blacke , as be thofe of the common Vetch, i2 Be)Be as ly bowed, many times diuidedinto {mall brarches : about which do grow little leaues of a2 obfcure green colour,and braue yellowflouts; 4 Ofthis Orobanche or Broome Rape there ~ “are fonevarieties ob ferued andfet forth by Zobeland Clufius:the firft of thefe varieties hath longer and {mallet floures thaa the ordinarie.. "The fecond hathlarger floures, and thofe of a blewith colour,and'is fometimes found anidng core. Thethird is parted towards the top into fundry branches; the floures ofthis, are citherblew,purplifh,or elfe white,and ir willing- > hath ftalkes or rather wcoddie bran: ches : fromwhich dofpringflendet twigs, cornered, greene,tough, and that be eali- View Roome is a bufh or fhrubby plant, it 7 Zz SA ifez i Dwarfe bromeof Hungatie: mad 6 Chamagenifta Pannonita. Nearer Fe “ # + Ovebanche ramofa. Branched BroomeRape. |