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Show Of the Hutorie of Plants. nibus} urpUreHs. Purple Floure-Geatle, 2 Amaranthss coccineus, Scarlet Floure-Gentle, Lie 2. Of the Hiftorie of Plants. @] The Defcription, Vrple floure Gentle rifeth vp with a ftalke a cubit high, and fometime higher, ftreaked or chamfered along ft the fame, often reddith towardthe root, and very {mooth:whlich diuideth it felfe toward the top into {mall branches, aboutwhich fand Jone leaues, broad, fharpe pointed, foft, flippery, of a grecne colour, and fometimes tending fo a reddifh fteadof floures, come v p cares or {pokie tutts, very braue to looke ypon, but without {nell : in - of 2 fhining light purple, with a gloffe like veluet, but far paffing it: which when they até bruif yeeld a iuyce almoft of the fame colour, and being gathered, doe keepetheir beautya Ic after; infomuchthat being fet inwater, it will reniue againe asat the time gfhis gatheri it remaineth fo,many yeares,whereupon likewife it hath takenits name. The feed ftanderl i tipe eares, of colour blacke,and much glittering : the rootis fhort, and full of firings, + 5 Amaranthus panniculaincarua holoferica. Veluet Floures Gentle, 2° The fecond-fort of floure Gent! > hath leaues like vnto the former: the ftalke is vpright with afew fmall flender leaues fet vpon it: amongwhich docgrow fmall clufters of . {caly floures, of an ouerwornedcarlet colour. The feedis like the former, 3° It far exceedeth myskill to defcribe the beauty and excellency ofthis rare plant called Floramor ; and I thinke the penfill of the moft curious painter wilbe ata ftay,when hefhall come to fethim downe in his liuely colours : but to colour it after my beft man- nerthis I fay : Floramer hath a thicke knob- ° by root, whereupon doe gtow. manyt hreddy ftrings m which rife thicke ftalke, uide himfelfe into fundry branches at the but tender and foft, which b ginneth to de- 3. Amaranthus tricolor. FloramorandPaffeuclours. ground and fo vpward, whereupondoe grow % Amaranthus Panniculafparfa. Branched Floure-Gentle. many leaues wherein doth confit his beauty: for in'few words, every leafe doth refemble it colours the moftfaire and beautifull feather ofa Parrat, efpecially thofe feathers thatare mixed with moftfundry colours, asa tripeof d,andalineof yellow,a dath of vhite,and 4 rib ofgreen coldur,which I caiior with words fe a, fuchare the fundry mixtures of cg. at nature hath beftowedin her oreateft iollitie vponthis floure.the foures di 2 STOW betweene thefoot-falkes of thofe leaues and the bodyof the ftalke or trunkesbafe, and o no moment in refpec oftheleaues, beine mnie colour : the feedis blacke, and f1 ung like itwere little chaffie husks of an ouerw burnifhed horne,” + I hauenot feene thi $ variegated as our Author mentions, but the leaues are commonly ofthre e colours; thelower part, orthat next totheftalke is sreene.the middle red and the endyellow, or elfe the endted.the mddJe yellow, and the bottome greene, +t ; : ‘ 4 This planthatha great many ofthreds and ftrings; of whichhis roots doe confit: From which doe rife vpvery thicke fat ftalkes, crefteda nd ftreaked, eke eding {mooth, and ofa fhinins Fed colour, whict in the groundto diuide themfelues into branches 5 Whereup on doe grow 2 sof adarke greene colour tending to redneffe, in fhew d datht here andthere withred, mixed with gteene. The like thofe of floures grow es, from the middeft thereof euen to the top,in fhape like Pazicum, that is,a great econfufed eares thru(t hard together, of a deepe purple colour, “1. can compare © fitly as to the veluet headof a Stag ompaé of fuch foft matter wherei feed, in colour w hite, 1, and bored through the midak aues ismuchlike the purple floure Gentle. ‘but the heads weer, I ras itwerewouen one with another lookingvery beautiful ly like to et:this is: feldometo be foundwith vs : but forthe beauties fake is kept inthe Gar- nly for the comelineffe andbeautious tbe, but |