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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants. Lazei, ae G} Dhe Defcription, He white handed Orchis or Satytion hathlong and large leaues, {potted and dathed with blacke fpots, from the which dothrife vpa fmall fragile or brittle ftalke of two hands high, hauingat the top abuthor {poky tuft ofwhite floures, like in thapeto thofe ofPalma Chrifti,whcreofthis isa kinde. The rootis thicke, fat, nedlike the handandfingers ofa man, with fome tough andfat ftringsand full of iuyce, fathio. faftned to the vpper part thereof. 2 Red handed Satyrionis a fmall lowand bafe herbe, hauing a final] tender ftalke fet with twoor three {mall leaues,like vnto thofe of the Lecke, but fhorter.. The floure groweth at the top tuft fafhion,ofa gliftering red colour, with a root fafhioned likean hand, but leffer than the former. 3. Serapia’s ftones, or marith Satyrion hath a thicke knobbyroot, diuided into fingets like thofe of Palma Chrifti, wheteofit is akinde : from whichrife thicke fatand fpongeous ftalkes, fer withbroadleaueslike thofe of Plantaine, but much longer, but the higher theyrife toward the top the {mallerthey are. cuen to the top of the tuft of Houtes, The floure confifteth of many{mall hooded floures fomewhat whitith, {potted within with deepe purple fpots ; the backfide ofthee little floures are Violet mixed with purple. t 8 Serapias Batrachites, Frog Satyrion, ¥ 9. Serapias Batrachites altera. The other Frog Satyrion, List Pee ee) Of the Hiftory:of Plants, oc: 5 like thofe ofPaliwa Chrifti, fauing that the fingers are longer, fnaller,and more in numbers from thewhichrife vp long and narrowleaues like thofe of Narciffirs ar Dafadil] :aimong which com. methforth a fmal! tender ftalke, at the top whereofgroweth a purple tuft compaét ofmany fmali floures refembling Flies, butin fauonr and finell like the Cloueyor Cloue Gilloz=Aduire farre fweeter and pleafanter, as my felfewith : but many others ¢anwitnefle no.y living, that feene and {melt themin my garden. haueboth + Afterthe floure is patt; come many feed: veffels filled witha fmall feed, and growing after the manneras youfce then here at large expreffed ina figure, together with the rooralfo fet forthat full, + 7 Gelded Satyrion hath leaues with nerues and finewes liket > thofe of Daffodil, fer weake andtender ftalke; with floures at vpona the topwhite of colour; {potted within the floure’, “and in fhape they are like Gnats and little Flies. The ftalke is geldedias it were, or the! {tones and hands cutoff, leauing for the root two long legges orfingers, top. with manyftrings faftned vnto the 4 Frog Satyriotthath fmall flat leaues fet vpon flender weake ftem; atthe topwherof growes tuft offloures compaa a of fundry fmall floures, whichin thape dorefemble little frogeeswhere. ofit tooke his name. The rootis likewife gelded, onely referued two {mal} mifhapen certaine fibres annexed thereto. lumpswith # 9 This alfomay fitly be added tothe laft defcribed, the root shewing betweene the Serapia’s ahd Orchis. It groweth tobe of a kinde to theheight ofthe forfiier, withit fhort girting the falke attheir fetting on. The Ieaues en. floures on the top refemble aFrogge, with their lone leaues ; and if you looke vpon them in another potture, they will fomewliat refemble little wherefore Zobelcalls it as well Myoides, as Flies: Batrachites. + G] The Time. Thefe Plants flourith inthe moneth of Mayand Iune,but fetdorié after, excep nerate kinde, or that ithath had fome imped t fomé degeiment in the time whenit {hould haue flOuré d,as of. ten hapneth. | The Names, Wehauecalled thefe kindes, Serapia’s ftones , or Serapiades,efpeciatty fot that fundry ofthem do bring forth floures tefembling Flies and their name from Serapias the godof the citifefuch like fruitfall and lafciuious infects, as taking Temple at Canopus,where he was worfhippedns of Alexandria in figypt, who hadatmott famous dances,as we may reade in Strabo, in his feuen withall kinde oflafciuious wantonneffe, fongs,and teenth Booke. Apuleius confounds the Orchi Serapiades, vnder the name ofboth the des and Satyrions; and andofthe Latines, Tefticulus Leporinus, chis, and Hares ftones. withall faith it is called Evxtaticos, Panion , In Englifh we maycall them Satyrions, aid finger Or- G The Nature andVertues, Serapia’s (tones are thought tobein Nature Royall ; and althoughnotfo much vfed in , temperature, and Verthies, like vnto the Satyrion phyficke, yet doubtleffe they worke the effe& other Stones. of the t The Gfthi wasthe Ggure of Satyriitm trifolim of Tabert.and is akinde of Tefticulus piicedes. 6 In this place formerly was the figure of sonia montana, Here was the figare of Orebis AMyodes, which fhould che lat Before, to wit chis. hae beene inthefixth place in the 101 Chapter of the former Edition, being the x 33 Cuar. 17, 4.. Fenny Satyrion (or Serapia’s ftones) differet hlittle from the former, fauing that the leaues are {maller, and fomeiwhar {pott ed, and the tuft of floures hath not fo many greene leaues, not long, mixed with the floures,neitherare they altogetheroffo darke ofpurplifh 4 colo mets Theroots are like thofe ofth ur as the fore lat deferibed. 9 Mountaine Orchis or Satytionhath moft part being handed, and the other long.thicke fat and knobbyroots, the one of themfor the It groweslike theformer‘in ftalkes,leaues, buris fomewharbio ger, with the andfloures, leaues {moother,and more thining. 6 CloueSatyrion, or fivee t finelling Orchis, hath flat and thicke roots diuided into & OfFenny Stones. q The Defiription, Hijs hath cleft or diuided roots like finger s, much like ynto the Roots of other Palma Chrifti’s ; whereofthis isakinde:from the which rifeth vp a ftalke of a 5 ah: a foot high,fet here and there with very faire Lillylike leaucs, ofcolour ted’; the Which do clip or embrace the ftalkes almoft round about;like the leques ofThorow-wax, “At the T 3 top |