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Show 628 Son ki OftheHiftorie of Plants. A $ 5 Veronicafruticans Serpillifolia, Shrubbie Fluellen. 6. Veronica alluvocns. Gait he sn nine 5 five Spicara, ree Fluellen, Dees OftheHiftoryofPlans:Sit 6 The fixt kinde ofVeronica hath many vpright branches a foote high and fometithes more, dividing themfelues into fundry other fmall twigs ; ac che top whereof do growfaire {pikie tufts, bearing bright and fhining blew floures.The leaues are fomewhat long, indentedabout the éd ges like a faw : therooris compact ofmany threds; or ftrings, , ¢ 7 This bath ftalkes fome cubithigh and fometimes more,and thefe hot very full ofbran- ches, yet hauing diuers’ joints, at each whereof do growfotth twoleaues, two or three: ine! Jong,and one broad,and rhefe leaues are alfo thicke,fmooth,and thining, lightly fhiptorcuta ) the edges,and of avery aftringent and drying tafte,andat laft fomewhat biting, Atthe rop of the ftalkes grow fpokie tufts or blewfloures like thofe of the laft mentioned, but of fomewhat ter colour,andthey beginfirft to floure or fhew themfelues below, and fo go vpwards ; the feed; whichis fmall and blacke, is conteyned in flat feed veflels : the roote is thicke with many fibres; euery yeere thrufting vp new fhoots. Thereis a variety of this with the leaues not fo blacke and fhining, but hauing more branches;and another which hath a longer {pike or tuft of flourés. Clufius calls this Veronica erectiorlatifolia, ¥ pes 8 The eighth haning his ftalkes leaning vpon the ground looketh with his facevprightyha- uing fundry flexible branches, fet with leaues like vnto wilde Germanderby couples, one right againft another, deeply jagged about the edges, in refpect of the other before mentioned. The floures are ofa blewcolour : the root is long,with fome threds appendant thereto. G The Place, Veronica Sroweth vpon bankes, bordersoffields, and grafsie mole-hils, ih fandy grounds, andin woods; almoft ettery where. Thefonrth kinde, my goodfriend M*'. Stephen Bredwell,pra&itioner in phyficke found and thewed it mein the clofe next adjoining to the houfe of M'. Bele, chiefe of the clerkes of her Maiefties Counfell, dwelling at Barnes neere London. Thefixthis a flranger in England; but I hatie it growing in my garden, r u j i @| The Time. “| The Names, Thefe plants are comprehended vnderthis generall name Veronica;and Dodonaus would haue T_ res aMer fpicata Ih + 7 veronica latifolia, Vpright Pluellen. ag Thefe floure from May to Septémbers the firft of themtobe the Betonica ofPaulus Aigineta , and Turner and Ge/ner the third : we docall them in Englifh, Pauls Betony, or Speedwell: in Welchit is called Fluellen, and the Welch People do attribute great vertues to the fame: in high Dutch, ®gotondbelll sin low Dutch, @¢ CU Petts,9 that is to fay; > Honorandpraife. caf Veronica Placien) fupiina. 4 Ceagiie % 8 @ The Nature. ; Thefe are of a meane temperature,betweene heate and drineffes iG i EF We S ‘HHa q The Vertues, AN ZN , r ; The deco decoction of Veronica drunke, fodereth and healeth all frefhand old wounds, clenfeth the bloud fromall corruption, andis goodto be drunke forthe kidnies, and againft fcutuineffe and foule {predding tetters, and confuming and fretting fores,the {mall pox and meafels, Thewater ofVeronica diftilled with wine,andre-diftilled fo often vntill the liquor wax ofa redi ! stat : the old cough, : dithcolour, : preuaileth againft the drineffe ofthe lungs, and all vicers and inflam. mationof the fame, an + Thefecond andshirdwere both fou esof that defcribed in the third t 1 ; 5 PEL EROK Bat ¢ place: andthofe cha Mins towit shar which is exe de(cvibedin places were alfo of ¢ the f the Gxthplace Sand which vsed seeinaoe eer¢ formerly eee in thesh cand nd fixch (ich places ease $$ Cu ar.t98, Of herbe Two pence. a S S PBL t | The Defiription, H™: Two pence hath a {mall and tender root,{preding and difperfing it felfe farre within the ground ; from whichrife yp manylittle, render, flexibl e ftalkes trailing vponth© tround a e round ground,,tet fer b Dy couples at certaii ne fpaces, with ith {moot ff h greene leaues fomef foor-fteik hereofit tooke his name: ftom the bofome of whichle aues fhoote forth fmall tenTessieren do growlittle yellow floures,like thofé of Cinkefoileor Tormentill. ees inde ofMoneywoort orherbe Twopence,like the other ofhis kinde ineachte- . Pe ios es 1saltogether lefler ,wherein theydiffer. ches which poe 4s another kinde of Money-woort which hath manyvery flendé r creeping branang ing ae and there putforth fibtes, and take rootagaine : the leaues are {mall and round, Y couples one againft another; and out of the bofomes come flender foote-ftalkes Ggg bearing |