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Show aiY Lis... Of the Hiftorie of Plants, a seeeenial 386 ahepetatee etn Palfatillalore albo. Liss 2. £ 4 Prlfatil afloremina ty<a The letier purple Paffe flour; White Pafle floure. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants: 3 Flos Adonis flore rubro. Adonis,withred floures. @| The Time. They floure in*the "Sommer moneth: : May, Iuneyand Iuly,and. fometifnes ater. a The Names. Adonis floufe is called in Latine Flos 4donisand Adonidis : of the Durchmen, Fel= Dzofslin s in Englith wee. may-call it Red Maythes,_by-which naméit is called ofthem that dwellwhere it groweth naturally,and ge- netally Red Camomill: in Greeke; iysisius:, & Evranthemum : our Loudon women doecall it Rofe-a-rubic. q The Temperature. There hath not beene any that hath written of the Temperature hereof; notwithftan- ding, fo farre as. the. taftethereof thewe th, it is fomething hot,but not much. qThe Vertues, he feed of Adonis flower is thought to A bee good againft the ftone: amongft the Ancients it was not knowne to have anyother fa- cultie: albeit experience hath oflate taught vs,that the feed ftamped, andthe pouder gi- uenin wine,ale, orbeere to drinke, doth wonderfully and with great effe@ helpe the collicke. | The Temperature. Js Paffe floure doth extremely bite, and exulcerateth and eatethinto the skinne ificbe flamped f Crowe and applied toanypart of the body;whereupon irhath beentaken of fome to bea Kn Cuapr: 81. foot, and not withoutreafon,for that itis not inferiour to the Crowfoots : and therefore is hot and drie. Of Dockes. @ The Kindes, @ The Vertues. owe i nothing i extant in inwriti jatve There is writing among Authoursofany peculiar vertue,but they fe ru ly for the adorningof gardens and garlands,being floures of great beautic. Tofcorides ferteth forth foure kindes of Dockes ; wilde or fharpe pointed Docke ; Garden Docke ; round leafed Docke; and the Soure Docke called Sorrell : befides thefethelater Herbarifts haue added certaine other Dockes alfo,whichI purpofe to make mentionof, I Cuar.30. Of eAdonis floure. fignificationhathssa%, among the Grecians : whereof Lapathumandaimda (as fome doreade) tooke their names for herbes whichare vfedin pottageand medicine, very well knowne to haue the power ofcleanfing : of thefe there be many kindes anddiffetences, great flore euery he Defcription, ae : d, fet on e ftalkes,trailing or leaning to the orional if Hefirft hath very manyflender euetie part witi fine agged deepelycut like thofe of Camomis” — } ean ot = ; : , <1 Feld Cro thofe of May-weed: vpon which ftalkes dogrow {mali red floures, in fhape like the ores int? : g Fe sateen mae cutie { foor, with ablackith greene pointell inthe middle.w mich being srowne cate is finall atl ¢fmallgreenith bunch of feeds,in fhape like a little bunch of grapes. threddie, he cae of tht 2 The fecond differethnot from the precedent in any one point, but in the floures,which are ofa perfe& yellow colour,wherein confiftcrh the difference. @ The Place, hei come eit The red floure of Adonis groweth wilde inthe Welt parts of England amongtl eye rhene as May-weeddothin other parts,andis likewife an enemie to corne as Mapewecds® : That with I brought the feed,and haue fowneit in my gardenfor the beautie of the floures fake. the yellowfloure isa ftranger in England, ) |. D4e Defcription. Hat which among the Latines fignifiethto foften, eafe, or purge the bellie, the fame i g qh 1 where growing, among whomis that whichisnowcalled fharpe pointed Docke,or fharpe leafed. Ocke. Itgroweth in moft medowes and by running ftreames,hauing long narrow leates fharpe and hard pointed : among the which commeth vp roundhollowftalks ofa browne colour, having toynts like knees, garnifhed withfuchlike leaves, but {maller: at the end whereof grow many floures of a pale colour, one aboue anothers: and after themcommetha brownith three fquare fede, lapped in browne chaffie huskes like Patience. Therooteis great, long, and’ yellowe within, = Thereis a varictie of this with erifpedor curled leaues whofe figure was by our Authour Suchin the fecond placeinthe following chapter, vnder the Title of Hydrolapathzm minus. + _?_ The fecond kind of (harpe pointed Dockeis like thefirft,but much fmaller,and:doth beare feedinrundles about his branchesin chaffic huskes,like Sorrell,not {o much in vfeas the forhis mer,called alfo fharpe pointed Docke. * 3 This inroots,ftalkes,and feeds is like to the precedent ; but the leanes are fhorter, and Tounderthan thof of the firft defcribed,& therin co the chiefé difference betwixt this & it-f @ Th |