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Show Ofthe Hiftorie of Plarica’ : . “ + : . Let pai ~ ~ OF Hiftory of Plants. Lei? Bee of divers x al? articulate, oriointed Glafle-wo ort: and in Enghith, Crabbe-graffe;’ and 'Froge, Bee. grafle. q The Temperature. Glaffe-woort is hot and drie : the afhes are bothdrier and hotter, and that cuen to the fount} A degree: theafhes hauea canfticke or burning qualitie. a, The Vertues. little quantitie of the hetbe takeninwardly, doth not onely mightily prouokevrine,but in likefert cafteth forththe dead childe. It drawethforth by fiege waterifh humours,and purgeth away the dropfie. B Cc D @ The Defeription. 2 though they donot runthorowas the other do,yet they growin fuch manner, that en viewthereof, they feeme to pa ffe thorowas the other:vpon the {mall branches do oures : which being paft,there fucceed flender and longcods like thofe of Tur. Auicen and Serapio report. yhofe leaues and cods de fomewhat refemble thefame, fromwhenceit hath the 5¢ name Nupifolia.that is,Fhorow-wax withléaues like vnto the Nauew. Theroot is long andfing! : ith brought forth his feed. and dieth whe There is awilde kindehereof growing in Kent,in many places among the corne,like to the for. mer ineach refpeét,but altogetherleffer:the which no doubt brought into the garden wouldproue the very fame. ' - q The- Place. Thefirft defcribed growes plentifully in manyplaces about Kent, and betweene Farningnd Ainsford growes in fuch quantitie(as I haue been informed by M*.Bowles)in the corne Cuap. is 6. Of Thorow Waxe. Common Thorow-waxe. : herfhape,affinitie,nor likeneffe with anyof the Colewoorts,but altogether ‘ty wellthe common Thorow-wax ; whereunto I ratherreferit. Ithath brittle ftalkes twofoot high, bearing leaues, which wrap andinclofe themfelues off the skin: it eafily confiymeth proudand fuperfluousfeth that growethin poifonfomervleerses 3 Perfoliatavulearis. i ahh Thorow-wax reckoned by Dodonaus among the Braffickesor Colewoorts,and mas kindethereofandcalling it Bra/fica fjln ris perfoltata : though in mine opinion without A great quantitie taken is mifchieuous and deadly. The {melland {mokealfo ofthis hearbe being burnt doth driue awayferpents. The afhes ate likewife tempered with thofe medicines tWat ferne to take away {cabs and filth Wee read in the copies of Serapio, that Glaffe-woort isa tree fo great,that a man may flandmder the fhadow thereof: but it is very like,that this errour proceedeth rather from the interpreter than from the Authour him felfe. E The floure of Chriftall,or (as they commonlytermeit, Sandeuer) doth wonderfully drie, Ite fily taketh away fcabbes and mangineffe, if the foule parts be wafhed andbathedwith thewate whereinit is boiled. ; Horow-wax or Thordw-leafe,hath a round,flend er,andbrittle ftalk,diuided into many fmall branches, whichpaffe or goe thorew the leaues , as though they had beene drawne or thruft thorow,andto make it moreplaine, euery branch doth growthorow them like hollowcups or faucers.. The feed groweth in fpokie tufts ot a euery leafe,m: like Dill,fong and blackifh.The floures are of faint yellow colour. The rootts fingle, white ani sidis | “the hils,that it ma Ilbe termedthe infirmitie of them. not wilde withvs that euerI couldfinde,thoughZobel feemes toaffirme the % Perfoliata filiquofi. v in the gardens of Codded Thorow-ate Herbarifts, andin > rden likewife. : q The Time. They floure in May and Tune, andtheir feedis ripe in Auguft. qj The Names, 1 Irhathbeene called from thebeginningPerfoliata,becaufethe ftalke doth paffe thorowthe ignification ofthe fame: weecall it in Englifh,Thorow-waxe, or Thorowfe, following This by themoft andbeft part of VVriters (though our Authour be ofanother opinion) i ‘ | - Cole-woorts , and called Braffica campeftris by Clufius and by el calleth it Perfoltata Napifolia Anglorum fil: quofa, $ per alure, rhe Vertues, ” water or wine,healethwounds, The inice is excellent A rofine and turpentine,maketh an excellent va- B epe wounds, trenangen oe a Of Honie-woort. The Defcription, th of the ground after the fowing ofhis feed, with weenethe whichleaues commeth forthathick r thar diuideth it felfe inromany other branches likewife,crambling of leaning ops to fuftaineit felfe,byreafon ofthe great weight ¥Y3 4 |