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Show To the Reader, Ca/p. Banbine. CaparBanbine, a Phyfition and Profeffor of Bafil, befides his Anatomicall Works,fet forthdiuers of Plants. Aamo 1596 he fet forth his Phytopinax, or Index of Plants, wherein he followes thebeft method that any yet found : for according to Lobels method (which our Authorfollowed)he begins with Grafles, Ruthes, &e. but thenhe briefely giues the Etymologie ofthe namein Greeke and Latine, if any fuch be,and tells you who of the Antients writ thereof, and inwhat part of their Works :and laftly (which I chiefly com: mendhim for) he giues the Sywomime's or {eucral] names of cach plant giuen by eachlate merly written of, name itas anew thing ; others knowingit writ of,yet not approuing of now 1s. ter this, Aamo 1598, hefet forth Matthiolus his Commentaries vpon Diofiorides, adding to Forthe Author’M*. Iohn Gerard | canfay little, but what youalfo may gather our of thisworke; whichis, he was borne inthe yeare 15 45. in Chethite, at Namptwich,from thename. Inthis Worke he went but throughfomehalfe of the hiftorie of Plants. Af them 330 Figures, and the deferiptions of fifty new ones not formerly defcribed by any; together with the Sywonima’s of all fuch as were deferibed in the Worke. He alfo duno 1613 fet forth Tabermamontanus in Dutch, with fome additionof hiftorie and figures. In Anno 1620 he fet forth the Prodromus, or fore-runner ofhis Theatrum Botanicum , wherein he giues a hundred andforty newfigures,and defcribes fomefix hundred plants,the moft not deferibed by others. After this, 4umo 1623, he fer forth his Pinax Theatri Botanici, whofe methodis the fame with his PAytopinax, but the quotations of the pages inthe feuerall Authors are omitted. This is indeed the Index and fummeofhis great and genetall Worke, which fhould containe about fix thoufandplants, and was a Worke of orty yeares : but he is dead fomenine yeares agone, and yet this his great worke is not inthe Preffe,that I can heare of. Bafil Befler an Apothetarie of Noremberg, Azno 161 3 fet forth the gardenof the Bi- thop of Ey{tet in Bavaria, the figures being very large, and all curionfly cut in braffe,and printed vponthe largeft paper’: he onelygiues the Synonima’s and défcriptions, and dinideththe worke firft into foure parts, according to the foure feafons ofthe yeare and then againe he fubdiuides them,eachinto three} fo that they agree with the moneths,putting in each Claffis the plants that flourith at thattime, Melchier Guillandinus, Fer, Imperato. will. Turner. Hem Lyte, Thefe are the chiefe and greateft part of thofe that cither in Greeke or Latine (whofe Works haue come to ourhands) haue deliueted tovs the hiftory of Plants ; yer there are fomewho haueviedgreat diligence to helpe forward this knowledge, whofe names I wil not pafie ouer in filence. The firftand antienteft ofthefe was Aloyfius Anguillara a phyfition of Padua;and Prefidentiof the publique Garden the te his opinions offomeplants were fet forth in Italian at Venice, 15 61 Melchior Guillandinuswhofucceeded Arguillara inthe gic again cMatthiolus, fome Epiftles ofplants, anda. garden at Padua, writ. an-A polo. Commentaric vpon three Chapters of Pliny, De Papyro. Ferantes Imperatus an Apothecary of Naples alfo fer fortha Naturall Hiftorie dinided into twenty cight bookes, printed at Naples Avao15 99. Inthis there is fomething of Plants :but I haue notyet feene the opinions ofAngwillara, nor this Naturall Hiftorie ; yet youfhall find frequent mention of botht hefe that writ in their time,or fince, wherefore Lcould in moft ofthe forementioned Authors notom Let menowar laft looke home, and fee who wehat 1¢ it them. had that haue taken pains in this kinde. The firft thar I finde worthy of mentionis D William Turner, the firt of whof e works that Thaue feene, was alittle bookeof the names glith, Dutch, and French, &c. printed at London.dnaeof herbes, in Greeke,Latine,En isa, In the vaste 1551 ie ral forth his Herbal or Hiftorie ofPlants,where he giues the ca of Fuchfius for the mott part: he giues the Names in Latine,G reeke, Dutchiand French she didnor scat eae Plants; his method was according to the Latine alphabet. He wasa man of good itd , ment andlearning, and wel performed what hetookein hand. 2 After this, Dodovews was tran{lated into Englith by M: -Lyte,as I formerly mentio ned And {ome yeares after, our Author fet forth this Worke, whereof I will profenth maak hauing fitft made mentionofa Worke T now prefent youwithall, Yob.Parkinfon, haue now and then referred my Reader addicted to thefe delights,to this worke efpecially in floures andfruits, wherein I wasloth to fpend too muchtime, efpecially feeing I couldadde nothing to what he had done vponthat fubie& before. Healfo there promifed another worke, the whichI thinke by this timeis fit for the Preffe, NowamTat length cometothis prefent Worke, whereof I know youwill exped I fhould fay fomewhar-, and I will not fruftrate your expe tation,but labourto fatistic you ferent in each Author; fome of them not knowing thar the plant they mention wasfor. Aloyf.Anghill, planting and preferuing ofall thefe. Inthis Worke he hath nor fuperficially handled thefe things, but accurately defendedto the very varieties in each {pecies swhérefore T into this ftudy, than the diuerfitie of names, which fometimesfor the fame plant are dift ‘Writer, and quoteththe pages. : Now there is nothing more troubles fuch as newly enter BafilBefler. Tothe Reader. fer forth betweene that former Editio n : dthis ae eee er M°*. Iohn Parkinfon an Apothecarie of this city (yet liuing and labouring for the com mon good) in theyeare 1629 ferfortha Worke bythe name of Parad. terreltris where. in he giues the figures ofall fuch plants as are preferuedin gardens. for the beauty of their Hloures, for vfe in meatsor fauces ; and alfoan Orchard ofall trees bearing fruitand fach fhrubs as for their raritie or beautyare kept in Orchards and gardens, with the ordering, planting, inall- I may, beginning with the Author, then his worke, whatit was, and laftly what it 105m Gerard; whence hee cameto this city, and betooke himfel fe to Surgérie, wherein his endeauour§ were fuch, as he’ therein attained to be a Matter of that worthyprofeffion: he lided fome ten yearesafter the publifhing ofthis worke, anddied about the yeare 1607. His chiefé commendationis, that he out ofa propenfe goodwill to the publique aduancement of this knowledge, endeauoured to performe therein more than he could well accomplith ; which was partly throughwant of fufficient learningas (befides that which he himf{elfe faith ofhimfelfe-in the chapter of Water Docke)may be gathered’by the tranflating of diuers places ourofthe Aduerfaria ; as this for onein the defcription of * After Atticus, See the fers mer Edition inthe plaees here mentias hed: Canles pedales tevni aut quaterni : which isrendred,A ftalke foure or fiue foot long.Healfo by thie fame defect called burnt Barley,* Hordeum diftichon', and diuided thetitles of ho* pag.39%e nourfront the name ofthe perfon whereto they did belong, making two names thereof, p.66. beginning one clanfe with * fulins Alexandrinus faith, 8c. and the next with, Cefarius Ar- Pit47. chiater faith. Healfowasvery little conuerfant inthéwritings of the Antients, neither, as it may feeme by diuers paflages, could heewell diftinghith betweene the antient and moderfiewriters : for he in one placefaith,[*Neither by Diofcorides, Fuchfins,or any other P51 antient writer once remembred.} “Diuers uth there are, which I had rather paffé ouer in filence, than here fet downe: neither fhould Twillingly hatie touched hereon, but that I haue met with fome that have too much admited him, as the‘only learned and iudicioys writer. But let noneblame him for thefedefe@s}feeme he was neither wanting in pains hor good will, to performe what he intended ,’and there are riorie fo fimple but kdow, that heauy burthens are with moft paines vndergone by the weakeft men: and although there were manyfaults in theworke, yet iudge well of thé Author ; for:as a late writer well faith, Falls & hallucinari bumanumeff .folitddinem quarat oportet, qui vult cur perfectis Cun, li,3 08.56 vineré,: Penfanda vitgs bona cuinfquefunt, & qua mnaiorparsingeny {tetit, eaindicandam de hq de Rep. Heb, mine eft : . Nowlet me acquaint you how: this Worké was madévp. “Dodonsishis Pemiptades comming forth Ayo ts 83, were fhortly after cranflatedinto Engliffiby D*. Prieff 4 phy- fition of London, who died either immediately before br after the finifhing ofthis tran- lation. This L hadfirft by the relation of onewho knew Dr.Prief and M". Gerard: and itis apparant by the worke it felfe, which you {hall finde'to contaitié the pbseee of Dodonens tranflated, {6 thar ditiers chapters haue ‘fearce a word mote or leffe ¢ nant what isin him, But I canaot'commend my Authorfor endéauouring to hide this thing from vs, cauilling (though commonly vniuftly) withDodosers,wherefocucr He names him,making it'a thing ofheate-fay,* that D*. pri¢f tranflated Dodoneus : when in the Epiftle of s ce his Epiftle his friend M’. Bredwell, prefixed before this worke, are thefe words : [Thefirft gatherers 0 the Reader. outofthe Antients, and augmenters by their owne paines, haue already {pred the odour oftheir good names throughall the lands of léarned habitations ; D*. Price/f for tranfla. ting fomuch as Dodonens, hath hereby left a tombe for his ‘honorable fepulture. M'.Ge- rardeomning laft, but nor the leaft, hath many waies accommodated the whale worke vatocur Englifh Nation, &c.] Butthat which may ferue to cleare all doubts,ifany can be ina thing fo manifeft, is a place in Lobel Annotatiotts vpon' Kondeletins his Pharisacopeia, where pa?.59. he findes fault with Dodonzis; for vfing barbaroufly the word Sera fot Sericam andwith D«. Prieftwho (faith he) atthe charges of M". Norton tran(lated Dodovents, and deceivedbythis werd Seta, committed an abfurd errour in tranflating it a bri- file, whenas ir fhould haue beef filke. This place fo tranflated is tobe feen in the chap- ter of the Skarlet Oke, at the letter F, And Zob2/ well knewthat it was D*, Prief that committed this error, and therefore blames*not M‘. Gerard, to whom hee made thew of friendfhip, and whowas yet lining: but yet he couertly’ gaue vs tovnderftand, that the worke wherein that errorwascommitted was 4 tranflation OfDedonaus, and that made by "qqq D*, Prieft |