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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants. bi* ie Sytiabethe beft:they growlikewife inmof places of the Eaftand Wet Indies where here i1 di. uers forts, as well wilde, as tame or manured. ‘3 tg G The Time. Lap. 3. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. 1 Palmites,fine Chamarriphes. The little wilde Date tree. 2 Palmapinus, fine Palma conifera. The wilde Date tree bearing cones. pe The Date: tree tree isae alwaies green, ¢ : { pring and time: the the fruit floureth inthe fruit is is ripe rine;in Septembe Spring time; being and then gathered they are dried in the Sunne, that they maybe thebetter both tranfported into other countries far diftant,as alfo preferued from rotting at home. ; ; © The Names. oe Thetree is called inGrecke, »né in Latine, Palma: in Englith, Date tree, Thefruit is named in Greeke, Bénuergenien: that is to fay, dans Palmarum, orthe fruit of the Date trees : and byone word, gennzfaréwe : in Latine, Palmula : in thops, Dadtylus : in high-Dutch atte lent 3in low -Dutch, Davelen ° - . . ° gin Italian, Dattol : in French, attes ~ t = : in Spanith, Tamaras anid tiles : in Englifh, Date. , — The cod or fheath wherein the floures and Dates are wrapped, is calledines»: andof fome,sisuny © The Temperature and Vertucs. All manner of Dates whatfocuer are hard of digeftion, and caufe head-ache : the worfer fort be oat bedry and binding,as the Egyptian Dates; but the foft, moift,and fweet onesate leffe urefull. ._ Thebloudwhich is ingendredof Dates in mans body is altogether groffe, and fomewhat clam: my :by thefe the liueris very quickly ftopped, efpecially beinginflamed and troubled with fome rs :f0 isthe fpleenelikewife. ‘¢ Dates which growin colder regions,when they cannot come to = ri i ea = plentifully, do fill the body full ofraw fuser ingender w inetHi aprile leprofie. Thedrier forts of Dates,as Diofcorides faith, be good for thofe 5 | e bad ftomacks, and for thofealfo = be troubled with the omni eae The beft Dates, called in Latine Caryote, are good for the roughneffe of the throat andlungs There is made hereof both by the cunning Confe@ionersand Cookes. diversexcellent cordi- all, comfortable, and nourifhing medicines, and that procureluft of the body very mightily Theydoalforefreth andreftore fuch vnto ftrength asare entring intoa confumption for they firengthen the feebleneffe of the liuer and {pleene, being made into conuenientbroths andphy{icall medicines direG&ted bya learned Phyfitian. ‘ DryDates do ftop the belly, and ftay vomiting, and the wambling of womens flomackes that atewith childe, ifthey be either eaten in meates or otherwife,or ftamped and applied vnto the ftomacke as a peGorall plaifter. _ The athes of the Date ftones hauea binding qualitie,and emplaftick facultie,they heale pufhes in the eyes, Staphylomata, and falling away ofthe haire ofthe eyelids, being applied together with Spikenard : with wineit keepeth proud Heth from growing in wounds. : The boughes and leaues do cuidently binde, but efpecially the hofe, that isto fay, the fheath or cafe ofthe floures: andthereforeit is good to vfe thefe fo oft as there is need ofbinding. The feaues and branches of the Datetree do heale greene wounds and vicers, tefrefhand coole hot inflammations. : Galen in his booke of Medicines according to the kindes mentioneth a compofition called Dispalma, which is to be ftirred with the boughof a Datetreein ftead of a fpature or a thing to a= with,for no other caufe than tharit mayreceiue thereby fome kindeofaftrictionorbinding orce. Cuap. 138... little finger, here and there fet with a few crookedpricks:the leaués within fome handfull or two ofthe ftatke are cur vp and made into little befomes, which are fold in many glaflefhopsherein London. $ 2 Thewilde Daretree that brings forth conesof key-clogs, is of moft trauellers into the Indies thought tobe barren of Dates,except fometimesit yeeldeth forth fome {mall berries like vnto Dates, but dry, and nothing worth. This tree groweth to the height and bignefle of a low tree, the trunke or body whereof is foft, of a fungous or pithy fub- ftance,vnfit for building, as is the manured Datetree: the branchit felfe was brought vnto vs fromthe Indies,dry & void ofleaues, wherefore we muft defcribe the leauesby report ofthebririger. The branches (faith my Author) are couered ouer with long flaggie leaves, hanging downeof a great length like Of the wilde Datetrees, 4] The Deftription. Heophraftus makeththis plant tobe a kinde of Date tree,but low and of{mall growth, 2 $ Fructus Palmapini. The fruit ofthe Cone-Date: feldomeattaining aboue the height of a cubit: onthe top whereof fhootforth for the moft pastlong Icaues like thofe ofthe Datetree, but leffer and fhorter; from the ides whereof breakes fortha buth ofthreddy ftrings: among which rifeth vp {mall branches ga nifhedwithclufters ofwhite floures, in which before they be-opened are: tobe feene vnperfet ape of leaues, clofely compaffed about with an innumerable fort of thin skinny hullsswhic ¢ thapes with the floures are ferued vp and eaten atthe fecond courfe amongother iunketsV" alittle faltand pepper, being pleafantto the tafte,, # The ftalke is about the thicknes ofones rrle ie thofeof the Datetree: the branches arealfo coueredwitha {ealyor feabbed barke, verie rough, onefeale or plate lying ouer another, as tiles vpona houfe: rhe fruit growes at the endofthe branches, not volikea great Pine Applecone, coueted ouet with a skinne like the Indian Nur: wherein is containeda fhel, within which thell lieth hid an acorn orlong, Mmmmmm2 kernel} |