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Show aerat te en ’Lage ~~OftheHiftoryof Plants. 678 - es ; andoutwardly ap Noppeth the laske,and courf h 1 it be taken + The ftone B afill howfoeuer ons. mmati infla plied it helpes hot Tumors and moderate heateand $ Thefe plants are goodfor all fuch effedts as require Col ofthe was chapter ofthis place thitd the form erly in afriGion. + ‘The figure that was the de faue one, and there you fhall finde it: 5 if thatthe place and floue thefourth place of the next chapter the 128, chapter of this bocke formerly deferibed by me inthe fifthp'ace of e haue heere excluded it. tovarys howeuer I imdge itthe fame and therefor 679 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. LB. 2. r,and itis from : the floures grow at the top of theftalkes hanging downewards,ofa whitecolou hard ta taken generally for Behen album: thé roote is white, plaine, and long, and very toughand breake. @ The Place. The firft groweth plentifully in my garden, being a greatornamentto the fame, and not com. mon in England. The fecond groweth almoft in cuerypafture. i | 7 j +f rs @| The Time. Cuar. 224. Of Bafill Valerian. “q The Defcription. rubra, bringeth forth long ,called of Dodoneus, Valeriana apie firft kinde of Ocymaftrum I Thefe plants do floure from May to the end of Auguft. ; The Names. _ Red Valerian hath beene fo called of the likeneffe of the floures and {poked nindles with Vale. tian:bywhich name we had rather haueit called,than rafhly to lay vpon itanvnproper name.There which place is joined and brittle ftalkes two cubits high, full.of knots or joints, in ratherlike the leanes or ger, er, andlar broad er, great , but Bafill long leaues muchlike vnto great ng red flourcs, of the fafhion of Woade. At the top ofthe ftalkes do growvery pleafant andlo this plant red Valerian; which ofthe floures of Valerian, which hath caufed Dodonans to call number, andlittle in quantity, being paft, the feedes are caried away with the winde being,fewin rued: for my felfe haue ot prefe redor gathe be to not feedis the ence t dilig ut grea t witho fotha e,andofanexcellent are fome alfowho would haue itto be a kinde of Behen of the later Herbarifts,naming the fame Behen rubrum,for difference betweenit andthe other Behenalbum,that of fomeis called Ocymaftrum and Papauer (bumeum : which I haue Englifhed,Spatling Poppie;andis in truth another plant, much differing from Behen of the Arabians: it is alfo called Valerianthon,Saponaria altera,Struthium “Aldro= andi,and Condurdum : in Englith,red Valerian,and red Cow Bafill ‘ © The Nature. Thefe plants are drie in the fecond degree. thick ten indeuouredtofeeit,and yet haue loft mylabour. The roote is very The Vertues. fweete fauour. 1 Valeriana rubra Dodondi. Red Valerian. > Spatling Poppieis called Behen album, Ocymaftrumalterum , of fome, Polemonium, and Papauer fiumewm : in Englith, Spatling Poppie,frothie Poppie,and white Ben. ’ Beeetaoe:ofScocstirsanieelieeeake 2 Behen album. infomuch that whofo doth hold the famein his hand, bh can ie €siue no dai mageor a ; shabbyai oa hurt by anyik veno- Spatling poppy. The decoétion ofthe root madein water and drunke,prouoketh vrine,it helpeth the ftrangurie 5; ; and paines about the backe and Huckle bone. ‘ yluefris *Lychnis ing is i 0 T Thatwhich was formerly here fet forth in the third place bythena bate deftribed amongit thereft of the fame kindein he Phe nee malosis coogi Eomaie Zt Doers ReRae which$ Cuar. 225: Of Muits. @| The Kindes. Herebe diuers fort ofthewaten 1 ik fome . of Mints; fomeof the garden: ; other wilde,or ofthe field ; and alfo | The Defcription. “ it He te ne eeeACio commeth vp fay,of, . with ftalkes foure {quare, ofan obfcure red dee “ts ¢ - nich are couered with round leaues nicked in the edgeslike a asthofeof Peraje Stovall: oa see are little and red,and grow about the ftalkes circle-wife, now and then in fandiy Bisces : ee aflope in the ground, hauing fomeftringsonit, and teri thbtwc hes heddet ethout aftefh : the whole herbe is ofa pleafant {mell,and it . 2 le e. «ae. uh w ping Coe ne oe hairie ftalkes fomething round, in blackifh leaues,in creethe topsof the branches bel, - as do notat all compaffe the ftalke about,but ftand vp in The leans gf ne erly placedin little eares,or rather catkines or aglets. note bairiesthe a. : sre are long like thofe of the Willow tree,but whiter, fofter, and cond. The root es orderly placed in the tops of the ftalks,and in ears like thofe of the fe: ereof doth alfocreepeno otherwife than doththat of the firft, vnto whichitis Like, fpattle,or The fecondis taken for Spumenmpapauer,in refpec of that kinde offrothy in the bofomes ofthe leaues of thele which we call Cuckowfpittle, that more aboundeth it Papaver fpameem” than in any other. plant that is knowne: for which caufe Pewa calleth 2 e refemble any kinde of Poppy _ is,frothy,or fpatling Poppy: his floure doth verylittl the feede and cod, or bowle wherein the feede is contained, otherwife it is like the othe? 5 : 4 Therei in ftalks,yet in leaues and in roots andili which hathlongleaueslike to the third es,but compaffe the branch ofthe tops inthe not ftand e a ded wife alks about circleFE Shae pt or of thefirft,which be ofa light purple colour. ofcurled as thofe defcribed | eaues broader than the common Mint,rounder alfo,and as crifp in the fecond place(of whichit feemes buta largervarietie:)the fal kes are 2 oure |