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Show 40 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 1. Lia Rita Digs The Defiription, - Aint Johns wort hath brownifh ftalkes befet with manyfall an rr Tooww leleat atieess, whwhic th if you behold betwixt your eyes and the light doappeare as ity towinaninfinite number ofplaces with pinnes points, The tranche s divide them. e bored orthatde felues into findry {mall twigs, at the top whereof doe grow manyyellowfloures. whi h leaues bruifed do yeeldareddith e. > i Te - wil 1 , 3 ! : ; a iuyce of the colour* of e bloud.$< The feed abbas ee 7 S huskes, Rac blacke 1- of Pt 5 : : we S oe ue fharpeSenpointed colour,and fmelling like Rofin, The Eas root is long. yell] ; ie awooddyfubfance. > Bae j 2 The fecondkinde of S. Iohns wort named Syriacum, ofthofe thar hauenot feene the fruj cal fields of England, wherein it groweth abounda wing fall ee Sane iketo Reior Herbe-Grace ae :wherein : Dodoneushath failed,entituling Gree L : bwibafeian we ung thethe true Androfemum by sia Of Rutafylueftris ; whereas indeeditisno more like Rewthan an Apple toan Oifter Ths 2 ¢ Robes eaeoutes F patil } . gi ; like the precedent, but fmaller, wherein confifteth the difference i ¢ Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. 541 th by him and Lovicerys is thought to be which by Tragws is called Hypericum pulchrum ,and bo Syofemum,the which we in Englifh mayfor diftin@ionsfake call Vpright Saint Diofworides bis Androfe slike thofe of the otdinarie kinde , from which arife ftraight flender ftalks Johns wort.It ha all fpaceswith pretty fmooth leaues, broad, and almoft incompaffing fomecubit high,fet at being fometimes ofa green,andot herwhilés of a reddith colour: on,and fecting the ftalke at their wfloures as the towards the top they are parte d into fome few branches, whichbeare fuchyello s the former, or a little commonkinde, but fomewhat fimaller. It floures about the fame timea after. $ ” $4 Hypericum{upinumeglabrum. y Small creeping S. lohns wort. 3 Hypericum tomentofum Clufij. Woolly S. Iohns: wort ofClufizs. ; Thad a eene fitter for our Authorto haue giuenvs Peoe giuenvs aa betrer and perfecter perfecter defeription deferipti ofpahig better and : this plant(which : : : th growes fo aboundantly with vs) than fo abfurdlyto cauill with Dedoneus for callin re faith, z the true L Androfemum,Ruta i fylueffris :: forfor ifcl 2 Ruta fylueftris pao wicks ifthat be 7 the true Androfemum whict nae n made : mentionof by tle forefaid pr Seis aa bythe aidaname,e,why why di why did not our Author os Author hor figure Gove ficure aniadefcribe delcribe and ibe it inane fig it ini n thenext theney Sate e eee eT D odoneusin figuring and deferibing Tutfin for it? re 3 hereot in the ct t OftTufan. Tutfan. I cannot cannot fay fay Lhaue feenefeenethis thi plant but tLobel : thor andfetter 1 ies er forth forth th : f thususbrief briefely) defcribes (cribes it’: the leaués re ouve aues are oure tines lotr fouretimes ti leffer than tho ofours, whichgrowthi ketogetheras inrundles vponftalkes, being a cubithigh, The 4 2 ate yellow, and like thofe ofour commonkinde. + : ie =a aM 33 Woollyj S.Iohns s wort wort hath hat many many fmall{mall weake weake|branches trailing ili vpon the ground, beferwith — little Jeaues, couered ouer witha certainefoft kinde of downineffe which comnieth orth weake andtender branches charged with {mall pale yellow floures. :amone The feeds and roots are like vnto the true S. Iohns wort. igs eal 2 oe £ 3 Hypericum tomentofumLobel. Lobels woolly S. Iohns wort. @ The Place: They growvery plentifully in the paftures in euery countrey. The Time. They floure and flourifhfor the moft part in Iuly and Auguft. : q The Names. S Johnswortiscalled in Greckewmn : in Latine, Hypericum : infhops, Perforata : of diuets, Fucademonum: in Dutch, Sats Johvans brant: in Italian, Hyperico : in Spanith, CaraconXillo : in French, mille Pertuys : in Englith, S.lohns wort, or S.Iohnsgraffe. - ] The Temperature, S Johns wort (as Galen teacheth) ishot and dry, being offubftance thinne. | TheVertues. §. Johns wort with his floures andfeed boyled and drunken, prouoketh vrine,andis right good, A againft the ftone in the bladder, and ftoppeththe laske. Theleaues amped are good to be'layd’ that our Author gaue w as of thatwhi : ¥ The figure ; rive youfecondin i the third i placC9 I here& giue twhich vnder the title of Hyper toment. clufi hye 8 fa + one with that he found about Mont ee faith it was his,and blames Lobc/ for making 1t@ nt pelier ; whofe figurealfo I giue you firft in the third: placts you may fee whatdifferen that fall high ¢ yer telle erence you can obferue by them: for Clufius faith Lobels is butan hand> 5.3 7CE tes he not vs howhigh his srowes. s, neither neither inftances i ro neithet ‘ther c4 can howtheydiffer, gatherit by Lobels defcription burl i vy Er ; ‘ i oniecture i t i s t h u s s i a attends: 38 tatal: defcription his ofClufius That ; thus is it ¢ floures the hath and hairy, and white ler, more ofan vmbel, as in theother, 1¢ Loures growing along little foot-ftalks, and not in manne + 4 Befides the : , kindewhichis So aes hoary S. Iohns worts here deferibed, there is anotherft tentrionale, It gtowes fome baad fallen, ee 5 and by Lobet,H ypericums minimum fupinum > like thofeofthe ordinarie kinde: by e.. high, with weake and flender branches fetwith eaues fewerin number,andlefle. It is to b fe a: the floures are alfo like thofe ofthe firft deferibed, bat asthe temic. €f0und in dryandbarren grounds,and flouresat the fame um A nihdarita gs } vpon burnings, fcaldings,andall wounds ;and alfo for rotten andfilthy vicers. hor B The leaues, floures, andfeeds ftamped, and put intoa glaffe with oyle Oliue,andfetin the Sunne for certaine weekes together, and then ftrained fromthofe herbes, and the like quantitie of newput in,andfunnedin like manner, doth make an oyle of the colour ofbloud, which is 4 mot precious remedyfor deepe wounds,andthofe that are thorow the body,forfinewesthat are prickt, or any wound madewith a venomed apon. Iamaccuftomed to make a compoundoyle hereof; . of whichye fhall receiue at my hands, becqufe that I know in the world thereis nora the making no not natural! balfamit felfe forI dare vndertaketo cure any fuch wound’ as ab folutely better, in each refpeét,if not fooner andbetter, as any man whatfocuer fhall or may withrnaturall balfam. Takewhite winetwopintes,oyleoliue foure pounds,oile of Turpentinetwopounds,the leanes, C floures, and feeds of S Johns wort, of cach two great handfulls gently bruifed . put themall toge- ther intoa great double glaffe, and fecirin'the Sunne eightor ten dayes , then boyle them in the fame glafle per balneum Maria, thatis, ina kettle ofwatet with fomeftraw in the bottome, wherein I fe muft ftand to boyle : whichdone, ftraine the liqttor fromthe herbes,and do as you did before, > Baobtered grom ing in S. Tohns wood andother places, that kinde of S. Iohn we wie putting in the like quantitie of herbes, floures, and feeds, but not any more wine, And’ fo haue you great fecret for the purpofes aforefaid, Diofcori tes |