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Show ORENee a ire pee Of the Hiftorie of Plants. Lis, all can be gathered for he in intreateth notof the forms of trees, but ofthe graffing ofdivers inty feners, vnlike and differingin nature ;as of the graffing of the Nut tree into the Strawberry tree, the Apple intothe Plane tree, the Beech intothe Cheftnut tree ; the Peare into the wilde Ath or Quick-beametree, the Oke into the Elmetree :and in this refpect hee writeth, that the Plane tree briigeth forth an Apple, the Beech treea Cheftnut ; the wilde Ath tree bringeth forth the white floure ofthe ofhis Peare Georgicks: tree, asismoft manifeft out of Virgils ownewords, afterthis manner, sites fectbGOke = , Inferiturveroex feta nucis Arbutus horrida, Etfleriles Platani malosgeffere valentes, Ofthe Hiftory of Plants, cients Setuice tree in thape and manner of growing, that fr is hard to knowone from the other s burthar the leaues are foft and hairy,hauing a red finew or rib thorow the midft of the leafe : the floures grow with the leaues ee ftems cluftering ee cats taile, or the catkins of the nut tree,but greaterand ofa whitifh green colour: after which come elufters of round betrics, grow. ing in bunches like grapes, % a 2 Pliny his Sumach,or the Sumach ofPlinies defcription,groweth likea finall hedge tree, ha wing many flender twiggie branches, gatnithed withlittle leaves like cAtyrtus, or rather like the leaues of the Zuinbe tree,;among which comeforth flender moffie floures, of no gteat account orvajuewhich bring forth {mall {eeds,inclofed withina cornered cafeor huske,fathioned like afpoons thetrunke or body of boththefe kindes of Sumach being woundedwith fome iron Inftrument, yeeldeth agumor liquour. Caftanee Fagos : Ornus incamuit albo Flore Pyri,glandémauefues fregere fub Vlmis. | The Place. The Tree- Strawb'ry on Walnuts ftocke doth grow; Andbarren Planesfaire Apples oft haue borne; Cheftnuts, Beech-Matt; the Quickentree doth thew The Peares white floure ; andiwine oft times th’ Acorn 4 fa: 3. | Sumach groweth,as Diofcorides faith,in ftony places : it is found inditters mountaine s & woods in Spainejand in manyplaces on the mount Apennine in Italy,and alfo neere vnto Foatas: Archi-« gwesin Galea,in the 8. book ofmedicines according tothe places affected, thewerh,t hat it glows thin Syria,making choice of that of Syria. ae > Haue gathered vnder Elmes. He Lime, The floures of Sumach comeforth in Iuly,the feed with the betties are ripein Autumne? q The Names. Thisis called in Greckeie Rhus, faith Pliny,hath no Latinename,yet GaXaafter the fignificati Cuap, Ill. onofthe Grecke word,faineth aname,calling it ae : the Arabians name it Swmach : the Itali«s ans,Sumacho : the Spaniards,Sumagre:in low Dutch, contra tingof the wordthey cal it o Sumach: in Ettolifh, Simach Coriars Simnachand Leather Sumach: the anes of nee . Of (Coriars Sumuch. 1 Rhus Coriariac 2 Rhus Myrtifolia. Coriar Sumach. becalled ‘pte gopodsien ; The feed is named Wilde or Myrtle Sumach, in Latine, RAus coriaria,or Rhoe, Erurhros : and uci xt sje: in Latine,Rhus Culinariaand Rhus obfoniorum:in Ens glifh,Meat Sumach,and Sauce Sumach. : q The Temperature, Thefruit,leaues,and feed hereofdo very muchbinde,they alfo coole and drie : drietheyare in the third degree,and coldin the fecond,as Galen teacheth. g The Vertues. f The leaues of Sumachboyled inwine and drunken, do ftop the faske, the inordinate courfe of & Womensfickneffes,and all other inordinate iffues of bloud. 5 The feed of Sumacheatenin fauces with meat, ftoppethall manner of fluxes of the belly; the blondy, flix,andall other iffues,efpecially the white iflues ofwomen. The decodtionof the leaues maketh haires blacke, and is put into ftooles to fume vpward into G the bodies ofthofe that haue the Dyfenterie, andis to be giuen themalfo to drinke, The leaues made into an ointment or plaifter with hony and vineger,ftaith the {preading nature D) OGangrenes and Prerygia. i The drie leaues foddeninwatervntill the deco@ionbeas thickeas hony,yeeld fortha certaine Bi cilineffe,which performethall the effets ofLicium. z f The feed is no leffe effectuall to be ftrowedin pouder vpon their meats whichare Celigei or Dytuteric?. ; .. feedes pouned, mixed with honie and the powder of Oken coles , healeth the Hemor: G Moides, F There iffueth out of the fhrub a gum,whichbeing putinto the hollowneff e of the teeth, taketh Ey ‘way the paine,as Dio/corides writcth. : Cuar, 112. Ofred Sumach, G The Defcription, G The Defcription} a i Hefe twofiguresare ofone andthe felfe fame plant; the firft theweth the fhrub being in floure: the other whenit is full foured with the fruit grownetoripeneffe, notwithitan- i he of a hedgetree,: after the mannet Ffs Oriars Sumach groweth vp vnto the height Fidertree, bigger than Déofcorides reportethit to be, orothers, whoafirme tha . . : 4 s. {> like to We oe ‘S fome haue deemed them to be of two kindes, wherein they were deceiued. This excellent and moft beautifull plant Coggygria (beeing reputedof the Italians and the Netians fora kind of Rhus or Sumach,becaufe it is vied for the fame purpofes whereto Rhus fie. Seruice ueth, ‘ * groweth two cubitshigh :whofe errors arethe greater : but this X/xs is {0 like : 5 |