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Show Ot the Hittorie of Plants. arora 864 Sr (a vnprofitable weeds, and hurtfull yntoeach The reft of the Bindiveeds af nor fit for medicine, but thing that groweth next vato them. Of the Hiftory of Plants. Lis. 2 Leresa eal ftalke fome handfull: long: the eipwhich +4 Convolonlus caruleus minor,folio oblonge. Small blew Bindweed. 274, page of the Aduerfaria,but fo confufedly andimperfedefcription which our Author intended inthe firit place for¥olabil# nigra, and took out of the with that he intended,1 hauc omirted as impertinent, and madehis larer, though alfo yoperfeg detcription, fomewhat more ccaeaiile a Lists a grecable to the plant figured and intended, Cuar. 318. Of Blew Bindweed. q The Defcription. Lew Bindweedbringethforth long, tender,and winding branches,by whichit elimeth vpon things that ftand neere vntoit,and foldethit felfe about them with many turnings is blacke, and of thebignefle ofa Tate « the rootis ftringie, and laftsno longer than ta the perfecting ofthe feed. I hauc'onelygiuen thefigure of the leate andfloure largely expreft, becaufe for the root and manner of growing itrefembles the laft defctibed. 3. This fall blew Biridweed fendeth forth .diuets long flender creeping hairie branches,lying flat vpon the ground,vnlefle there be fomething, for it to reft vpon: the leaues be longith and hairy,and out oftheir bofomes (almoft from the bortome tothe carrying beautifull floures of the bignefle and fhape of the common{mal Bindweed, but commonly of three colours; that is, worne ruffet greene colour : among which come forth moft pleafant flouresbell fafhion,fomthing cornered as are thofe ofthe commonBindweed,ofa moft fhining azure colour tending topurple: which being paft,there fucceed round knobbed feed veffels, wherein is contained long blackifh feed ofthe bigneffe ofa Tare, and like vnto thofe of the great hedge Bindweed.The tooris threddy,and perifhetharthe firft approchof Winter. Blew Binde- weed. the feed veffell,is rough and hairie:the feed tops of theftalks) come fmall foot-ftalkes and windings,wrappingit felfe againft the Sun,contraryto all other things whatfoeuer, that withtheirclafping tendrels do embrace things that ftand neerevnto them ; whereupott doe growbroad cornered leauesverylike vnto thofe of Iuic, fomething rough andhairy, ofanoue- 1 Convolvulus Caruleus. holds the floures, and afterwards 'becomes white in the verie bottome, yellow in the middle, and a perfe& azureat the top; and thefe twine themfelues vp,open and {hut in fiue plaits like as moft otherfloures of this kinde doe. The feed is contained in round knaps or heads,and is blacke and cornered: $ 2 -Convolvulus caruleus folio rotunda, the rooris fmall,and perifhes euery yeate Banhine wasthe firft that fer this forth, and that bythe name of Convolvulys peregrinus carulens folio oblonga. + Round leaued blewBindweed. The Places : The feedé ofthis rare plant was firft brought from Syria and other remote placesofthe world,andis a ftranger in rhefe Northern parts; a I broughtvp and nourifhedit in my garden vato flouting, but the whole plant perifhed lore it could perfect his feed. q The Time. The feed muft be fowne as Melons and Cucumbersare, and at the fame time: it floured with meatthe end of Auguft. iG 2 q The Names. : Py.-called Campana Laxula,and Lazura:ofthelater Herbarifts campana Carufea, and alfo Convolv aruleum ; it is thought tobe the Ligu/trum nigrum ; of which Columela inhis ténth book¢ hath made mention. Fer calathis violam,ey nigro permifta liguftro Balfama cum Caffia nectens, Ge. In baskets bring thou Violets,and blew. Bindweed withall, But mixed withpleafant Baulme,and Caffia medicinal, Forif the greater fmooth Withwinde, or Bindweed be Liguftrum, then may this be not vnpro- Ph called Ligu/trum nigrum : fora blewpurplecolouris oftentimescalled blacke,as hath beene X Yc ones later ; ’ £ 2 There. arcalfokept inour gardens two other blew floured Bindweeds. aber= 2 and great plant,the other leffer. The great fends vp many large and long winding D”, thofe ofthe laft defcribedanda Jittle haitie : the Ves Oat and roundith, ending me point : the floures are as large as thofe ofthe steat Bindweed, and in fhape like chem, but com colour,withfiue broad purplith veines equally diftant each from other : and thefe ae monly growthree neere together vponthreefeucrall ftalks fome inch long, faftened' (0 italse = in “i blacke Violet.Butthere be fome that would haue this Bindweed to be Granum nil Aui- = «ot which he writeth in the 306.chapter; the which differeth from that Ni/ thatis deferibed a5 . chapter. For thisis Z/atis Grecorum,or the Grecian VWoad: but thatis a ftrange plant, Pai from India,as both Auicen'and Serapiodoe teftifie : Auicen in this manner: ne is Wen ‘ al? It is Cartarum Indum : and Serapiothus ; Habal Nl, is Granym Indicum, ing. a 3- isibes catt is deferibedin thefewords : [ The plant thereof is like to the plant ofLehla' a.: rit hath ee sia YO Convolunius, ot Bindweed,taking hold of treeswith his tender ftalks ches and leaues,and there commeth oucbyevery leafea purple floure, in fafhion ofthe Bel- Outes : and when the flotire dothfall away, it yeeldeth a feed in mall cods (I read little ee |