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Show Sateenae 1560 ~~Ofthe Hiftory of Plants, 5 Mufcus ramolus , foridus, Line heath toward Highgate - whj ae ; whichplace I haue fhewedvnto diuerSogate sexpert urgeons of Lon. Flouriag branched Moffe. don, in our wandering abro ad for our farther knowledgein Simples. This kind ofMoffe the ftalkes thereofarenot aboue one hand. full high, coucred with fhort haites ftandi ng very thicke together, of an obfeu yellow greencolour; out ofwhichftalkesrefpring vp 1561 OF the Hiftory ofPlants. “Lip.3. d thew not vnlike to that kinde of Oke Ferne in androtten ties; a'certaine kinde of Moffe n diuers long branches, confifting of many. — abu er called Dryopterss. Tt efeepeth vpon the le leaues,fet vpon amiddle rib One oppo« fmall leaues, every particular leafe madevp of fitetoanothes. ifundry . s corniculatus 8 Mufcu Moffe. or knagged Horned 7 Mufius Filicinus. Moffe Ferne. fometimes very fine naked ftems, fomew har blacke, vpon the tops of which hangasit were little graines like wheat corne s. The footsare very {lender and maruellous fine, $. Of this Cadianthum aureum there are three kindes, different onely in magnitude and that the two bigger haue many hairie threds vpon their branches, whenas the leaf hath onely three or foure clofe to the roor; andthis is the leaft of plants that I euer yer faw grow, t : 4 _Ofthis there is alfo another kinde altogetherleffer and lower. This kind of moffe groweth in moift places alfo, commonlyin old moffie and rottentrees , likewife vpon tocks,and oftentimes in thechinks and crannies of ftone walls. 5 Thereis oftentimes found vpon old Okesand Beeches, and fuch like Ouergrowntrees, akinde of Moffe hauing many flender branches, which-diuide themfelues into otherlef fer branches ; whereonare placed confufedly very manyfall threds like haires, of a green ith ath colour: vpon the ends of the tenderbranches fometimes there commethforth a floure in thape like vnto alittle buckler or hollow Muthrom,ofa whitith colour tending toyellownes, and garnifhed with the likeleaues ofthofe vpor the lower branches, 9 Mafcus denriculatus Toorhed Mofle. 6 Mufcus Pyxidatus. Cupor Chalice Moffe, 61; Ofthis Moffe there is another kinde, which Lobel in his Dutch Herbal hath fet forth vader thetitle ofMufius Pyxidatus,which 1 have Englifhed,Cup Moffe or Chalice Moffe: it growe themoft barren dry and grauellyditch bankes, creeping Hat vpon thegroundlike vato L burofa yellowith whitecolour: amongwhich leauesftart vp here andthere certainelittle th fafhionedlike alittle cup called a Beaker or Chalice, and of the fame colour and fubftance of lowerleaues,which vndoubtedly may be taken for the floures : the pouder of which Molle ¢ tochildren inany liquor for certaine dayes together,is a moft certaine remedie againft rillous malady called the Chin-cough. ” 7. ' ‘There is likewife found.in the thadowie places of high mountaines, and at the foot’ themfelues atthe top into fundry knags ur. an ouerworne whitifh colo ene Nee eee ont ally were fea Coles eci . butis efp es, tain gotten font eore en vher -n moun a mount barrnd moftafa inne and lead, rr t La ire yn of and hes, diuiding branc naked and bare bh many hereof is of “bof the r : ur on the ro} ) 5 OLou 8 Thereis foun ivp accuftomeéd to be aigge acertaine {mallWelant: plan : partw ery pat , cuery coche of a Deere, dhornes t, by the name of Hore and defeription of this plan ; a nd Bauhine teM, LO ing this the bett1 e Tracus, cormiculata Pena and Lobel > Ais n ‘callerh it Fil , furcatum, £ ofch fon, feu farcatybottom of Heath at the Moffe feof | ot i ound a certaine kinde ing as it were Of fealts jes, confift f barren mountain OW mt s gS i te indry branches, erg ¢ it felfe far abroad into |