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Show 1246 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants, ; “Th os, | L18, 2. Xf The Time. It floureth in Iuneand Iuly : the feed is ripe in = end ofAugnt, : : X b, 5 no fay ens Fraxi. afte: all it Didtamnum,an Diptanum, but nottruly,and vfe oftentimesthe roots hereof in ftedd of the right Dittanie. That itisnorthe right g Dittanieit is better knowne than necdfull atall to beconfuted it i as evident i 1that ‘the ; : * ; : ;uted 5. and itis fameis not Diofcorides his Pfendodittamnum ,» or baftard Ditranie : but . ys . . ie Traginm oftheold Writers.wherewith it feemeth toagree in fhew,butitis plaine to beakinde of notin fubftance. ot rootof thisis onely vfed in thops,and there Meme by thenamie of Radix Diptamni.or A | The Température. Theroot ofbaftard Dittanieis hot and dry in the toon degreee,it is ofa wafting,artentating and openingfacultie, A oo Itbringeth downethe menfes,it alfo <PApnea and after birch.it hel peth cold dif. eafes of the matrix : andit is reported to be good for thofe thar haue ill ftomackes andare hort winded. . B Theyalfo fay,tharit is profitableagainft the ftingings and bitings of venomous ferpents-againt E_— | The Names. Itiscalled in Greeke reiéowe : and in Latine Tribulus -and thatit maydiff er from the ather which oweth in the water, ic is nated 'reiginee sppociee, OF Tribulus terreftris : itmay be called in Englith.| Ciltrops, ofthe likeneffewhich the fruit hath with Caltrops, that ae inftruments of Wate ; horfes as i> i catin way to annoy the feet of the Enemies ore 2 remembred i S on tm 1 EM deena bred 3a ti Water $4- q) The alee andVertues :-, Calttop there is an earthy and cold qualitie abounding, whichis alfo binding, as J Imfaith. ¢ ; ; happ“4 eyoo rs bitings ee ni?di : : crowne weight,and : ‘ deiitiliek Bs Seen tga emedie again poyfons : the decodion thereof fptinckled e tCuar, 526. ly,it draweth thornesandfplinters outof thefleth. : ceca The like vertue hath the leaues and iuice taken after the fame fort and being applied outwatd- EF ae land Calerops,faith Dio/corides, being drunke-to the quantitie of a French Thefeed of Baftard Dittanie taken in the quantitie of a dram is good again the ftrangury,prouoketh vrine,breaketh the ftone in the bladder,and driuethit fort! ay Theroot taken witha little Rubarb killeth and driueth forth wormes. . Thefuit thereof being drunkewafteth away ffones in the kidneyes, by reafon thatit is ofthin , : Of Spring or mountaine Peafe or etches. Orob vii : a ipsoroe a PAA eS Dioftorides reporteth,that the wilde Goats beingftrickeniwith darts orarrowes, willeat Didam, and thereby caufe them to fall out oftheir bodies ;which is meant ofthe right Dicéam, though Dvdonens reporteth that this plant will do the likewhich I do not beleeue) + nor Dodowens afhrme.t Cap, 525. Of Land (altrops. Tribulus terrefiris, Land Caltrops, The Defiription. i‘ vt And Caltrops hath long branchesfull of Lapred abroad vponthe ground,gar nifhed with many!eaues fer vpon a mid- dlerib, after the manner of Fetches ; amonglt whichgrow little yellov branches, confifting offiue {malleaues,like veo the floures ofTar mentill: I neuer fawthe plant beareyellom but white floures,agreeing with the defeript! ; y —\\I ay = : V4 \\ iy : on of Dodoneus in each refpect, faue in the co WW \ } << Jour of the floures,which doe turne into {mall 3S) ES 0 Dee SS fquare fruit,rough,and full of prickleswherelt is a fmal] kernell or feed : the rootis white,am full offirings. @ The Place. y It groweth plentifully in Spain in the be itis hurtful to corne,but yet as Pliny faith,it rather tobe accounted among the difea e corne,than amongthe plaguesofthe earthiit '§ alfo found in moft places ofItaly 8 France foundit growing in a moift medow adijoyn! to thewoodor Park of Sir Francis Care. Croidon,notfar from London , and oF where ; fromwhence I brought plants tor ™ aoe gi” ait ty | The Defcription. : His, which Clufus calls Orobus Venetas, hath many cernered ftalkes fome foot long: Me an.* whereoa grow winged leaues,foure or fix faftned to one rib, ftanding by couples Bring anotherwithout any ae leafe at theend: thefe Jeaues are ofan indifferent pe ani SESfe SPOT— eK D__ 1247 The Time. deadly poifons, ae contagious and peftilent difeafes;and that it i$, with good fucceffe mixed with counterpotfons. Z. C ee ease Irfloureth in Iune and Tuly : the fruit iatipe in Auguft. q The Names, see~ a oui Coon.—~~*ac he : Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. a |