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Show ag Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. a ee oA re q The Names, fi Milke Vetch is called ofMatthiolus, Polycala, but not properly : of moft itis called Aftrazays, in Spanith, Garauanciilos ; inthe Portingales tongue , Alphabeca : in Dutch,Clepne Ciceven, : q The Temperature and Vertues, Aftragalusas Galen faith, hath aftringent or binding roots,and thereforeitis of the number of thofe fimples that are not alittle drying. for it glueth and healethvpold vicers,andftaieth the Aux ofthe belly, if they be boiled in wine and drunke: the fame things alfo touching the vertuesof4. firagalus Dioftorides hath mentioned:the root,faith he, being drunke in wineftaieththe laske, and prouokethvrine, being dried and caft vpon old vicers itcureth them: it likewife procureth great ftore of milke in cattel] chat do eat thereof, whence it tooke his name. It ftoppeth bleeding,but it is with much ado beaten,by reafon of his hardneffe, ~ OftheHiftoryofPlancs: >SSC unr {mall flexible tough branches, full of {mall knots or knees, from each of which fpringeth fothvone long {mall wingedleafe,like birds foot, but bigger : from the bofome of thofe leaues come forthlittle tender ftems, onthe ends whereofdo grow {mall whicith yellow floures, which arevery flender, and foone vaded, like vnto them of Birds-foot :rhefe floures turne into fmall tharpe pointed cods,ftanding one diftane from another, like the diuifions ofa diar, or as thoughit onfited oflittle hornes; wherein is contained {mall yellowi fh feeds : the root is tough,and deepgrowing inthe ground. “4 There is another fort of Kidney Vetchcalled Birds-foot,or Ornithopedium which hath very any fmalfanid tender branches, trailing here and there clofe vpon the ground,fet full of fmail and loft leaues, of awhitith greene, in fhape like the leaues ofthe wilde Vetch, but agteat deale leffer,and finer, almoft like fmall feathers : among{t which the floures doe grow, that are very fmall; yellowith, and fomerimes wlhitith ; which being vaded there come in place thereoflittle pee eater ee wis yoked cous; fineor fix growing together, which in fhew and fhape are like vnto a fmall birds foot,and cach and eucry cod refembling a claw; inwhichare inclofedfmall feed like thatof Tur. nes, Cuap. 521. Of Kidney Vetch, ee 4] The Defiription, I t 4 3 Ornithopodium MALits. Thegreat Birds-foot, Ornithopodium minus. Smal hee. KK incy Vetchhath ftalke of the height of a cubit,diuidingit felfe into otherbranches, whereon do growlong leaues.madeofdiuers leaues,like thofe ofthe Lentill,coueredas itwere with a foftwhite downineffe : the floures on the tops of the ftalks ofa yellow colour,verie many ioined together,as it were ina {pokie rundle: after which growvplittle cods,in whichiscontained {mall feed : the rootis flender,and ofa wooddie fubftance. + This is fometimes found with white floures :whereuponTabernamentanus gaue two figures, calling the one Lagopodiumflore luted, and the other Lagopadium flo.albo. Our Author vnfitly gaue this later mentioned figure inthe chap- ter ofLagopus,by the name of Lagepum maximum, + 1 Anthyllis Leguminefa, Kidney Vetch. : 2 Stella lepuminofa. Starry Kidney Vetch. TL N igtiee! LO 4 which 4 There is alfoanotherkinde of arn hopodium, or Birds-foot, called {mall B irds-foot, r fprigs grow nor aboue a hand brancheso the imaller: f thavitismuich firftjbuc the “ety likevnto the ground with his {mall leaues and bran- iY ~ €anhand in length, {preading themfelugs:vpon We hofe of the former,butvery fmall, and : : mancr of the lefler Arachus: the floures ase likevntot oe *4led colour, fitlyshete take place: The root thereof Sees sae 2 5 This {mall horned pulfe may ftalkes fome handfullan s alfe or ute fibres, from. which arife two or three littleflender ftraight f pagers fharpe pointed crooked. hornes, rounder and og 3 jttigh at the tops of thefeerow, little tailes of Scorpions and fo sttholeof Fenugreeke.turning their ends. inwards like the an Pena Birds-foot. of thofe like little,and winged iottesare fall and yellow ;theinleaues an dthey y fet it forth by the inF inFrance, Nz in Narbon the corne this ound me i the fields in i among{t a ‘Me as 1 ° 4 Iliaue here giuen youit. + = saps : Llal — =) ONS = £5 Sconpoides Leguminofa, Small Horned pulfe. 2 The Starry Kidney Vetch, called Stel/a leguminofa, or according to Cortufus y avéiung bath manly q The Place. "3. 4. ta Thefe plants I found growing vpon Hampftead Heath neecte London,righ Mmmmm |