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Show “360 Lipa, Of the.Hiftorie of Plants. Smilax a[pera Lufitanica. Rough Binde-weed of Portugal. others, as one M'.White an excellent painter, who carried very Many people into Virginia (orafter fome Norembega)there toinhabst, atw hich time hee did fee thereof great plen. tie,as he himfelfe reported vnto meywithichis bare defeription ; It is (faith he) the rootof a {all thrubbie tree, or hedgetree,firch as are thofe of our country called Hay-thomns, hauing leaues refembling thofe of Tuy, but the floures or fruit he remembreth nor, ¢ It is moft certaine, that Safa parilla. is the root ofthe Americane Smilax afpera, bothibycon. fent of moft Writers, andbythe relation of fuch as haue feeneit growing there. 2 Thecommon roughBinde-weed hath many branches fet full oflittle fharpeprickles, with certaine clafping tendrels, wherewithit taketh hold vponhedges, fhrubs, and whatfoeuer ftandeth next vato it, winding and clafping it felfe about from thebottom tothe top; whereon areplaced at every ioint one leafe like thatof Iuy , without comers, fharpe pointed, leffer and harder than thole of {moothBinde-weed , oftentimes marked withlittle white {pors, and garded orborde- red about the edges with crooked prickles, The floures- growat the top ofcrooked ftalls ofawhite colour, and fiveet of finell, After commeth the fruit like thofeof the wilde Vine, greeneat the firft , and redwhen they beripe, andof a biting tafte ; wherein is con- tained a black in fhapelike that ofhempe. The rootis long, (omewhat hard, and parted ; into very many branches. 3. This rough Binde-weed, found for the moft part in the barren mountainesof. Portugal,dif fereth notfrom theprecedent in ftalkes and floures, but in the leaues andfruit; for the leanes are fofter, and leffe prickly, and fometimes hauenoprickles at all,andthey are alfo oftentimes much narrower : thefruit or berry isnot red butblacke when as it commeth to beripe. The root a is one fingle root ofa wooddy fubftance,with fomefibres annexed thereto, whereif confiftetathe difference. @ The Place. i ZarXa parilla, ot the prickly Binde-weed of America, groweth in Peru a provi ‘nce of Americ’, in Virginia, and in diuers other places bothin the Eaft and Wett Indies. Ids, on mou! nThe others growin rough andyntilled places,about the hedges and bordersof fie taines andvallies, in Italy, Languedock in Franee, Spaine,and Germany. G The Time. f @| The Names. \ They floure and flourith in the Spring : their fruit is ripe in Autumne,ora little before. sot: a8 Teisnamed in Greeke zuink cexyete. Gaza (Theophraftus his Tranflaror) namesit ee ao likewife Pliny, who/ib.24. cap. owriteth, that itis alfo fyrnamed Nicophoron. Ofthe a 4, 35 Hedera inofa, and Rubus ceruinus : of the Caftilians in Spaine, as Lacuna faith, Zar=4 retell though they thould fay Rubus viticula, or Bramble little Vine. Parra,as Matthiolus interpt > fignifica Vine; and Parilla, a {mall or little Vine. - : che later Het Diuers affirme that the root (brought out of Perua prouince in America) whicht ie robelike barifts do call ZarZa, is the root ofthis Bindeweed. Garcias Lopins Lufitanasgranted!a jite thereunto,but yet he doth not’affirmetharit is the fame. Plants are oftentimes Ore rence ; BE one another, which nonwithftanding are proued not to be the fame by fomelittle diffe diuers conftitution of the weatherand of the foile making the difference. ZarXaparillaof Peru isa ftrange planc,and is brought ynto vs from the Cc world called America $ and fuch things as are brought from thence,although the a often differ in yertuc ante areflike to thofe that growin Europe, notwithftanding they doe but on: fr the diverfitie ofthe foile and ofthe weather doth not only btced an alteration — Lip. 2. SHEE, CGAMLLLacityee B61 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. but doth moft of all preuaile in making thevertues and qualities greater or leffer. Suchthingsas srowin hot places be of more force, and greater finell; and in cold, ofleffer. Some things that aredeadly and pernitions, being remoued wax milde, and are made wholefome : foin like manner, althoughZara parilla ofPeru be like rorough Binde-weed, or to Spanith Zarzaparila , notw ithof the foile,it is nature through the temperature of. the weather, .and alfo {landing0 by reafon of the a . + . < ofa vteat deale more force than that which growetheither in Spaine orin Africke. Thetoots of Zarzaparilla of Peru, whichare brought alone without the plant, be long and flen-ad ini det, like to the Jeffer roots ef common liquorice, very many oftentimes hanging from on which roots the middle {tring is hardeft. They haue little tafte,and fo fmall a {mell thar it 1s not tobe perceiuied . Thefe arc reported ro grow in Honduras a prouince of Peru. Theyhad their name of the likenefle of rough Binde-weed, which among the inhabitants it keepeth; fighifying in Spa- nifh,arough or prickly vine, as Garcias Lopins witne ffeth. The Temperature. Theroots are of temperature hor and dry, and of thin and fubtill parts,infomuchas theit deco- Gtion doth very eafily procure {weat. @ The Vertues. Theroots are a remediec againft long continuall paine of the ioyrits and head, and againft cold difeafes, They ate goodforall manner of infirmities whereinthere is hope of cute by fweating,fo thatthere be no ague ioyned. - bys ; Thecureis perfected in few dayes;ifthe difeafe be not old or great ; but if itbe, itrequiceth a longertime of cure. ‘The roots here meantareasI take it thofe ofZarze parilla,whereofthis Smilax aperaor tough Binde-weedis holden for akinde : notwithftandingthis of Spain and the other parts ofEurope, though it be counted leffe worth, yetis it commended ofDiofcorides and Pliny againit poyfons. The leaues hereof,faith Dio/corides are a counterpoy {on againft deadly medicines, whether they be drunke beforeorafter. Bt The fecond and fourth were Both formerly ofone planr, I méanethehittorie for the gure in the fourth place fhould haue been in the thirdand the Ggure inthe third was the fame with the fecond, and fhould haue beenin the fourth place « — Cuar. 317. t Smilax lents fine leis maior. Great fmooth Binde-weed. Offmooth orgentle Binde-weed. 2 Smilax lenis minor. Small Binde-weed, |