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Show Of the Hiftory of Plants, “Lape 3e Ofthe Hiftroy of Plants 1267 alate ellow-rofes, fuchas the maine ftocke or mother bringeth out,which euent is notte | The Defiription, I ‘iy fingle Muske Rofe hath diuers long thoots leche plants that havebeen grafted. Moreouer,the feeds of yellow rofes haue brought aie atie hard Ehud é hick ition i ofa greenith colour and;ooddie {ib- befothfee : yellow rofes,fuchas thefloure was fromwhence they were taken; which they wogld not do ftance,armed withvery tharpe prickles, diniding it ) felfe into divers branches : where ereon -byaay conic ural reafon,if that of themfelues they were nota naturall kind of rofe. Laftly, itwere do grow long leaues,fmooth & {hining ,made of diuers leaues fer vpon a middlerib, like th other attrue principle rofes: the floures grow on the tops of the branches, of awhite colour, and pleafant fivect {mel} lke lie SS esainitfonina quodque fire sthat is to fay; ; : that ofMuske,whereof it tooke his name ; hauing certain yellowfeeds in the middle,as the rélhof the rofes haue : the fruit is red whenir is tipe,and filled with furch chaffieflocks and {eeds as thole of the other rofes : the root is tough and wooddie. “ 2__ Thedouble Muskerofe differeth not from the precedent in leaues,ftalks, and roots, norin the colour ofthe floures,or fweetneffe thereof,but onely in the doubleneffe of the floures,w herein confifteth the difference, ae 3 Ofthefe rofes we haue another in our London gardensywhich ofmoft is called thebluth role it floureth when the Damaske rofe doth: the floures hereof are very fingle, greater than the othe; Muskerofes, . Every feed and plant bringeth forth fruit like vnto ic felfe, bothin fhape and nature : but leas ing that errour,{ will proceedto the defeription : the yellow rofehath browne and prickly ftalks : fhoots,fiue or fix cubits high,garnifhed with many leaues,like vnto the Muske rofe,of an excel. Wyeet {mell, and more pleafant than the le Auies ofthe Eglantine : the floures come forth a- monpthe leaues,and at the top of the branches ofa faire gold yellow colour : the ee = middle,are alfo yellow:which being gone,there followfuch knops.or heads as the other rofesdo beare, and of awhite colour, ‘dafht ouer witha light wath ofcarnation,which makeththet colour which weecallabluth colour: the proportion of thewhole plant,as alfo thefmellof the 3 Role AMofchatefpecies maior. The great Muske rofe. 4 _TheVel harme the moft tenderskin thatis: the leaues are like the leaues of the white rofe:the flourcsg" atthe top ofthe ftalks, doubled with fome yellow thrums in the midft, of a deepe and blacke 1*¢ colour,refembling red crimfon veluet, whereupon fome hauecall ed it the Veluerrofe : whenthe floures be vaded,there followred berries full ofhard fieeds,wrapped ina downe or woollinefle ik« the others, The doubleyellowrofe. 4 RofaHolofericea, Theveluetrofe, uet rofe groweth alwaies very low,like vnto the red rofe,hauing his branches couered witha certaine hairie or ptickley matter,as fine as haires, yet not fo fharpe-or ftiffe chatitw! Ul + 6 Rofa Lutcamultiplex. )aeaiae Theyellow rofe, floures,are like the precedent, : 5 Theyellow rofe which(as diuers do report}was by Artfo coloured, and altered frombis #* eftate,by graffinga wilde rofe vpona Broome ftalke ; whereby (fay they) itdothnot onely chanst his colour,buthis fmell and force. But for my part] haying found the contrarie by mine perience, cannotbe induced to beleeue the report: forthe roots and offprirgs of this : # 6 Ofthis kindethere isanother more tareandfet by,whichin ftalks,leaues,and other parts jotttuch different from thelait defcribed,onely the floure is very double, and it feldome fairly BONES it fel fe about London, whereit is keptin our chiefe gardens as a primesaritie. $ ‘ } The Canelt or Cinnamon tofe, or therofe fmelling like Cinnamon,hath fhoots ofa —. Colourfoure cubits high,befet with thorny prickles,and feaues like vato thofe of area ut Gand sreener., ofthe {auouror fmell of Cinnamon, whereof ittooke his name,and ee the hell ofhis floures ‘(as fome haue deemed) which hauelittle or no fauouratall : the floures if x ~~e doubleand yellowin the middle, of a pale red colour, and fometimesofa carnation : 9 3 a wooddie fubftance. the be lia ; e hae inour London gardens another Cinnamon or Canell -* aherencipieed lain ctibed any refpea,but onely inthe flouresfor as the other hath very Wife thefeinof this plant areyerie fingle,wherein is the differenes: 9.0000 2 5 si thes |