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Show 260 Of the: Hiftarie of ‘Plants. Lis.2: $7 Std minus impatiens: 6 Cardamine Alpina, The impatient Lady-fmocke, Mountaine Lady-Smocke. Ofhe Hiftory of Plants. Lua. 8. i. ee ripe,though you put but your handneere them,as profering to touch them,though youdocir nor, yet will they fly out vpon you,and if you expect no fuch thing, perhaps makeyouaffraid by reafon of the fuddenneffe thereof. This herbe is written ofonely by Profper Alpinus, vnder thetitle of Sinm Minimum ; andit may be called in Englith,Impatient Lady-fmocke, or Cuckow floure, Lt is an annuall, and yeerely fowesit felfe by the falling feeds. £ + 8 The leaues of this fomewhat refemble thofe of Dafyes,but leffe,and lic {pread vpon the ground,among ft whichrifes yp aweake and flender ftalke fet with 3 OF 4 leaues at certaine djftances,it being fome handful high,the topis adorned with fmal white floures confifting of foure leaues apeece,after whichfollow large and long cods, confidering the fmallnes of the plant; with- in thefe ina double orderis conteined a fmall reddith feed,of fomewhata biting tafte. The root creepes vpon the top ofthe ground,putting vp newbudsin diuers places.C/ufus found this giowing vponthe rockes on the Et{cherian mountaine in Auftria,and hath giuen vs the hiftory and §gure thereofynder the name of Plantula Cardamines emulaand Sinapi purmmulum Alpinum, @ The Time and Place, That ofthe Alpith mountaines is a ftranger in thefe cold Countries ; the reft are to be found euery where, as aforefaid, efpecially in the caftle ditch at Clare in Effex. + The feuenth growes naturally in fomeplacesofItaly. Thefe flower for the moft part in Aprill and May,when the Cuckowe doth beginto fing her pleafant notes with out ftammering. | The Names. They are commonly called in Latine, Flos Cuculi,by Brunfélfivs and Dedoneusfor the reafon aforefaid;and alfo fomecall them Naffurtinm aquaticum minus, or leffer water Creffe sof fome,Car-- ii ‘WM i iH damine,and Sifjmbrium alterum of Diofcorides : itis called in the Germane tongue, 2ildercrefss in French, Pa(feragefannage . in Englith,Cuckowe flowers ; in Northfolke, Canterbury the Namptwichin Chefhire, where I had my beginning, Ladie fmockes, which hath bells: at giuen me¢ caufe to Chriften itaftermy Country fafhion. uy @ The Nature and Vertues. Thefe herbes be hor and drie in the fecond degree: we haue no certaine proofe or auth ority oftheir vertues, but furely fromthe kindes ofwater Crefle they-cannot muchdiffer, and to them they may be referred in their vertues. 3 Cardaminepumila Bellidis folio Alpina. ‘The Dwarfe Dafie-leaued Lady* finocke ofthe Alpes. 6 therefore ure that wasin the fourthplace;being ofthefameplant thatis defcribed in thefirlt place;the counterfeit ftalkes and heades being taken away, 28° tly hath obfertied; as alfo thedefcription thercof; which (as many other) our Authorframes hy looking ypen the figure,and the Strength of hig :1 hancomitced asimpertinear. Mountaine Lady-fmocke hath many roots,nothing elfe but as it were a bundle ot threddy ftrings, from the which do come forth Cuar.ty. threeor foure {mall weak or tender leaues made of fundry {mall leaues , in thewlike rorhofeot {mall water Valerian. The ftalkes be fimalland Of Treacle eMuftard. @ The Defcription, Reacle muftard hath Jong broadlea ues,e{pecially thofe next the eround, the others leffer, flightly indented about the edges like thofeof Dandelion. long andbrittle,diuided into many branches enen fromthe ground The ftalkes be to the top,where brittle, whereupon doe growfinall floures like thefirftkinde. : ; . + 7 I thouldbeblame worthyif inthis place f tow many fmall idle flowers tuft fathion,after whichfircceed other Sixmdefcribed in the fecondplace hath; large, flat, thin, chaffie huskes of (ced veffels heart fathion,whetein are conteined browne flat feeds, fharpe.in tafte, burning the tongue as doth muftard feed,leauing a'tafte or fauour of Garlicke bchinde for a farewell, 2 Mithridate Muftard hath long narrowleaues like thofe of Woad,or rather Cow Bafil: The ttalkes be inclofed with fmall {nipt leaues cuen to the branches, Pyramidis fathion, that is to fay, fmaller and {maller toward the top, where it is diuided into {uihdtie branches, whereon doe gathes : the ftalk is fome cubit high,& diuide tharpefeed, like the former. The rooteis long andflender. J omitted that pretty conditioned Sium which is kept in diuers of our London gardens, * wasfirftbrought hither by that great Treafuret ofNatures rarieties, M. John Tradefcant. jon plant hathleauesfet many vpon.a rib,likeast . but theyarecut in with two or three prety deep mto many branches, which haue many et white floures growing vpon them : after thee floures are paft there follow {mall long c® containing a {mall white feed. Nowthe ae ofthis plant is fuch,that if you touchbut the cods whenas the feedis ripe, though you ae 4 neuer fo gently, yet will the feed flyall abro* with violence, as difdaining to be touche whencetheyvfually call it Noli me tanger? * 5 n theyforthe like qualitie name the Perficar™ ‘. 4quofa. The nature of this plane is fomew" admirable,for ifthe feeds (as I faid) be » ps grow {mall flowers :which being paft,the cods, or rather thinnechaific huskes do appeare fullof 3 Thethird kinde of Treacle Muftard,named Knaues Muttard, (for thatit is tao bad for honeft men) hath long,fat,and broad leaues,like thofe of Dwale or thofeof Vuluaria or flinching Orach,fet vpona toundftalke deadly Nightthade sin-ra fte like * tivo cubits high,diuidedar the top tO 1mall armes or branches,whereon do gtowfmall foolith white {pokie flowers. The feed is fontcinedin flat pouches like thofe ofShepheards purfe,brown, fharpein tafte,and ofanill fauor, _ 4 Bowyers Muftard hath leaves refembling the ordinaty mety{mall like tode flaxe but thelower {mallet. The ftalkes befmall, flender,andThiafpi,but the vpper are many. The flowers be “mall.and white,each confifting of foure leaues. The feeds be placed “WeltC part of them to the topsexcceding fharpe andhot in tafte,and vpon the branches from the ofa yellowifh colour, Th¢ DOTE js nall and woody. ; 5G tecian muftard hath manyIeaues {pred vpon the ground,like thofe of the conimotr DaiSOO! @datke sreenith colour: fromthe midft whereof {pting vpftalkes two foote long, divided in: x43 |