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Show Lis.2. Lipid . Of the Hitory of Plants ——_—_—_—___—_ = thofe alfo very hairy on thevnee hath pretty large leaues, and you giue here Thiswhichwe 8 bairie, the ordinarie sage The Sales roughand thofe der fide, but rough on thevpper fide like as an fhapeare like growing their in floures The tops. fucceeded by foure fquate below,and roundat their colour ; andfading, they are each of them ofthe ordinarie, butofa whitith;purple in other Sages, and fo fill their feed-veffels, that they than larger Be three or foure feeds, which are more vehement than that of the the whole plant ts {omewhat inthe fmaller or Pig Sage: fhewlike berries. The fmellof as orappendices, eares fometimes little dinarie : the Jeaues alfo haue Apples (ifwe may fg growth) itbeares excrefcences, or hath given you two fi, and in Candy(the natural! place ofthe : whence Clufius Oke-Apples Galls,or large of terme them) of the bigneffe Dodonans sand others ~ OftheHiftoryof Plants. = — Cuar. 266; ~ ——_—_—_____- — Sao nN SS anEEEEEeeee OfFrenc )f h Saveor) ize or wooddie‘ec Miuleleiin. Bench Sage: 2 Ver bafcum ai his SaluiaSolis. The leffer French Sage, the fame to your view. Matthiolus, cures by the fametitles as I here prefent 3 q The Place. : moft ofthem garden my in all them haue I d: in Englan : Thefe kindes of Sage grow not wilde : John Tmt. M', by arevery common. garden, rey acount in s firft found $ Thefine or elegant painted Sagewa + $ alfo haue made mention hereof. fplants, cant, and by him imparted to other louersoa The Time. planted is March, or later: they are fitly remoued and Thefe Sages floure in Iune and Luly, } q The Names. keepe the aries,theItalians, and the Spaniards Sageis called in Greeke tauesen: the A pothec sinEngtin French, Sauge : in low~Duteh,, Sanie en Latine name Salvia : inhigh-Dutch, Salv lifh, Sage. q The Temperature. : : of the third degree;or in the laterend ofthe Sage is manifeftly hotand dryin the beginning ng. bindi or tion aftri@ little fecond it hath adioynedno ‘ich childeif they q The Vertues. becaufe women wat : 1 jai Agrippa and likewife Aerius haue called it the Holy-herbe, ne e st with aborrments,do eate thereo “ and are troubled be like tocome before their time, them fruitfull,ic retaineth the bisth, aeaie good for it clofeth the matrix,and maketh fall if the womanaboutthe fourth day ofher going abroadafter her childing; that Tife, and husband, pe falt,and then vfe the companic of her ounces of the iuyce ofSage witha little of God. bleffing the are which forthftore ofchildren, without doubt conceiue andbring ethfar Agrippa. the fences and memory,Ree. B Saas {ingular goodfor the head and braine; it quickneth vpona moift caulestaher au ; the palfie neththe finewes, re(toreth health to thofe that haue put vp into the nofthrils,it draweththin neg king or trembling of the members ; and being of the head. f he fides cough, and paines oft — It is likewife commended againft the {pitting ofbloud, the Cc 4. and fto ’ Serpents. of bitings thofe that {pit and vomit bloue aa goodfor s honeyi with drunke Sage of The iuyce D the palize,iS" the flux thereofincontinently, expelleth winde,dricth the dropfie,helpeth a . the finewes, andcleanfeththe bloud. Roiematys par Theleaues (odden in water, with Wood-binde leaues, Plantaine, E fecret parts of man of ¥ ‘orig fh and fomewhite wine, make anexcellent water to waththeboyle in the fameafaire Mb ifyou cankersorother foreneffe in the mouth, efpecially Sea-cole, which makethit of greater efficacie. -_ chould be" itt brewed asit! No man needs to doubt ofthe wholefomneffe of Sage Ale, being az 5 with K f feeds. Fennell and quinanth, Spikenard,S Sage,S cabious, Betony, frit ee quicke very put is h, wherein awooddendit into put Sage red of leaues The 'G athes in the bottomeofthe dith to keepe the famefrom burning, and a little ee Qt cloath, andholden vet ‘ ontheleaueslying vponthe coles, and fowrapped in alinnenaway the paine pecicany® q The Deftription. I VV Id Mullein,wooddieMulleit,a2sth-olws his Mullein,or French S fhrub, hauine ene tnd heart ee Ly : O08 i die| : aan branches ofawoollie eed an . a tand downié ;whereupou are rt oa ke pats leaues,ofa {trong pontick fa thet be f aie ike the leaues of Sage, whereupon phe vir gat people call it French Sage: taward the 1¢ branches are placed roundles or crownets y gaping Royce like thoft of dead Nettle treater. The rootis thicke g f a wooddiefubitance,as is all ce {2 There isanother fort hereof that is bit like A 1 rfauing that the leaues o eueryother part : ne ape {weet and pleafant {mell, rae a ee ee offenfiue : the leaues bling thofeof the leffer soe eee er I thin <e it not amiffe here ro infert this fide of thofe thataretroubled with a grievous ftitch, taketh helpeth greatly the extremitie of the pleurifie. Ce? : re than beautifull plant, which differs leferibed inthemanner ofgrowin 8 he floures, which refemble tholeof the one-fuch, bur are ofa’ yelZ rehairy,narrow,and fhirp ate, and root wooddie. Lotel (t> |