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Show Ofthe Hifterie of Plans. 1482, = La, Ofthe Hiftory ot Plants. 14.83 fmooth, fhiningand large,fomewhat{hipt or toothed about the edges : the flouresarelittle, whitifh,ofa good fauour,and very many in number, growing cluftering rogether from out of the mids Vimusfolio glabro. dicofthe leafe: our ofwhich proceedeth a fmall whitifh long narrowleafe : after the floures fie. VVitch Elme, or fmooth leauen Elme. 4 Li. 3. me iiagel aae bigneffe ofHafell Nuts, This tree feemethto beakinde This kinde is inbigneffe and height like the firft, the boughes growas thofof the VVitch Hafell'doe;that is hanged more downewards than thofe of the commion Elme. the batke is blacker than thavofthe firftkinde,itwill alfo pecle from theboughes : the floures.are like the firft,and fo are the feeds: the leaues in formeare like thofe of the firft kinde,but are {moothin handling on both fides. My worthy friend and excellent Herbarift of happy memorie M¢, jipj. ofElme,and the people of docallit broad leafed Elme, flex about Heningham(wheras great p] is ythe ic Weare — ee 1 Tiliafamina. i The female Linetree: 2 Tilia mas, The male Linetree. am Coys of Stubbersin the patifh of Northokington in Effex told me, that the wood ofthis kinde was more defired for naues of Carts than thewood ofthefir. I ebferued it growing very plentifully as rode between Rumford and the faid Stubbers, in the yeere 1620. intermixed with the firftkinde, buteafily to be difcerned apart, andis in thofe parts vfually called: VVitch Elme, + e @ The Place. The firft kinde ofElme groweth plentifully in ail places of England. The reft are.fetforth in their defcriptions, q The Time. The feeds ofthe Elme fhewethit felfe firft,and before theleaues,it falleth in the end ofApril) og at whattinethe leaues begin\to fpring. @ The Names. etd The firit is called ia Grecke,#mi<:in Latine,4mus:in high Dutch,Butt holts.Budbautein bau: inlow Dutch,@imen: in French,ovme,and Omeau : in Italian, Olmo . in Spanith Vimy: in i Englifh, Elmietree. Thefeed. is named’ by Plinie and Columella,Samera. The little wormes whichare found withthe liquotwithin the {mall bladders be named in Greeke, wim: in Latine, Culices,and Muliones, The other Elme.is called by 7 heophraffus, seme; which Gaza tranflateth Montiulmus oF moun- taineElme. Columellanameth it Vernacula,or Noftras Vlmus, that is to fay, saliéa,or Italian Elme: itis called in low Dutch, ierfeleer, and in fome places, Heerenteer, The Temperatureand Vertues. The leaues and barke of the Elmebe moderately hot, with’an euident clenfing facultic: they hauein the chewing a certaine clammieandglewing qualitie. c cae The leaues of Elme glewand heale vp greene wounds, fo doth the barke wrapped and fwadled abont the woundlike a band. Theleaues being ftamped with vineger do take awayfcurffe. . 4me writeth, that one ounce weight of the thicker barke drunke with wine or water puteth flegme. ; . The decotion of Elme leaues,as alfo of the barke or root, healeth broken bonesvery fpeedily, ifthey be fomented or bathed therewith, ; The liquor that is found in the blifters doth beautifie the face, and fcoureth awayall {pot freckles,pimples,fpreading tetters, andifich like,being applied thereto. It-healethgreene wounds,and cureth ruptures newly made,being laid onwith $pleenwoort and the-trufle.clofely fer yntoit. a ‘ The male Tika or Line tree growethalfovery great and thicke,{preadingit felfe far abroad ie me other Lindentree:his bark is very tough and pliant,and ferueth to make cords andhalters 0 * e timber ofthis tree is much harder,more knottie,and more yellow than the timber of the at ifferi ti . eeech differing ° of theO Elmetree: the leaues from the> timber 3 i hereof are not much vnlike ." €s, Not very greene, fomewhat fnipt about the edges: from the middlewhereofcomefor th clufters oflittle white floures like the former:;which being vaded, there fucceed {mall round pel, ssrowing cluftering together, like luy berries,within whichis contained a little roundblackit h ted,which falleth out when. the berry is ripe. i q The Place. : a female Linden tree sroweth itt fome woods in Northamptonfhire; alfoneere Colchefter, 7 manyplaces alongft the high wayleading from Londonto Henningham,in the countie of Cuar.uz. Of the Line or Linden Tree. | The Defription. He female Line or Linden tree waxeth very great and thicke, fpreading forth his brat cheswide andfarre abtoad, being:a tree which yeeldeth a moft pleafant fhadow, weet and withinwhofe boughes may be made brane fommer houfes and: banqueting #0 becaufe the more thatit is furcharged with weight oftimber and fuch like,the better ir doth fou tith. Thebarke is brownith, very fmooth,and plaine on the outfide, but tharwhichis nexttoM timber iswhite, moift and tough,feruing very well for ropes, trafes, and balters. The timbet ® whitith,plaine and without knots, yea very foft and gentle in the cutting or handling. Betts? gunpouder is made ofthe coles of this wood than of VVillow coles. The Jeaues are$7 imou* The malemale Linden Li treeearth: ‘ fundry othet sete growethin my Lord Treafurers gardenat the Strand;and in = Bat at Barn-elmes,and ina gardenat Saint Katherines neere London, + The female growes in “places herenamed,but 1 haue notyet obferued the male, ¢ Thef. ¥ @ The Time ele trees floure in May,andtheir fruit is ripe in Augutft. The Lind a called a ie Grecke ¢a%sx. 1inThe Nemes. in Sens, inden tree is in Latine,Ti/iz: high Dotch, Linden,and Linvdetiz Tes an Wy Durch,jLénde,and Ainhenboows : the Italians,Tilia: the Spaniards,7esa: in French, Na Tiiew : in Englith, Linden tree,and Linetree. liiiiia 4 TH6 |