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Show Lis. 1. Ofthe Hitftorie of Plants. 30 ‘lowring L? Obeline, Iuncus Cyperoides floridus paludofus , Flowrin iolei Cy. y his leaues refemble SreRuiht Cais is Tike the rue: Cyperoides, becaufe of {mall flow = ortuft vmble fine a ftalke feuery thetopo on — a ‘idesHecante ithath ercall it hadrath reI therefo and like, very is noftheLilly ofAlexandria, the whichit 1 tho Lilly graffe. The nature and vertwes. eed throwes and griCordws faith, That Zuncus bombicinus {odden inwine, and fo taken, helpeth the ees of the belly, that women hauein their childing. bred ofof the dry kinds of Graffes wholly vnknowre,or at the leaft not rememibred Neereaor eisPaes ane few are touched in Berne.go. by the pan eee aa onfidera’ i referre os Reeae ; they haue onely named them,I will for as much as labour, pofed ae y pu Pern : ofnature,and profec i fearchers ili ofpainefull i and diligence i induftrie h and manifold kindes ofCyperw,Flags and Rufhes: and be i 7 ers Graffes before mentioned, this difference, Cyperoides, that is to ey befembliigs Cyperus, [thought it therefore expedient to ioyne next vnto the hiftory ofgraffes, the difcourfe ofCyperus,and his kindes, whichareas follow. Linu 2 ThecommonroundCyperus is like the former in Icaues and tops, but the roots are here andthere knotty and roufid, and.notalrogether foyrel! {meélling as the former, t 3 There is alfo.another Cyperus which groves ih Syridand Agypt, blackifh,and large, many hanging vpon oneftring, and hauing a quick af the leayes and {pokyn-rufts refémble the former. 4 Thereis faid to beanother kihdeof this laft deferibed, Which is leffer,-and thé roots ‘are blacker, and it growes in Crect, nowcalled Candy, 5 Thereisalfo another round Cyperus which gro bout ditches and the bankes ofRiuets whereas thefalt water fonetimes comes : the root sarc hard andblacke without {mell, many hanging fometimes vpononefiring : the ftalke and Ieaue e muchlike the former,but the heads vnlike, for theyare roughand blackith,about thebigneffe of a filbert,and hang fome {ix or feuen atthe top oftheftalke. It floures in Iuly and Auguft, 1,2 Of.Englifh Galingale. & Cyperus longus. Evelith Galingale Iearis. 2 Cyperus rotundus vulg Round Galingale. @ Theplace andtime, Thefirft and fecond ofthefegrow naturally in fenny grounds,yer will they profper exceedinglyin gar- $ 5 Cypers utduslittoreus. Round Salt-marthCyperus. dens, as experience hath taughtvs. 3.4 The formerofthefe srowes naturally in Syria and Aigypt,the later in Candy, 5 Cc HAP. 246 Of:the Hiftory of Plants. This growes plentifully in the Marifhes below Grauefend,in Shipey,Tenet,and other places. @ The nameincencrall, Cyperus is called in Greeke, sexes, or simes: of the Latines as well Cypirus as Cyperus: of fome Iuncus quadratus: OfPliny Iuncus Angulofus,and Trianzularis : of others A- fpalathum and Ery/ifceptron :in Freneh Souchet : in Dutch Galgats : in Spanith Zwnco edorofa: By vs Cyperus and Englith Galangall. Se f £ @| The names inparticular, ji This 1s called Cyperss longus, and Cyperus longus 0deratior : in Englith, CommonCyperus,and Englith Gallingall. 2 This is called Cyperus rotiindus vulgarts.Round Englith Galangal, 3 Cyperus rotundus Cyriacus, Or B- Sopteacus, Syrian or Agyptian round Cyperus. 4 Cyperus minor Creticus, Candy round Cyperds. 5 Cyperus rotundus snodorys. Littorews, ROund Salt-marth Cyperus, or Galin- gale. + © The nature. Diofcorides faith, That Cyperus hath'an Heating’ qualitie. Galen faith,The roots ate moft effe ial in medicine, and are ofan heating and drying qualitie: and fome' doe reckon it to be hot and dry in the fecbnd degtée. The vertyes. Tt maketh a moft profitable drink€ to breake aid’ EX- pell srauell, and helpetli.the dropfie: SS Sorets SSS Ifit be boyled in wine, and drunke, it prouokethvrine, driueth forth rhe ftone, “and bringeth p downe the naturall fickhéfleof women: The fame takenas aforefaidis a reitiedie againft the ftinging and poyfon of Serpents. Fernelius {aith, The root ofCyperus vfed in Baths helpeth the coldneffe and topping of the Cc p matrix, and prouoketh the termes. He writeth alfo; that it inereafeth Bldud by warming thé body, and maketh good digeftion; E wonderfully reftefhing the {pirits, and exhilarating ‘the minde, comforting the fenfés, and encreafing their QW Litelineffe, reftoring the colour decayed, and making a feet breath. RB Latte G, The defcription, \e}}| @}| W}. | Nglith Galingale hath leaues like vato theeemmon Reed, but Jeffer and fhorter, His ftalke is three {quare,two eubirs high : vpon whofe top ftand fndry branches, every little branch bearing many {mall chaffy {pikes Fhe root is blackeand very lon » creeping hither and thither, occupying much ground by reaforofhis preading « itisiof amoft‘fweerand ples fant fmell when it isbroken, a °° » th The The powderofCyperus doth not onely dry vp all moift vicers either ofthe mouth, priuy mem bers, andfundament, bur ftayeth the humotand healeth them, though they be maligne and_vi- tulentaccording to the iudgement ofFernelins. C2 CHAP; |