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Show 1190 Of the Hifterie of Plants. 5 Trifolium filiquofums ming, Small codded Trefoile,y 4 Trifolium cordatum. Heart Trefoile. as OF theHiftory of Plantss aay iteand aeae ae halfe hich: a the leaues 7 are alfo foure times i arce.tw roundifh as large,two i leaues towing by the alke,and three longith ones growing vpona fhort foot-ftalke ! commingg forth betweene 2etweene theche tiv ; roundifh leaues : both the ftalke and leaues haue little foft downineffeor b aw é on them: lirinefle the en floures grow cluftering together on the tops of the ftalks,in tha e;bigneffe,and co! like hater a in the laft deferibed, 4 but commonly more in number s:they 2 ane r alfaf; 9 Lucceede. m4 d. d'by deEa byy fihice fuch cods as. thofea 6 The figurewhich Dodoneus hath {et forth out ofanold Mannfcript in the Eaiperors Libra ry being there figured for Coronopus, feemes to be of the laft deferi bed,or fome planrv cry like there to,though the fiue leaues at eachioint be not put in fuch orderas they thould be, ye il prom accorcing arewell expreft,acco rding to to the drawing ofthofe the drawi times, h for youfhallidfinde fewantient i exptefic i Da tle i : ee 4 ! come fo neere as this doth. as hae is a kinde of Clauer growing about Narbone in France, that hath many twiggie toigh branches comuning from a wooddy root, whereonare fet leaues three toxcther. a fcer th:maoe a Trefoiles,fomewhat long, hairy,and ofa hoarie or ouerworne ereenc ‘colour, The oures are yellow,and gtowat the tops of the branches like thofe of Broome, 7 Lotwsincana,five Oxytriphyllon Scribonij Lare?. : Claucr, Hoare fli, ore, t 8 Trifolium ifoline leteam later n filiqua coFtuta., Yellow horned Trefoile. 3j Crow-foot Trefoile. three on little flender foot-ftalks, euery little leafe of the fafhionof a heart, whereotit took ; $ 6 Coronopus ex CodiceCafareo. his name: among which come forth fcalie,or chaffie yellow floures: the root is thick and threddie. + I-take the plant which our Au. thour here figured and intended to defcribe yntovs, to be of that Medicawhich Camerari us calls Arabica, which growes wilde inna y places with vs, hauing the leaves alittle cet ted in atthe ends, fo that they tefembic te fe is mat vulgar figure ofa hearr; and eachleaf ked witha blackifh,or red fpot: the floures be finall and yellow the feeds are contain? rough buttons,woundvp like the othe r Soaile Trefoiles, whereof it is akinde. Tha gue youthe figure alittle more exquifite,dy © additiog of the {pots and cods. t ed grafle is 2 This kinde of three leau low herb,creeping vponthe groun dithe leat are like thofe of the common Tretfoile,but let 5. fer,and ofa grayith greene colow! - are faire and yellow, fafhioned like th broome,but leffer : after come three ae round feed:the a cods,wherein is contained ; is long and reddifh. ¢ This is the T corniéulatum or Melilgt us Coronata of Lows tus pentaphyllos of Gefn re t This codded Trefo is like vatot t, fauing defcribed in euery refped, plant is alrogethert larger,bau ing ftass? us Thisthere fende'y oom, ates from. Onie tof, lgpon fome cubit or more long,com : amonly fying °F theeand are likech 2 oe ne dittided into fundrie branches : the leaues ftand rozether POW claftersn ce no co the true Medica,or Burgundie Trefoilé, but much leffe: the floures ‘8colons atdnee 4 on the tops of the branches; like in thape to thofe ofthe former , ofayelbegun Poche oe {miell : theyare fircceeded by fach,yet nattower crooked coddes,as the tds ike thofe alto e wisi = Painter hath not welexpreffed them: )in thefe cods are contained tBromes i Bite bus ee aie isthe root,which liues {ong ,and much increafes; MO Tebernsmonte, pis Morauiia: it flouresin luneand Iuly :Clufius calls it atedica ws, Lens maior repens : and Tragus,Meliloti maioris pecits tertia: Bauhine faith in 3 Narboneit is found with floures either yellow white,greene,blew, purple, t Mixed of b] about Nines 3 i “tke ¢ - Mid... Sta ute(cins. ewandoreene. and he s Loli } ah; + Steene; and heé calleth it Trifolium{yluefire iusexm filiqua cornuta ; OF G ThE |