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Show Ofthe Hiftory of Plants, CHar. 2h Liz)2, Lip, 2 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. Sg oe eee ae Lobel. ; 3 Thlafpi Narbonenfé Churles Muftard. Of Treacle Muftard. 267 4 Thlapivmbellatum Narbonen{e, Peafants Muftard of Narbone, q The Defiription, ' Oundleated Muftard hath many large leaueslaid flat vpon the groundlike the leaues ofthe wilde Cabbage, andofthe fame colour; among which rife vp many flender ftalkes of fometwohandfulls high or theréabouts, whichare fet with leaues far vnliketo thofenext the ground, enclofing or embracing the ftalkes as do the leaues ofPerfoliatum,or Thorow-wax. The floures growat the ‘topofthe branches white of colour,which being paft,there do fucceed flat huskes or pouches like ynto thofeofShepheards purfe, with hor feed biting the tongue. x Thlafpi rotundifolium: TIO Round leaued Muftard. 2 Thlalpi Pannonicum Clufij. Hungary Muftard. aeaa e H + 5 Thlafpifupinum luteuns, Hy Yellow Muttard. i 5 Yellow Muftard harhan exceeding humber ofwhitith leaues {pred vpon the ge in mannerofa turfe or haffocke ; tom the midft whereof rifeth vp an vpright ftalke of three foot high, putting forth many fmall branches or atmes :at the top whereofgrow many{mall yellow floures like thofe of the wall-floure, but wines NY 2 Hungary Muftard bringethforth flenderftalkes of one cubit hich : ues which firft appeate are flat, fomewhatroundlike thofe of the wilde Beet; ght: Dewhich after aoe gatnifh the ftalkes are long'and broadlike thofe of the garden Colewort, but leffer and foftet greeneon the vpper fide, and vnder declining to whiteneffe, {melling like Garlicke. The floutes be {malland white, confifting of foure {mall leaues,which in a ereat tuft or vmbel thruft together : which being paft, there followeth in euery {mall huske one duskithdo grow thie feed and 90 ote dtiet and fharpein tafte. The rootis white and {mall,creeping vnder the groundfar abroad likethe roots of Couch-graffe ; preparing new fhoots and branches for the yeate following, co eatie @ a at a ofhis kinde, which are encreafed by feed, andnot otherwife. i! fing likethfre aha many finall twiggyftalkes, flender,tough, and pliant, fet with {ma : finall, few, tharpe.bi weedvafauorie: , or Latander, with fmallwhite fourcs: the huskes and feeds ™ mall, er a meaad the whole plant is ofa whitith colour. fe a ae par 2 ard hath many pretty large branches, with thinand iagged leaues like thot of Crefies, but {maller,in fanorandtafte like to the ordinatie Thlajps : the floures be whitifh, grow ina {mall fpoky tuft.. The feedin tat d fauor i 4 Y +. Linde al countrey, orrather exceeds themin fharpnefie, ug iSequall with the other of his kt 5 Yellow muchleffer : which being paft, the husks appeareflat, pouch-fafhion, wherein is thefeed like Treacle Muftatd, fhatpalfo and biting. 6 White Treacle Muftard hathleaues {pred vpon the ground like the other, but {maller : the ftalkes tife vp from the middeft thereof, branched , fet with leaues fmaller than thofe that lie ypon the ground euen to the top,whete doth grow atuft ofwhite floures in fafhion like to thofe ofthe other Thiafpies : the feed is like the other : + The cods ofthis are fometimesflat, and othetivhiles round: the floures alfo grow fometimes {pikefathion, otherwhiles inan ymbell.I haue given you twofigures exprefling both thefe varieties, + + |