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Show a va vcnmis vuleares ; Cucumis vulgare, 2 Cucumis Anguina, Common Cucumber. Adders Cucumber, 1 Of the Hiftory of Plants. Lis. 2. Of the Hiftorie of Plants. the great Bur docke,but more cut in or diuided : among ft which come forth faire yellow floures growing nakedly ypontheir tender foot-ftalks : the w hich beeing paft,the fruit commeth in place, ofa foot in length,gréene on the fide toward the ground, yellowto the Sun ward, ftraked with maay fpots and lines of ditiers colours. The pulpe or meat is hard and faft like that of our Pompion, @ The Place, Thefe kindes of Cucumbersare planted in gardens in moft countries of the world, «| The Time, According to my promife heretofore made,I haue thought it good and conuenient in this plac Citruls tofet dowie not onely the time of fowing andfetting of Cucumbers, Muske-melons, Pompions, Gourds,and fuch like, but alfo howto fet or fowall manner and kirides of othercolde feeds,as alfo whatfoeuerftrangefeeds are brought vntovs from theIndies, or otherhot Regions: wvidel, | Fitft ofall in the middeft ofAprill or fomewhat fooner(if the weather be any thing temperate) you fhall caufe to be made abed or banke of hot and newhorfe dung takenforth ofthe ftable( notfrom the dunghill) of anelf in'breadth,andthe like indepth or thickneffe,ofwhat le pleafeaccording to the quantitie of your feed:the which bank you fhal couer with h that you may the more conueniently couer the whole bed or banke with Mats, old pain {tray or fuchlike,to keepeit fromthe iniurie of the cold froftie nights , and not burt the things planted in t d:then hall you couer the bed all ouer with the moft fertileft earth finely fifted, halfea foot thick,wherein youfhall fet or fowyour feeds ; that b {on your ftrawor other couerture ouer the fame;andfo let it reft without looking vpon it, or taking awayof your couering forthe fpace of feuen oreight daies at the moft,for commonlyin that fpace theywill thruft them- {eles vp nakedlyforth of the ground:then mutt youcaft vpon theminthehotteft time of the day fomewater that hath fkood.inthe houfe or inthe Suna daybefore, becaufethe water focaft vpon them newly taken fortl,ofa well or pumpewill fo chill and coole them being brought and nouri- thedvp in fucha hot place,that prefently in one day you haue loft all your labour ; I meannot onlyyour feed, but your banke alfo; for in this {pace the great heat of the dung is Joft and fpent,keepitgin memorie that every nightthey muft be couered and opened whenthe day is warmed with the Sun beames : this muft be donefrom time to time vntill that the plants haue foureorfix leaues apie t the dangerofthe coldnights is paft: then muft they be replantedverie curioufly, 4c ucumis ex Hilp. Spanifh Cucumber. 2 There bealfo certaine long cucumbers, which were firft made(as is faid)by artand ma. which Natureafterwardsdid preferue nuring = frit ig very little, 1t Og forat the firft,whenas thefruits i he is put into fomehollow Ci Ore made of purpofe,inw hich thecucum saa eth yery long, byreafon of thatnarrow ber et neffe,which being filled vp, agente if e creafeth in length. The feeds 0 Sati fort ; ci cucumber being foine bringeth as werebefore, but fuch as att wee ee i! which oftheir own growthare found be fee oftentimes very crookedly turned = uponthey haue beene called Angn™s ath Cucumbers. a Cuc ned fafhio 3 The peare many‘trailing branches lying *on oe doe fan ground, rough and prickly ae iseinrec, at each ioynt one rough leafe,! Coe and ofan ouerwern green colout;#! “tol come forth clafping tendrels, a ate foot-ftalks,whereon do growYe alike? tC, floures. The'fruit fucceeds,thape wa shred) as big as a great W< °, ° There hath bin not long ae Spain fomefeeds ofa rare & oan whied ber, into Strausburg Oe there brought forth rough && hairy, fetwith very i fharp pointed, fafhioned like mth the earth {ticking to the plant,as neere as may be vnto the moft fruitful! place, and where the Sunhath mof force in the garden; prouided that vpon the remouing of them you muft cover them with fome Docke leaues or wifpes of{traw, propped vp with forkedftickes,as well to fiom the cold of rhe night, as alfo the heat of the Sun ; for they cannot whileft theybey newly planted,indure neither ouermuchcold nor ouermuch heat,vntill they are wel rooted in their hewplaceor dwelling. Oftentimes it fallerh out that fome feeds ate more franker and forwarder than the reft, which common!do rifevp very naked ly with long necks not vnlike to the ftalke ofa fmall mufhromeof anight old. This naked ftalke muft you couerwiththe like fine earth euen tothe greene leaues,ha- ing¥egard to place your banke fo that it maybe defended from the North-windes . C este thefe inftru@tions diligently,and then youfhall not haue caufe to complaine thatyour ‘Ccaswete not good norof the intemperancie Of the climat(by reafon wherof youcan get nofruit) athoughit were in the furtheft parts of the North of Scotland. state 3 The Names. ; 9 he Cucumberis namedgenerally Cucumis : in thops,Cucumer : and is taken for that which the Steclans call ome iajce - in Latine,Gucummss fativs or garden Cucumber: in High Dutch, Cucumenz in LaitConeomer : in Spanifh, Cegombro+ in French,Coacombre: in Low Dutch,Concommmeren : “nglith;Coweumbers and Cucumbers: : @| The Temperature and Vertues. Alle ie He Cucumbers are of temperature cold and moift in the fecond degree. They putrifie foon A fame oacke,andyeeld vntothe body a cold and tnoift nourifhment,and that verylittle,and the “me noteood. : aig Guctimbers muft be chofen whichare greenandnotyetripe: for when they areripeand B ) the oe vofit tobe eaten. ge cee C veut an cold,but nothing fo much as the fruit. i openeth and clenfeth, provenee? vecd aa a ees ofthe liuer,helpeth the — lungsthat are inflamed;and being 4tamp beububled D laa y applied in ftead of a clenfe it maketh the skin fmooth and faire, vith ee hmy Author) taken in meats,isgood forthe ftomack and Ee Nekot filleth i yeeldeth hot anynourifhmentthat is good, infomuchas the vameafura Th ee with naughty cold humours. i r sch 1 milkeor E ie feed ftamped and madeinto milke like as they dowith Almonds,orftrained with ms ae |