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Show > Of the Hiftory of Plants: 1334 - Lin.3. “Lis.3. ert Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. 1335 . $ x Rhamnus 1.Clufyfla.albo. White floured Ram-thorne. $ Rhananus alter Clufflorepurpurey, Purple floured Ram-thome, ; i Winter: The whole fhrubbelookesias if it were fprinckled ouer with duft. i To thefe may be added:another growing with many branchesto the heightéfthe Sloe. tree orblacke Thorne,and thefe are covered with a blackith barke, and armedwitlrlong prickles : the Jeaues,as in the firft, grow forth of certaine knots many together,long narrow, Acthic,gteene, and continuing allthe yeare: their tafte is aftringent,fomewhat like that of Rhabarb.; the floures thew themfelues at the beginning of the Spring,ofa greenith colourgtowing thicke together,and neere the fetting on of the leaues;in Summer it carries a blacke fruit almoft like a Sloc,round,and harth oftatte. @ The Place. The firft ofthefe erowesin fundry places of Spaine,Portugall, and Prouince:: the othervarietie thereofC/u{ixs faich he found but onely in one place,and thatwas neete the citie Horivela,called by the Antients Orcels,by the riuer Syenayene the borders of thekingdome of Valentia:the fecond growes inmany maritime places of Flanders and Holland,and in {omevallies by riuers fides, The third growes in the vntilled places of the kingdomeof Granado and Myrreia. $ G The Time. This Ramis ener greene togetherwith his leanes ; the fruit or berries remaine onthefhrab,yea euen in VWWinter, q The Names. jéwu > the Latinesalfo Rhamaus - and of diners itis alfo named The Grecianscall this punghinrvedecrde, that is S; white Thorne, Spina Cerualis, or Harts-thorne, as we finde writ- tenamong the baftard words. Marcellvs nameth it Spina falutaris, and Herbafalutaris ; which hath, frith he,as it werea grape.It iscalled in Italian Marraca and Rhamno : in Spanith,Scambrones : in Raglith,Ram,or Harts Therne. @ The Temperature. The Ram,faith Galen, doth drie and digeft in the feconddegree,it cooleth in the laterend ofthe firft degree,and in the beginning of the fecond. G The Vertues. t 2 Rhamnus 2. Clafq. Sallow-Thorne. : 3 Ramnus tertins Clufy. Ram or Harts-Thorne. Theleaues,faith Dofcorides,are layed pultis wife vpon hotcholericke inflammations,and Saint A Anthonies fire,but we mut vfe them whileft they be yet bur'tender,as Galen addeth. t The leaues and budsor young fhoots ofthe firft, are eatenas fallads with oile, vineger, and B faltjat Salamanca and other places of Caftile, for they haue a certaine acrimonie and aciditie which are gratefull to the tafte . A decoction ofthe fruit of the third is good to fomentrelaxed andeake or paralycicke members, and to eafe the paine of the gout,as. the [Inhabitants of Granadotold Clufins. + aot Astor im this chapter gaue onely the gic of the third, andthe defeription ofthe firft, and the place of the fecond, with the mames and Faculties in staeta Cuar.29. Of Cbrifis Thorne. @ The Defcription. es Thom or Ram of Lybia,is a very tough and hard fhrubby buth,growing vp fometimes Vnto the heightofa little cree,hauing very long and fharpe pricklie branches: butthe thornes that grow aboutthe leauesare I¢ffer,andnot fo prickly as the former. The leaues are fmall, loadand almoft round,fomewhatfharpepointed, firft ofa darke greene colour,and then fomwvhat thefts The feesgror in clufters at the top ofthe ftalks,ofa yellow colour: the husks wherein b Be teds be contained,are flat and broad,very like vnto.fmall bucklersas hard as wood,wherein are Mtained three or foure thin and flat feeds, like the {eed of Line or Flax. q The Place. Thy; : ’ lo his Thorne groweth in Lybia, itis better efteemed of inthe countrey ofCyrene than ce ir boo ce au. tree,as Pliny affirmeth. Ofthis fhrub Diphilus Siphnius in Athenaws in his foureteenth Cine mention, faying , that hee did verieoften eat of the fame in Alexandria that beautifull Petrus Bellonius who travelled ouer the Holly Land,(aich, that this fhrubbie thorne Paliurus was : tue |