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Show 4 H Ofthe Hiftroy ofPlants. Lis. 2% fthe Hittorie of Plants. 1098 i nt Ithelpeth themthat are ftrangled witheating of Mufhroms,or toadftools, if it be drunk with com y vineger. And being taken with wine, it is good againft the poifon. of Ixéa (being avifcous matter pro. ceeding from the thiftle Chamelionyand of Hemlock,and againtt the biting ofthe threw moufeand of the Sea Dragon: itis applied tothe {quincic or inflammations of the throat with honie and pifwartith matkes that come vponbrutes, ter.and with water to night wheales,and with heny to ; Itis appl iedafter the fame mannertodim eies,and to mattering eares, : Joachimus Camerarins of Noremberg commendeth itgreatly againft the iaundice, gining ofthe floures of Wormwood, Rofemarie,Sloes,ofeach a fmall quantitie, and alittle fattton, boiled in wine,the body firft being purged and prepared by the learned Phyfition, $ ‘Thefigure romarike Cuar. 450. q| The Defiription. i es white or commion Sea VVormwoodhath many leaues cut and divided intoinfinite fine iags,like thofe of Sothernwood,ofa white hoarie colour and ftrong fmell, but not vopleafant : among whichrife vp toughhoarie ftalks fer withthe like leaues,on the top wherofdo grow mal yellowifh floures : the root 1s tough,and creepeth far abroad,by means whereof it greatly increafeth, which formerly wasin the fecondplice, was of a finall wormwood, not differencfrom Alpinum the common kinde, but onlyfe inription phe fimanete, and moreaon menatan ace: ner callsic Abfert commie minus vel’ <now A w intended for thisy t nicten, of fome,as Ruellies and Cefal, nd the ms OfSea Wormewood. a Abfinthium marinum repens, 1 Abfinthium marinum album. White Sea VVormwood. of Pena and Letel; Creeping Sea VVotmwood: = Cuar. 449. Abjinthinm tennifolium Auftriacum. Auftrian .Wormewood. Of Smallleafed Wormewood, @ The Defiripsion, Mall leafed Wormwood bringeth forth ve. ry manylittle branches,flender, a {pan ora foot high,full of leaues, leffebya greatdeale, and tendefer than the former, molt finely and nicely minced: the floureslike thole ofthe for- mer, hang vponthe little branches and fprigs : the roots are fmall,creeping auertwhatt, from whence dorifea great number of yong fprouts: this VVormwoodalfois fornewhat white,and no leffe bitter than the broad leafed one, and hath notfo ranke, or fo vnpleafant a fmell, buc rather delightful, : q The Place. It grows plentifully in Myfia, Thracia,Hun- garicand Auftria, and in other regions neere in adio ning: it is alfo found in Bohemia, and many vntilled places of Germanie; itis 223 denplant in the low Countries, and in England. ‘ The Time. Tt bringeth rch floures and {eed in Autumne:a little while after when winter com meth, the herbe withereth away,but the roote remaineth aline, from whichleaues ane HAIKS do come againe in the fpring. f @ The Names. $ This Lobel calls Abfinthinm Panie” Tridentinnm Herbariorum : Clufits , Abjint iis ne Te tenuifolium Auftriacum: Tabernanvn nes 1, thium Nabathenm Auicenne : wee mayCAS* Englith,{mall leased Wormwood. adane q The Temperature. _ Small leafed VVormwoodis offacultie hot and drie,it is as bitter alfoasthe broadleafed 0% ; and oflike facultic. of aSe leafed Sea VVormweod hath very many foft leaues, growing clofe by the ground, fons Seeounnothing fo finely cut or -iagged as the other ofhis kinde : the floures gfow nyweaka fa he ftalks,ofa yellowdth colour: the root is tough and creeping. + This hathmavpon the ‘i er branches commonly two foot longat their ful growth,red ofcolour,and creeping indy oo :the leaues are fmall, narrow,long and iagged, or parted towards theirends into With meny : Ss chef, ate greene aboue,and grayifh vnderneath : the roppes of the branches are fet fines oflittle . Ralkes, fome inch long: which vponfhort foot-ftalkes comming out of the bo- tetatte je. : ace narrow leaues carry {mall round knops,like as in other plants of this kind : esandas Tr itterifh,and the fmell not vnpleafant : this growes with M*. Parkinfon ando- ithis Obfermatinet was firft fent ouer fromthe Ifle of Reesby M". John ogee e fase forth b : fons mentions it by the name of Abfiath.Pouticumfupinum Herbartornm; ane T abern: @ The Vertues, thby the title Of Abfinthinm repens. Thefaculties are referred vnto the common VVormwood. Cur. They Wentwdad mr q The Place. — Mt places a : eo grow vpon the raifed grounds in the fale eat A re ae fea, a Place.and retainer?” and;whichbeing brought into gardens doth there flourt as in his oaturall, ainetli his fmell;tafte,and naturall qualitie, as hathbeene often proued. } T haut nor ap Se near |