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Show 1608 — An Appendix to —¢- the Hiftory ofPlants. ————— The figure Lhere giue in the firlt place, out of Lobel, is ofa plant fome fix choneto hy t ofa feed: andfuchby fowing of feeds I haue feene growing in the garden of my de ; raat M‘. T g)> but they ill died at the firt approch of Winter. Theother figure s mis tt “ and fome of the feeds apart, taken forth of the cods : nowthe cods‘are neuer biousiewlel: te but theveterrindes are taken off, and theftrings or nerues that runne alons ft thecod : chen, andfeeds init are clofe thrutt together, and fo are brought to vs in pots and fich cea pre ; q The Temperature and Vertues, Wer The fruit or pulpe of Tamarindes is cold and dry in the third degree: it is of good vfe i lericke difeafes,as burning Feuers,Tertians, and the like sit isa fehitine and vets Sy hey ‘ a medicine andtherefore vied to be put into medicines feruing to that purpofe 2 Beh Peis 1609 : irt about therewith for fone nine foot high more: the frnitis round\and globe-fathioned,of the: fhape and magnitude of a {mall gourd, hauing whenit is ripe a yellowith, pulpe, which the inhabitants vfe to eate to loofen theirbellies : this fruit contains many kernels of the bignesofa {mal eafe, blacke and fhining, ofnovfe that he could Jearne, butwhich werecaft away as vnneceflary : the leaues comeforth amongft the fruit, growing vpon longfoot-ftalkes,and they in fhape much refemble the Planetreé or great Maple. Mamocrafamina. <Mamoera mas » The female Dugtree. The male Dugtree. ¥ 7 heyvfe (laich Alpinus) the leaues of Tamarindes tokill wormes in young children ; and al en or. decoctionto leofen the belly : the leaues are acide,and not vnpleafant vnto the J 1e Arabians preferuethe {mall andyet greene cods of this tree,as alfo the ripe ones, ej her with fugar,or the honeyboiled out of the fruit of the Carob tree: they alfo mix shes I ith i. gar, whichtzauellers carry with themin their iournies throughthe defarr places of Afizcki Ee with theybeing dryor ouerheated, may quenchtheir thirft coole and refreth themfel : indalfo euacuate many hot humorsby ftoole. : ae” In peftilent and al] other burning putridfeuers they drinke the water with fugar whereinac quantitie of Tamarinds hauebeen infufed forit is a drinke very pleafant to fucha rethi ‘eon reafon of too muchheate, for it powerfully cooles and quenches thir. ee et a oon inall putrid feuers caufedby cholericke and aduft humors, and alfo again{t the hor diftempers and inflammations of the liuer andreines, and withall again{t the Gonorth Some alfo commend themagaintt obftructions, the dropfic, iaundice. and the hotdif as of the Spleene : they conduce alfo to the cure of the itch, fab, leprofie tetters,and all fi civ. — ofthe skin which proceed ofaduft humors. ‘ : ; ae: _ Theyare not good for fuchas haue cold ftomacks, vnle heir ec ¢ ting tothem Mace, Anife feeds, Squinanth, or fuch Hi ee a Cuar. 14, Of the NMamoera, the Male and Female. q The Defcription. ag Fe Among ft fuch I thinke I may reckon that honeft and courteous man i yO returning i . the yeate 7 teen. cae seu a cout ofthat part of America called Brafile, fhewed mein fe told oc when pe aesinely colours had expreft sfome plants and ; liuing creatures : for as : colours, forhis ili _e eee ed: to trauell he Jearnedto paint, that fo he might expreffe in der,but ofa whitifh yellow colour, and nerica wherei . grow in that part of A ’ tor towat $ q' tor n the Equa Both thefe trees 5 recs diftant fro mth D 3 about thirteene de: pA \ y ing étos; losfan todos ae Baya bay , £ Portugals, the Antarticke pole. SAages d delight after he wasreturned home,fuchfingularities as he fhould obferueaone qoxsmongt Pole whieh hee in that booke had expreffed, I obferuedtwo very fingulat, ange nature, » whe i ifficultiie he beftowed vpon me,as alfo fo the the following hiker, whofe figures without any difficult Cuar. 185 two tre s. : whofe whofe mess youfee here expreft, are of the fame kinde,anddiffer only in: {ex; forThefe SSaes AC Of 1em, towit 2 j ren Ani - ‘ aoe Of the (loue-Berry Tree. 2 female one! Suis oe 1¢ male, 1S barren,and only carries floures, without any fruit ; but the orien ‘Y Haut,anc’ that without floure: yet they fay they are. fo louing, and offuch a nature, ben eybe fet far afunder, and the female haue not a male neere her, fhee becomesbarren, and ae i: >of which nature theyalfofay the Palmeis. Wwtheb + Ce . sf “os Se ee eee or trunke of that tree whichbearesthefruit is about twofoot thicke,andit grWthen fhall 7 aren before it beginto beare frnit;but whenit hath acquireda iuft magaituces ce the vpper part of the tree laden with fruit, and thar it willbeas it wer al q The Defiription. : d dil Seee 1 of this out of the Works of Muft alfo abftraa the hiftorie 7 Thaspots Ro “ (faich i he) is a moft true,res } ok, Non omnisfert omnia tellus : for I thinke there is no pto- ne stor! ds which produces not fome peculiar plant not growingin other regions, as they ae he 10 hauetravelled ouer forrein countries, efpecially ifthey haue applied rhemfelues e there itwas dwelt ee that Portug swich ugal Porthate c Senses but ofth kthe ethey cestabn ite tit he could notte 11; Fite s give 4 namethe Brafilian What cu fimili ; called Mamoera,and the fruit Mamaon,of the sila . male ; the but e, Spaniards arecalled Mamas and Tetas a femal male eand the of s i the forme of the trunke8 or leaue i rence in floures of ElThere is no diffe together vpon long ftalks like tothe es hanging downe,; cluftering only carries flour they affirme. q called by 2: Bay famous the ea reaced os eee thefe Se rant of snelacup Heth fopeanet rath the figuresI here giue you,are in the Cure Po7 giueityo aris: j oe Clafiws bere hiftory, and briefely n, > {tom whence will take as muchas co: ncernes their igent Clufiuswho ftorie of Cloues , both forthe nici oe nextafter inthenext the hiftorie . defcription ofthis fruit it forthin fetets s If ; his Bxoticks,ib.1.cap.17. affinitie the defcriptt I put (faith he) ee ee eS ee |