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Show 414. « Ofthe Hiftorie ot Plents. Liye 1sbs2e Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 415 or borcered with fmall blewith leaues,likea pale,as inthe Pouresof Cam mill, whichgrowi eummie of his ownenature , but the Indians becaufe they fee that out merchants riote the beft awhitifh rough downe,that flicth awaywith thewit de. Theroot is long ard threddy, Turbith by the gummineffe, are wont before they gather the fame,cither to writhe or elfe lightly 2 Thereisanotherkinde of Tripolinm like the: firft, but muchfmaller, wherein confiftediel difference. : 4 i q The Place. t : Thefeherbs growplentifully alongft the Englith coafts inmanyplaces,as bythe forr agains ‘Grauefend, in the He of Shepeyin fundryplaces, in a marth whichis \nder thetowne walls da Harwich,in the marfhbyiLee in Effex, ina marfh whichis betweentheIeof Shepeyand Sant wich, efpecially where it ebbeth and floweth : being brought into garcens, it fourithetha lag tobrufe them, that the fap orliquor mayiffue out; which root being once hardned, they picke out from the reft to fellat a greater price. It is likewife made white,as the faid A uthor fheweth being driedin the {unne: for if itbe dried in the thadow it waxethblacke, which notwithftanding may beas good as the white which is dried in the Sunne. Turbith Alexandr inumofficinarum, a The Place, . ; Turpetwm,.or Turbith ofthe fhops, : time, but there it waxeth huge.great, and ranke , and changeth the great roots into ftrings, | The Time. Ié gtowethby the fea fide, but Weerethat the wathor a : \ Coie TOE GRE Esra a z or three miles in vntil y Thefe herbs do floure in Mayand Iune. ; q The Names. am It is reported by menofgreat fameandlearning, that this plantwas called Tripolinnm, becal j : t ; Bazaimsandin p ces hard adioining saltoat Geaineal ZI) ‘at doth change the colour of his floures thricein aday. This rumour we may belecue,and itmay be true, for thatwe fee and perceive things ofas great and greater w onder to procced outofthe it growethp! aburidu@eofitis bro Ay) (44 earth. This herbeI planted in my garden, whither (in his feafon) 1 did repaire to findeouttte truth hereof,but I could not efpie anyfuchvariablenefl hercin , yet thus much J may fay,thata the heate of the funne doth change the colour of divers fioures , fo it fell out wit this, which in‘the morning was very faire, but afterward of a pale or wan colour. Which pro. j Z / bia, Afia the leffe, and alfo into Portingale andother parts of Europe : but that is pre: ferred which growethin Cambaya, g ) ; / ueth thar to be but afablewhich Déofcorides faith is reported by fome,that in onedayit cha LW, @ The Names: geth the colourofhis floures thrice: that is to fay, in the morning it is white,at noone pup, and in the euening ust: or crimfon. But ig is not vntruc, that there may be found threecolous Iris called of the Arabians,Perfians, and ofthe floures in one day,byreafon that the floures are not all perfected together(as before lp Turkes Turbith : and in Guzarata Ba ate: in the prouince Canara, inwhichis thecity ly touched) but one after another bylittle and little. And there mayeafily be obfemued the colours in them, whichis to be vnderftood of themthatare beginning tofloure, that arepetl ily floured, and thofe thatare falling away. For theythat are blowing and be not wide opena perfed, are ofa purplith colour, and thofe that are perfé@ and wide open, ofa whitifh blewsa Goa,Tignar : likewife in Europethe learned call it diuerfly, according to their feuerall fancies, which hathbred {undry controuerfies,as it hathfallen out afivell in Hermodatyls,as in-Turbith; the vfeandpoffeffion of fuch as haue fallen away haueawhite down: which changing hapneth voto fundry otherplant iThisherbe is called of Serapio, Turbith : womenthat cwell by the fea fide, call itin Englif blew Daifies,or blew Camomill;and about Harwichit is called Hogs beanes, for that th which wecannot feeme to want: butwhich fwine do greatly defire to feed thereon : as alfo for that the knobs about the roots doe fomewhat refemble the Garden Beane. It is called in Greeke cem’us : and divers others 4s: irmay befly called After Marinus, ot Amellus Marinus : in Englith, Sea Sraiwort,Serapio’s Turbith :of fome, Blew Daifies. The Arabian Serapio,doth call Sea Staiw ort, Turbith, and after him, aut yet Adtuarius the Grecian doth thinke that Turbith is the root ofAlypum : iefues indgedittobs the root of an herbe like fennell. The Hiftorie of Turbith of the fhops fhall be difcourfed vp in his properplace. q The Nature. Tripotinm is hotin the third degree, as Galen faith. @ The Vertues. o toot of Tithymalus mayr[init is is the true Turbit } healing ofwoundseither outward or inward. 53 Cuar. 94- 7 —— i =e Of Turbith ofeAntioch. q The Defiription. pter,to be Turbith: others haue {uppo- they knownot:.Gwillandinus faith, that the vhich caufed Lobelins and Pena to plucke vp by the rootsall the kindes ofTzthymales,and drie them very curioufly ; which whenthey had beheld, 4 ughly tried, they found itnothing fo. The Arabians and balfe Moores that dwell inthe a It is an excellent herbe againft poifon, and comparable with Pyrola, ifnot ofgreater plant is the true Turbith, we haue great caufe to doubt; Some haue thought our 772." polium marinum , deferibed in the former fed it tobe one of the Tithymales, but which kinde The rootofTripolinm taken in wine by the quantitic oftwo drams,driuethforth byfiegew™ tifh and groffe humors, forwhich caufe it is often giuen tothemthat hauethe dropfie. efficacyi ae oberia Aras Ziuen diuers names vato this plant and as their words arediners, fo haue they 10us ; but this name Turbith feeme to interpret tobeany milky root which lyy purgeflegme,as this plant doth. So that as men hauethoug! b ing them- f felues, they haue made manyanddiuers conftuGions which haue troublec nany excellent learned men to know what root is the true Turbirh. Burbrieflyto fer dawne my Opinionjnot vatying from the iudgment ofmenwhichare ofgreat experience; I thinke afluredly that the root of Scammony of Antioch is the true and vndoubred Turbith, one reafon e{pecially that moueth mefoto thinke is, for that 1 hauetaken vp the roots of Scammonywhich gre\in niy garden, andd compared compared them them with the r n which which I difference at: with the s OF f Turbith.betwee Lurbith,between I found found little little or or no difference at all £ Through all Spain(as Césfius in his notes vpon Garcias teftifies) they vfe the roots of Thap. fa for Turbith which al : brought hitherjand I keepe fomeof them by me, but they » tepeithtt : BS 3 ogeeis a plant hauing 3 nel ( ied a Portugal Phyfition faith that Turbith a rootw, hickpis ios E Steat long, fometim muchlonger : nor long ; :the ftalke is of: two fpans es 4 , 3 : : whichcreepeth in the groundlike Iuie,and bringethforth leaues like thofe of the ower Mallow. Thefloures be alfo like thofeof the Mallow, ofa reddith white colour 10) medi Binge purgelittle or not f r of the ane only, whichis next to the root and gummie,is that whichis profitableordike andis the fame tharis vfed in fhops: they chufe thatfor the beft which is hollow,a? "wih teed,brittle,and with a fmooth barke,as aio that whereunto dothcleaue a congealee ore 3 Zeca See are is faidto be gummofum, ox gummy, and fomewhat white. But,as Garcias faith10S 0°ait ne yfaculty. gin ; +‘ ‘ e;though it may be thegreen root orjuice mayhaue fome : 2 it to : hescusiy i pade | TI, The Temperature andVertues. purge flesmetto-which if there be ; haw aanoaet A ions it to purge flegme; to which if there be no feuer they adde gin- A 1e it viewithout in the broth ofachick en; and fometimes in faire water. sa foes . hird d leases . . , Aéfues weiter! t Turbith is hor in thethird ace ¢ ; and thar it voideth thicke tough p “egme out of the fto E ones; and i of the eee parts of the ner : but tis flow is 1g,and troublerh and ouerturneth the ftomacke ; andtherefore ginafticke, she semiciues,or and other f GES ae Yel fugar, leaft the are ith: the vith st ; alfo oile of {weet almondes, or almondes vie hero thould ain ors ter h the vfeherof fhould pine and fallaway,. Orhers tem- Mm 2 per |